Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 7/19/2010 CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, JULY 19, 2010 Alderman Noah Fiedler called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Also present were Aldermen Neil Borgman and Kert Harenda, City Engineer David Simpson, Public Works Superintendent Wayne Delikat and Public Utilities Superintendent Scott Kloskowski. Ald. Fiedler led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting was noticed in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on July 16, 2010. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JUNE 21, 2010 Ald. Borgman moved to approve the minutes of June 21, 2010. Seconded by Ald. Harenda. Motion carried 3-0. STATUS OF PROJECTS Janesville Road Reconstruction (Moorland to Racine) – City Engineer Simpson informed nothing new from County to report. Durham Drive Reconstruction – City Engineer Simpson said it is moving forward. Council passed relocation order, it has been signed and we are working on recording. Letters should go out soon to residents affected by acquisition. Durham Drive Sanitary Sewer Project – City Engineer Simpson advised drawings are 90% . Ready for budget to go forward. 2010 Road Improvement Plan – Preconstruction meeting on Wednesday. Will be starting in Ancient Oaks area. Curb and gutters will start late this week or early next week per City Engineer Simpson. Stoneridge Groundwater Remediation – Nothing new per Public Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski, nothing happened in the last month. Well #9, Well #13 Upgrade – Public Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski stated they are slowly getting Well #9 finished, they still need to plant grass. The big issue is abandonment of Well #5. When it was televised before filling it with concrete they found pieces of original drilling equipment. DNR wanted us to remove it, but now said leave it. It should be done before next meeting. Geomorphic Assessment, Southern Inlet to Big Muskego Lake – Several residents expressed concern regarding flooding within the watershed of a ditch system. City Engineer Simpson informed the Committee a study will continue this summer and a report will be done this winter as to what the engineers’ recommend to address the issues in the future. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 2 Discuss Sewer/Water Extension – Racine Avenue South of Woodland Creek Estates – City Engineer Simpson discussed with the Committee resident Jim Rozeski dividing his property and would like to have a private sanitary system for the new lot. Mr. Rozeski brought bids showing his cost to install sewer. Staff debated as much as Aldermen, it’s important to get as many homes in the City connected to sewer as possible. Ald. Borgman made a motion to allow Mr. Rozeski to do the land division without the need to install sewers. Seconded by Ald. Harenda. Motion carried 3-0. NEW BUSINESS nd Request Approval of 2 Quarter Town of Norway Sanitary Service Invoice - Public Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski stated normal bill from Town of Norway. Northing unusual. Ald. Borgman motioned to approve as presented. Ald. Harenda seconded. Motion carried 3- 0. Request to Make an Application for a Simplified Rate Increase to the PSC for Water Service – Public Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski advised the Director of Finance requested the Utility apply for a simplified rate increase to the Public Service Commission. If the Utility thst qualifies the rate would go into effect either 4 Qtr. 2010 or 1 Qtr. 2011. The current rate increase factor is 3.0 percent. Ald. Fiedler advised he would like more information from the Finance Department on it and to talk at the next meeting. Discuss Sewer/Water Extension North Cape Road, North of Durham Drive – City Engineer Simpson stated this was a land division creating two lots without an existing house. The division is near public sanitary sewer and water main. As is the case with all land divisions that have public sanitary and water main close to the land division, the decision must be made as to the requirements to extend services. Attorney Boisits informed that this is an estate property and at this time there are no plans for development. Ald. Borgman motioned to reaffirm the requirement to add sewer improvements at the time building permits are issued for the lots and waive them for the time being. Seconded by Ald. Harenda. Motion carried 3-0. nd Request Approval of 2 Qtr. MMSD Invoice – Each quarter MMSD bills the City for the sewer usage going to MMSD. There is nothing unusual this quarter per Public Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski. Ald. Borgman motioned to approve it. Ald. Harenda seconded. Motion carried 3-0. NEW BUSINESS PLACED ON FILE Request by Cindy Bennett to Consider Lease Agreement for the North End of Center Drive - COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW ADJOURNMENT Ald. Harenda moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 PM. Ald. Borgman seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Jeanne Struck Recording Secretary