Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 12/20/2010 CITY OF MUSKEGO approved PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2010 Alderman Noah Fiedler called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Also present were Aldermen Neil Borgman and Kert Harenda, City Engineer David Simpson, Public Utilities Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, and Public Works Superintendent Wayne Delikat Ald. Fiedler led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting was noticed in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on December 16, 2010. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 15, 2010 Ald. Borgman moved to approve the minutes of November 15, 2010. Seconded by Ald. Harenda. Motion carried 3-0. STAFF REPORTS None STATUS OF PROJECTS Janesville Road Reconstruction (Moorland to Racine) – City Engineer Simpson informed nothing new. Waiting for the County. Durham Drive Reconstruction & Sanitary Sewer Project – City Engineer Simpson stated it is going well. Utility Companies are working. Stoneridge Groundwater Remediation – Public Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski stated nothing new. (remove) McShane Pump Station Upgrade – Public Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski advised we received a letter from R&M with a new direction. City Engineer Simpson said it summarizes where we’ve been, how we got there and where we are today. The future plan is to extend the dual 20-inch force mains past McShane Drive. Storm Water Mitigation Studies (Southern Inlet to Big Muskego Lake, Cornell Drive, Fountainwood Subdivision, Luehring Drive, & Circle Drive – City Engineer Simpson advised that R&M had promised a report for Southern Inlet to Big Muskego Lake for this meeting, but had trouble getting it finalized. We should have for January meeting. Cornell Drive and Circle Drive we will discuss in New Business. Luehring Drive we are filing for the Chapter 30 permit for the storm sewer – that will be mailed in. Fountainwood Subdivision – before doing appraisals, it needs to be approved by Common Council. MMSD – still in holding -will not agree to funding at this time. Private Property Infiltration & Inflow (PPII) Reduction Plan – City Engineer Simpson stated – on hold, trying to get moving on this. They probably won’t have a plan in place until the earliest, February. 2 Private Property Sanitary Sewer Back Up Prevention Policy - City Engineer Simpson and Public Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski think we should move forward. Payment plan will go to Finance. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Request by Cindy Bennett to Consider Lease Agreement for the North End of Center Drive – Cindy Bennett advised she contacted an attorney, but did not get any documentation in writing. Will remove from agenda pending new information. Discuss Ownership and Maintenance Needs of Pond East of Parkland and North of Janesville - Ald. Borgman did not have anything new. Discuss design and construction of an asphalt parking area at the Durham Drive Boat Launch overflow parking area – City Engineer Simpson stated we do have an ordinance that requires hard surfacing. NEW BUSINESS Discuss results of Cornell Drive and Circle Drive Drainage Study - City Engineer Simpson discussed along with Randolph Videkovich and Ryan Kloth, both with GRAEF, a report analyzing multiple alternatives in order to provide an adequate level of protection for the “at risk” homes. In their report was an alternative comparison matrix for each problem area. For Cornell and Catalina, the installation of a 36” storm sewer from the problem intersection to Tess Corners creek is the most feasible alternative. This work would be contained in a public right of way and would be constructed as a customary public works storm sewer project. For the area along Circle Drive, none of the alternatives evaluated lowered the elevation of the water that currently affects S75 W19020 Circle Drive. The solution would entail grading on private property and require cooperation from the homeowners. Staff can obtain letter proposals from a minimum of three engineering firms for the design of the 36” storm sewer for the area of Cornell/Catalina. Also, scope a PPII reduction engineering contract with Brown & Caldwell and include the design of the Circle Drive solution as part of that process. Ald. Harenda made a motion to move forward as directed. Seconded by Ald. Borgman. Motion carried 3-0. Request for a street light at the intersection of Gregory and Parkland – Gregory Drive condominium resident Cynthia Albiniak stated at the intersection of Gregory Drive and Parkland Drive it is very dark and feels it poses a safety concern. City Engineer Simpson, Aldermen and Ms. Albiniak discussed the possibility of street lighting. Since Gregory Drive is a private drive, Ald. Fiedler advised four possibilities. 1. Do nothing. 2. Put up pole of her choosing on her property and she would pay maintenance and electricity. 3. Get a pole that is City standard and City will take over electricity and maintenance. 4. Illuminate community sign at entrance. Ald. Harenda stated he would check with Police Department on safety issues and then possibly it could be brought to Public Safety. NEW BUSINESS PLACED ON FILE None 3 COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW None ADJOURNMENT Ald. Borgman moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:12 PM. Ald. Harenda seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Jeanne Struck Recording Secretary