Public Works Committee- MINUTES - 10/18/2004 APPROVED CITY OF MUSKEGO PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2004 Chairman Chris Buckmaster called the meeting to order at 5:05 PM. Also present were Committee Members Ald. Nancy Salentine, Ald. Neil Borgman, Engineering/Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen, Public Works Superintendent Wayne Delikat and those per the attached sheet. Chairman Buckmaster reported that the meeting was noticed in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Buckmaster led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ald. Salentine moved to approve minutes of the meeting held September 20, 2004. Ald. Borgman seconded. Motion carried 3-0. ENGINEERING/BUILDING DIRECTOR – PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT REPORTS – Superintendent Delikat reported leaf pick up has begun and they are finishing up on the town hall roof. Three layers of asphalt shingles have been removed. STATUS OF PROJECTS  Tess Corners Pond Expansion/Drainage Issues (New Berlin) – The City of New Berlin is in the process of land acquisitions for the project. Sean and a representative from the City of New Berlin will be meeting with the DNR on Friday, October 15 to request approval to continue grant funding for this project until June th 2005. A meeting for Thursday, October 14 is scheduled to meet with the affected City of New Berlin property owners to discuss land acquisitions. Re-bid opening date is October 21, 2004 at 10:00 AM at the City of New Berlin.  Janesville Road Reconstruction Project – Waukesha County will be sending copies of the lease agreement documents for the parking lot next to the Country Trader this week. With this agreement Waukesha County is setting some requirements: - Indemnification from any contamination found during excavation - A Fence installed around the creek - Possibly extending the parking lot to the Tess Corners Fire Department and adding a secondary ingress/egress. There will be sufficient asphalt thickness for the fire trucks to drive through the parking lot also. The Condemnation Commission agreed with the County. Public Works Committee Minutes – October 18, 2004 Page 2 Director McMullen reported on the Condemnation Hearing between the County and the Schaumbergs. The Condemnation Commission agreed with the County as to the value of the condemnation.  Martin Drive Realignment – Areas are still settling. The Committee agreed to wedging the area and then do a replacement in Spring of 2005. Super Excavators is the contractor on this project. They will be paying the Engineers time and Payne and Dolan’s time.  Durham Drive Realignment – Working with DNR on filling of wetlands. The DNR has approved the final alignment and wetland impacts. Storm sewer design must be submitted for approval prior to a permit being issued.  Durham Cul de Sac - Two cases where the decorative concrete was driven through after hours. There are two claims for damage. The Contractor has insurance to cover the costs of repair.  Idle Isle Bridge Reconditioning – On site diesel tank leaked into the channel. A spill response team went out and cleaned up the area. The City notified the DNR. Ald. Borgman will notify Suzie Link of the Lake District. The false work, iron beams that hold the concrete up, has been approved. Finishing up work to the abutments and the deck should be poured by next week Tuesday or Wednesday.  Cherrywood Bridge Construction – Issues with the bridge being five feet too wide. Finishing up the investigation on where the mistakes where made and putting a process into effect so these mistakes do not happen again. The City will not have to pay anything for this project. Ald. Buckmaster requested to be notified before the bridge is open.  Freedom Square Ponds – Bids have been opened. Tentative schedule from the contractor. Contracts have not been sent out yet. Work is tentatively scheduled to th begin on November 20. One issue being resolved is the area from Lannon Drive, between the two existing homes, to the outlet structure which will need restoration from the storm sewer project. This same area will then be destroyed as an access to do the pond work. Director McMullen will do a change order for the restoration. Director McMullen and the Mayor are looking into the inlet between ponds 1 and 2. Ald. Borgman noted the invert is damaged. It is broken up into about a dozen pieces. There are two to three feet of difference in height from pond 1 and pond 2. Director McMullen suggested removing the invert and turning them into one pond. Director McMullen will write up a recommendation and bring to a special public th works before Council October 26. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Review status of Quietwood East – Woods Rd Damage – Director McMullen reported Woods Road will be repaired by Payne and Dolan when they pave Candlewood Creek st Addition. If the repairs are not completed by October 31 the bond will be pulled. Public Works Committee Minutes – October 18, 2004 Page 3 Status of installation of diverting structure – Quietwood Creek – The school has the resources dedicated to do this project. The work will be done this year when they do the parking lot construction. Discuss safety issues on Durham Drive South, before Durham Court – Superintendent Delikat reported the chevron signs have been put up and one more will be added. This item can be removed from the agenda. Annual discussion of draw down of both Little Muskego Lake Dam and Big Muskego Lake Dam – Superintendent Delikat reported Little Muskego Lake is already down 6-7 inches and Big Muskego is down 8-10 inches from dry weather. They have not started the th drawing down yet. Public Works will start the 25 drawing down the lake and end by November 15th. Total draw down is 18-20 inches. NEW BUSINESS: Martin Drive – second phase of traffic study for intersection of Marti Drive/Janesville Road – Director McMullen reported the County has completed the traffic study. Ald. Salentine moved to defer, seconded by Ald. Borgman. Motion carried 3-0. Review request to install removable pavers on drainage easement – Ferguson (Gold Drive)- This property is located south of School Drive, off of Gold Drive and across from Gem Dr. There is double-wide mobile home on the property. There are permits in for two decks and a garage. There is a drain tile that runs along the south line. The owner is requesting to put down 4”x6”x8” cobble pavers. Staff is recommending a revocable occupancy permit. If the City would need to come in and do work he will be given 30 days notice to remove the pavers, or the contractor will remove them and charge the owner for the work. Ald. Salentine moved to allow the cobble pavers through a revocable occupancy permit. Ald. Borgman seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Review request to waive regulation for road improvements (Russet Court) – Mr. Jay Strande has requested a waiver from the Public Works Committee from the requirement to construct a road to City of Muskego standards. The proposed land division on Russet Court would create a fourth property that would access a private drive. The two homes on the corner of Hillendale Drive and Russet Court are not allowed to move their driveways onto Hillendale Drive per a CSM requirement. This policy was put in place in order to prevent large private roads from being constructed. Private roads are generally constructed of gravel and are narrower than City streets. There is potential for safety issues related to fire,police, and rescue vehicles. Also, private roads are not maintained or plowed by the City. Staff is recommending the request be denied. Ald. Salentine moved to deny the request for a waiver to the public road improvement policy. Seconded by Ald. Borgman. Motion carried 3-0. Review Revocable Occupancy Permit – Deer Creek/Parkland Drive retaining wall – Cynthia Alivo residing at S76 W16826 Deer Creek Ct. installed a retaining wall without permits, because she didn’t know she needed one. After it was brought to her attention, she then applied for the necessary permits. The retaining wall is on the northeast corner of the property along Parkland Drive. Parkland Drive has an existing 80-foot right of way. The retaining wall encroaches 1-1 ½ feet into the right of way. There are currently no City of Muskego utilities near the wall and the wall is far enough from the roadway so that no Public Works Committee Minutes – October 18, 2004 Page 4 clear-zone violations exist. Staff is recommending a revocable occupancy permit to allow the retaining wall and if the City would need to come in and do work, the owner will be given 30 days notice to remove the portion of the retaining wall that encroaches into the right of way, or the contractor will remove the retaining wall and charge the owner for the work. Should the retaining wall ever be taken down, any other retaining walls would have to be rebuilt within the City setbacks. Ald. Borgman moved to approve a revocable occupancy permit for a retaining wall. Ald. Salentine seconded. Motion carried 3-0. SUBDIVIDER’S EXHIBITS - None ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS: Martin Estates, Candlewood Creek, Prairie Meadows- Director McMullen recommend deferral of the acceptance of improvements for Martin Estates, Candlewood Creek and Prairie Meadows. Ald. Salentine moved to defer engross, seconded by Ald. Borgman. Motion carried 3-0. NEW BUSINESS PLACED ON FILE – No action intended for these items. The following may be placed on the agenda at a future meeting. Candlewood Village traffic issues Cornell Dr. traffic issues Process for filling additional Building Inspector COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW - None ADJOURNMENT - Ald. Borgman moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:52 PM. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried 3-0. Respectfully submitted, Kellie Renk Recording Secretary