Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 11/15/2004 APPROVED CITY OF MUSKEGO PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2004 Chairman Chris Buckmaster called the meeting to order at 5:03 PM. Also present were Committee Members Ald. Nancy Salentine, Ald. Neil Borgman and Engineering/Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen. Chief John Johnson and Public Works Superintendent Wayne Delikat were excused. Chairman Buckmaster reported that the meeting was noticed in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Buckmaster led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ald. Salentine moved to approve minutes of the meeting held October 18, 2004. Ald. Borgman seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Ald. Borgman moved to approve minutes of the meeting held October 26, 2004. Ald. Salentine seconded. Motion carried 3-0. ENGINEERING/BUILDING DIRECTOR – PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT REPORTS – STATUS OF PROJECTS  Tess Corners Pond Expansion/Drainage Issues (New Berlin) – The Mayors of Muskego and New Berlin met today. Both Communities are satisfied with the language of the agreement. New Berlin will pay for the decorative Gazebo, parking lot, trees and lighting. Instead of a 50/50 agreement it will be more of a 42/58 agreement. Grant dollars are different from these items, which were not grant eligible. Director McMullen will send out a memo to the Aldermen identifying what items are included in the grant and what is part of the recapture. Director McMullen noted for every dollar recaptured by the City of New Berlin fifty cents goes back to the City of Muskego. Janesville Road Reconstruction Project – The final surface course is scheduled to go in the first part of next week.  Martin Drive Realignment – Payne & Dolan is installing a wedge over the damaged areas. This will stay on the agenda until permanent repairs are completed by Super Excavators in Spring of 2005.   Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Public Works Committee Minutes – November 15, 2004 Page 2 Idle Isle Bridge Reconditioning – Bridge deck is completed. The railings are up. Contractor will be out within the next seven to ten days to install the beam guard. Once the beam guard is installed, the bridge will be permanently opened.  Cherrywood Bridge Construction – Completed negotiations for the request for extra money related to the bridge being construction 5’ wider than indicated on the construction plans. Received DNR concurrence on the new bridge design. The deck and parapet walls have been installed, including the decorative surface treatment and railings. Curb and gutter and asphalt will be constructed the week of th November 15. The bridge will be opened the following week. The architectural staining and painting will be completed as weather permits; however, if conditions aren’t favorable, they will be completed in spring of 2005.  Freedom Square Ponds – Contracts were mailed to contractor. Engineering/Building Inspection Director is working with the alderman of the district and Condo Association to resolve questions and concerns brought up by the Condo Association and as issues are discussed, correspondence will be sent to the Committee for information. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Review status of Quietwood East – Woods Rd Damage – Director McMullen suggested this item be removed from the agenda. The repairs were completed a day before the deadline. Staff time of 39-42 hours was billed to the developer at $65-85/hr. Status of installation of diverting structure – Quietwood Creek – This project will be done in spring with the Bay Lane parking lot improvements. In early spring the City will drop off bails of straw to get them through the till the structure can be installed. Martin Drive- second phase of traffic study for intersection of Martin Drive/Janesville Rd – Waukesha County has not submitted the traffic study to the City. Director McMullen will call Paul Barthel at the County again. Ald. Salentine moved to defer. Seconded by Ald. Borgman. Motion carried 3-0. NEW BUSINESS: Review entry signs for Candlewood Village – Director McMullen stated Candlewood Village is requesting to install a monument sign on the east side of Moorland Road. The sign will be placed 12 feet east of the snowplow ramp. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend to Common Council for the approval of the monument sign. Ald. Borgman seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Review Revocable Occupancy Permit – Lake Access 13 – Director McMullen explained the property owner along the east side of Lake Access 13, also know as Michi Drive Extension, has installed a retaining wall which encroaches 1.5’ to 2’ onto the Lake Access 13 parcel. Director McMullen recommended a Revocable Occupancy Permit to allow the structure to remain in the present location until a time it is replaced or 50% or more is damaged. The revocable occupancy permit contains language that should the City decide to increase the use of the access or if the wall interferes with a proposed project on the Public Works Committee Minutes – November 15, 2004 Page 3 access, the petitioner, at their own expense must remove the encroachment within 30 days of notice being given by the City of Muskego. Director McMullen also recommended adding the following: #5 – Issuance of this permit shall not be construed as a waiver of the occupant’s obligation to comply with any more restrictive requirements imposed by local ordinance. #6 – Encroachment area is to be used for open/green space only. Storage of any kind will not be permitted, including, but not limited to materials, equipment, vehicles, recreational vehicles and boats. Furthermore, within 15 days of approval, asphalt parking and driveway areas shall be removed from within 3 feet of the property line, and said area shall be restored and maintained in a vegetative cover. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend to Common Council for approval of the Revocable Occupancy Permit with the addition of #5 and #6. Seconded by Borgman. Motion carried 3-0. Discuss Committee submittal deadlines – The policy of the Public Works Committee for submittal is a minimum or 10 days prior to the meeting. Director McMullen is requesting this deadline be enforced for residents and developers, to allow time for staff to research and prepare the supplement for the Committee packets. The Committee agreed and finds the supplements very helpful. Discuss recreation trail requirement – Pellmann Property – Mrs. Karen Fockel was present on behalf of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pellmann, to discuss a recreation trail being installed as part of a CSM for the division of their existing parcel at the Northeast corner of Woods Rd and Bay Lane. Director McMullen explained the recreation trail would be completely constructed within the right of way. Director McMullen explained the Pellmann’s are asking to create a four lot CSM. Precedence has been set through the Wernette CSM where they were required to install a recreational trail along Woods Road. The Pellmann’s could enter in an agreement with the City to do the recreational trail as part of the City’s Road Program. Director McMullen stated he would save as many trees as possible, but some would have to come down. Ald. Buckmaster stated the Committee will be addressing safety signage at the recreational trail intersections at future meetings. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend to the Plan Commission and Common Council that the recreational trail be installed along the north side of Woods Road from the back of curb at Bay Lane (including all necessary curb modifications) to the eastern property line of the CSM. Further move that the Planning Department, in consultation with the City Attorney draft the necessary documents, subdividers agreement, for the installation of the proposed improvements. Ald. Borgman seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Discuss driveway of property at S74 W21052 Field Drive as result of road paving by Payne and Dolan – Mr. Dennis Herdeman was present to discuss the quality of the road paving on his driveway. Ald. Buckmaster read the background information. The City of Muskego entered into a contract (2004 Road Program) with Payne and Dolan for the reconstruction of Field Drive. During the reconstruction of the roadway, it was learned that the drainage along the Herdeman property would need additional measures to prevent the trapping of surface water run off. The contractor began by creating a depression in the driveway to allow the surface water to drain properly. This remedy proved to be Public Works Committee Minutes – November 15, 2004 Page 4 inadequate as it caused a drastic depression in the area. After consultation with Public Works and the contractor a culvert was installed, and an asphalt patch was also installed over the new culvert. The patch extended approximately 10’ up the property owners driveway and was cut in with a butt joint to ease any transition between the new pavement and the existing driveway. The Petitioner is requesting the patch be extended approximately another 5’-10’ up the driveway, and the second driveway wedge at the circle driveway be replaced. Mr. Herdeman explained when the road was repaved the grade of the road was raised. Mr. Herdeman was unhappy with the work the contractors did. He spoke to Doug Buth of Payne and Dolan. Mr. Buth stated he would have to talk to Sean McMullen at the City. Mr. Herdemann met at his property with City staff Sean McMullen and Wayne Delikat and also Doug Buth and Mike Benish of Payne and Dolan. It was agreed that a saw cut would be made to install a single culvert to resolve the standing water problem. Mr. Herdeman stated he asked Mike Benish how far they would need to come back to in order to resolve the problem. Mr. Herdeman stated Mike Benish showed him the area which Mr. Herdeman spotted at the second mature tree. Mr. Herdeman stated he weed wacked back to that point. Mr. Herdeman explained his father was ill and he could not be home while the work was to be done. He called Doug Buth and requested Mr. Buth call him when they would make the repairs. Mr. Herdeman returned home and the work was completed without him being informed. Mr. Herdeman called Mr. Buth, who suggested he call Sean McMullen at the City. Mr. Herdeman called Mr. McMullen and scheduled a meeting. At the meeting Mr. Herdeman was referred to the Public Works Committee. Mr. Herdeman showed the Committee pictures he had taken of the work that was done and also of standing water days after it had rained. Mr. Herdeman is unhappy with the workmanship and quality of the installation. Mr. Herdeman is concerned about his safety during winter when the water that is standing at the end of the driveway freezes. Director McMullen explained it was his administrative decision that the driveway was repaired and met the contract and policies of the Public Works Committee. Mr. McMullen stated he was not aware of the conversation between Mr. Herdeman and Mr. Benish as to the footage. Director McMullen explained an option to repair could be to have Payne and Dolan come back and install a butt joint at Field Drive and one on the driveway between two saw cuts. The cost of that would be between $750-$800 dollars. Director McMullen will call Payne and Dolan and speak to Mike Benish and Doug Buth. Ald. Salentine moved to defer to the second week in December prior to Common Council. Ald. Borgman seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Determination of “No Parking” signs on Durham Place cul de sac – The Committee discussed the issue of no parking along Durham Place. Ald. Buckmaster explained there is a ditch and no shoulder along the left side of Cornell Circle which makes it unsafe to park there. Ald. Buckmaster further stated that Bushy’s Pub and Grill has certain requirements they must comply with per the Fire Code. The residents along Durham Place do not have a problem with no parking and if there were an event they would only have to notify the Police Department ahead of time and parking would be allowed. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend to Council for approval of the “No Parking” and fire lane signs to be installed along the east side of Durham Place from the north right of way of Cornell Drive north to the center of the cul-de-sac. “No Parking Fire Lane” signs to extend from the center of the cul-de-sac west-southwest to the new entrance to Bushy’s pub and grill. Further, no parking along the west side of Public Works Committee Minutes – November 15, 2004 Page 5 Durham Place from the limits of the fire lane through the north right of way of Cornell Circle. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Motion carried 3-0. Review latest speed analysis for Cornell Drive – Director McMullen explained the traffic th counters were set in October. The 85 percentile speed in each direction was within the limits of a 25mph roadway. 6000 cars passed the counters in a two-week period, which is standard for that area. Counters were out prior to the cul-de-sac and construction on Janesville Road. There was an increase while Janesville Road was closed. SUBDIVIDER’S EXHIBITS – Director McMullen stated the subdivision Crystal Lake is located off the Deback parcel off Muskego Dam Road. The road and storm sewer are public. The plans meet all the requirements from Chapter 13 and the City Codes. Ald. Salentine recommended to Council for approval of Crystal Lake stormwater, grading, street, stormsewer and erosion control plans. Ald. Borgman seconded. Motion carried 3-0. ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS NEW BUSINESS PLACED ON FILE – No action intended for these items. The following may be placed on the agenda at a future meeting. Candlewood Village traffic issues Process for filling additional Building Inspector COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW - None ADJOURNMENT - Ald. Borgman moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:40 PM. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried 3-0. Respectfully submitted, Kellie Renk Recording Secretary