Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 3/22/2004 CITY OF MUSKEGO PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, MARCH 22, 2004 Approved Chairman Nancy Salentine called the meeting to order at 5:04 PM. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Salentine led those present in the Pledge Allegiance ROLL CALL Present were Committee Members Ald. Eileen Madden and Ald. Chris Buckmaster, Engineering/Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen, Public Works Director Wayne Delikat and those per the attached. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE Chairman Salentine noted that the meeting was noticed in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ald. Madden moved to approve minutes of the meeting held February 24, 2004. Ald. Buckmaster seconded, motion carried. STATUS OF PROJECTS Engineering Director Sean McMullen updated the committee on the status of projects:  Rosewood Landscaping - Nothing new to report.  Tess Corners Pond Expansion/Drainage Issues (New Berlin) - The public notification has expired and no comments were received. The DNR permit was received today and Sean will put signed copies in all of the committee’s mailboxes.  Janesville Road/Moorland Road Intersection - Nothing new to report. Ald. Salentine inquired as to status of recent meeting with contractor. Engineering Director McMullen advised that he did meet with the contractor and the contractor has agreed to mill down the base of the asphalt and put the correct base thickness in and repave the area. Sean clarified that we are responsible for the borings for approximately $350.00.  Janesville Road Reconstruction Project - Preconstruction meeting is scheduled for 3/25/04 and the construction operation’s meeting is scheduled for thst 3/12/04. Construction start of April 15 thru May 1 has not changed.  Durham Drive Realignment - Nothing new to report.  Martin Drive Realignment - Nothing new to report.  Schubring Bay - Nothing new to report. Public Works Committee - March 22, 2004 Page 2 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Discuss Urban/Rural Drainage - Public Works Superintendent Wayne Delikat reported that the dams have been closing up as the ice thaws and are now totally closed. Review status of Quietwood East – Woods Road Damage - Engineering Director McMullen noted that there is nothing to report until the asphalt plant has been opened. st Ald. Buckmaster reminded the committee that there is a June 1 deadline by which the repair has to be completed. Status of Schubring Bay - Ald. Salentine advised the committee that the Little Muskego Lake District Commissioners are looking for resolution with the concrete apron. Engineering Director McMullen stated that he met with the contractor on March 18, and the contractor advised that the concrete apron would be patched on nd Wednesday or Thursday of week of March 22. Sean advised that he is working with the tavern owner and resident to have them sign off of the restoration and water concern. Ald. Salentine requested that she and the Chairman, Suzie Link, be emailed when final patching is complete, as they would like to close out the contract so that she can do the final assessment. Continued discussion on Recreational Trail - North Field Green Subdivision - Representatives from the Parks & Recreation Board and Developer, Mr. Bill Carity, appeared before the committee to discuss the proposed Recreational Trail. Engineering Director McMullen explained to the committee that he had presented this request to them at the special Public Works Committee meeting of February 24, 2004 and the committee requested that Mr. McMullen appear at the next Parks and Recreation meeting and request the Board’s reconsideration as the committee felt that a recreation trail along Sandalwood cannot be accommodated. The width available to accommodate a trail is less than six feet because of the additional roadway width on Sandalwood. With the new cross-section there is only enough room for a 5.5-foot wide path, which is less than the standard 8-foot wide section. The Parks & Recreation Board stated they would like to see the city be as accommodating to the needs of the pedestrians as they have been to the developers. Not finding a resolution to the issue, the Parks & Recreation Board established a sub- committee to meet with the developer to discuss a safe way through this high-density area. Sub-committee members are Mr. Manchester, Mr. Hulbert and Mrs. Koble. The Parks & Recreation Board also moved to recommend to Public Works Committee that an off-road, multi-use recreation trail be installed in the Sandalwood area connecting Janesville Road and Moorland Road. Mr. McMullen brought to the committee two options to be discussed that show a 3-foot clear zone and 5-foot concrete. These options do not meet the City’s standards. Option #1 shortens the clear zone and the potential of offsetting centerline of the roadway and allows for an 8-foot path, moving fire hydrants. Sanitary sewers are designed to go down the middle of the road. If we were to offset the centerline, you will be driving on the sewer manholes. Option #2 is basically the same as Option # 1, adding high back curb that needs a minimum of 3 foot clear zone for safety for a 6 foot wide path. Mr. Hulbert stated that the intent is to interconnect Woods Road. Public Works Committee - March 22, 2004 Page 3 Engineering Director Sean McMullen stated that the developer of this subdivision would actually do this extension/connection between the two developments. Ald. Buckmaster clarified that when Waukesha County has completed the widening of Janesville Road, west of Moorland Road, they will be doing the final asphalting for the trail. Mr. McMullen also brought to the committee’s attention that the cost for the internal connection of the path would be the city’s liability. Ald. Madden stated that she would prefer that the committee keep with original plans for construction of recreational trails. Chairman Salentine asked the developer, Mr. Bill Carity, if he had any comments. Mr. Carity briefly stated that this request was something new. This proposal is not shown on any City plans so he had not included this path extension as part of his development. After considerable discussion, Ald. Madden moved to recommend to Council not to approve the installation of the requested recreational trail on Sandalwood Drive as they felt that there are plans for interconnection and do not feel that it is necessary and that the City should not absorb the additional cost. Seconded by Ald. Buckmaster, motion carried 3-0. NEW BUSINESS Discuss walking trail for Martin Estates using City storm sewer easement/Mr. Charles Liebel - Mr. Liebel and Mr. Mike Adamczyk appeared before the committee to discuss request. Sean presented the committee with a copy of the final plat for Martin Estates hi-lighting an area just off of Crimson Court. Mr. Liebel explained that they would like to install a walking trail that would require going around the existing pond, which has an existing 30 ft. storm sewer easement. They are wondering who owns the easement, as they would like to use it for the trail. Sean explained that the Homeowner’s Association is responsible for all of the maintenance of all of the stormwater facilities and all of the easements associated with them. They are also responsible for all of the roadside ditches. If the Homeowner’s Association wants to create that recreation trail, all they need is concurrence from the Association. The question is would the committee have an issue with putting down wood chips and could they limit the use to the Homeowners Association or is it open to the public. The Committee advised that the potential nature trail would be owned by the Association and limited to the Association. Public Works Superintendent advised that he has no problem with installing wood chips. Mr. Liebel also stated the need for a street light at the intersection and Mr. McMullen advised that it is on order and will be installed this Spring. Ald. Madden moved to approve the above request to install a nature trail using wood chips subject to the Association’s approval. Seconded by Ald. Buckmaster, motion carried. Request for encroachment into a storm sewer easement (Plum Creek Settlement) - Mr.Kris Gresser - Engineering Director McMullen presented correspondence from Mr. Kris Gresser dated March 15, 2004, requesting a variance of 13.5 inches on the City’s 30 ft. utility easement to add an attached single car garage to his existing attached 2-car garage. The new garage will be 22.5’ long x 10’ wide. At the northeast Public Works Committee - March 22, 2004 Page 4 corner of the existing garage, Mr. Gresser has 30.88 ‘ of property and at the southeast corners he has 28.8’ of property. Staff has no problem with the request. Ald. Buckmaster moved to approve the request for encroachment of 13.5 inches on the City’s utility easement for the purpose of constructing an additional garage. Seconded by Ald. Madden, motion carried 3-0. ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS - None COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW SUBDIVIDER’S EXHIBITS - None ENGINEERING/BUILDING INSPECTION DIRECTOR’S REPORT - None ADJOURNMENT Ald.Madden moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:56 PM. Seconded by Ald. Buckmaster, motion carried 3-0. Respectfully submitted, Cathie M. Anderson Recording Secretary