Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 6/28/2004 CITY OF MUSKEGO PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING Approved MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, June 28, 2004 Chairman Chris Buckmaster called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM. Also present were Committee Members Ald. Nancy Salentine, Ald. Neil Borgman, Engineering/Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen, Police Chief John Johnson and Public Works Superintendent Wayne Delikat. Chairman Buckmaster noted that the meeting was noticed in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Buckmaster led those present in the Pledge Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ald. Salentine moved to approve minutes of the meeting held May 17, 2004. Ald. Borgman seconded. Motion carried 3-0. STATUS OF PROJECTS Engineering Director Sean McMullen updated the committee on the status of projects:  Rosewood Landscaping - Paula Johnson didn’t receive the 5/14/2004 letter because of an error in the address. Resent letter and received email from her and responded to her email.  Tess Corners Pond Expansion/Drainage Issues (New Berlin) – The City of New Berlin has approved all relocation orders and they have been sent to the DNR. Still looking at a Fall 2004 construction date.  Janesville Road/Moorland Road Intersection – Nothing new to report.  Janesville Road Reconstruction Project – City has received a new schedule th for road closures and Woodland Place to Tess Corners will be closed on July 6 for 28 days.  Durham Drive Realignment - Nothing new to report.  Martin Drive Realignment – Checking with Vivian Kuss from WE Energies on status of the relocation of streetlight. Contractors for Chamberlain Hills subdivision are doing replacement on segments going into subdivision as well as ditch replacements.  Idle Isle Bridge Reconditioning – the work on Idle Isle Bridge is scheduled to thst commence on September 12 through November 1. The bridge will be closed most of that time because it is a complete deck replacement. Wayne Delikat, Public Works Superintendent, suggested that a sign be posted as soon as th possible advising of closing. A sign will be posted by July 9 to inform the public of the dates that the park and launch will not be open to the public. Public Works Committee Minutes – June 28, 2004 Page 2  Cherrywood Bridge Construction – Towne Realty has not selected a contractor. They are looking at different alternatives for their construction timing. They are aware that the bridge construction has to be done prior to any building permits being released for Candlewood Creek Add. 1. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Discuss Urban/Rural Drainage – Nothing new to report. Review status of Quietwood East – Woods Rd Damage – Nothing new to report. NEW BUSINESS Establish policy and procedure for refuse and recycling service for commercial properties with single-family living units and multi family apartment complexes, including condos – Ald. Salentine moved to defer to a special meeting prior to Common Council. Seconded by Ald. Borgman. Motion carried 3-0. Establish speed limit on Durham Drive/Moorland Road North - – Ald. Salentine moved to defer to a special meeting prior to Common Council. Seconded by Ald. Borgman. Motion carried 3-0. Discussion on street re-naming – Durham Drive north of Moorland Road- – Ald. Salentine moved to defer to a special meeting prior to Common Council. Seconded by Ald. Borgman. Motion carried 3-0. Discuss drainage issue Quietwood Creek – (Tomczyk property W159 S7635 Quietwood Dr) and Giallanza property W159 S7635 Quietwood Dr.) - Ms. Tammy Tomczyk was present to discuss problems with drainage on her property. There is a water retention pond to the south of her property. When these two lots were developed the water from Bay Lane School drained through the easement and scoured the bank. The erosion has been so deep Ms. Tomczyk can stand in up to her shoulders. The developer has laid riprap in her back yard to try and stop the erosion. All the water in the subdivision is dried up and Ms. Tomczyk feels the water is coming off the school property. Director McMullen stated installing a berm around the school with a small pipe would slow the rate of the water coming through. Director McMullen also recommended planting a vegetative cover to reduce erosion. Ald. Salentine moved to cost share with the developer to install a diverting structure. Ald. Borgman seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Director McMullen will follow up with the homeowner as to when the berm will be installed. Review traffic study – Lions Park Drive – Chief Johnson reviewed the traffic study th with the Committee. He noted the 85 percentile is 32-34mph and the posted speed is 25mph. Ald. Salentine stated the residents are requesting something be done to slow the traffic. Ald. Salentine moved to install speed bumps pending signatures of approval from the property owners of the houses on each side of the speed bumps. Ald. Borgman seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Superintendent Delikat noted it would be about six houses per bump. The speed bumps will be left up until October st 1 and the Police Department will put the counters up during that time. Public Works Committee Minutes – June 28, 2004 Page 3 Review proposed ordinance amendment to Chapter 9, Section 9.01(1) and 9.02(b) – Paint ball/airsoft weapons – Chief Johnson informed the Committee kids are shooting with paintball and airsoft guns which is currently against the ordinance. Chief Johnson is recommending changing the ordinance to allow these types of guns on private property with permission of the other person. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend to Council approval of amendments to Chapter 9, Section 9.01(1) and 9.02(b) to read: 9.01(1)(b) The firing of discharging of devices which propel a projectile by means of spring, air or gas pressure including but not limited to BB and pellet guns, and Airsoft guns, is permitted only upon private premises by persons who are over 14 years of age or are under the direct personal supervision of a parent or guardian. 9.02(b) This section does not prohibit the throwing of snowballs, or use of paintball, Airsoft, or other such objects with the mutual consent of the parties involved in such activities, and with other conditions as may be required by ordinance. Seconded by Ald. Borgman. Motion carried 3-0. Discuss drainage concerns – Parkland Drive Subdivision – Ald. Borgman explained Parkland Subdivision is having problems getting water through the drainage ditch. He feels the ditch has not been maintained. The ditch is very steep and the homeowners are not physically able to get equipment down there to maintain it. The drainage ditch is filled with sediment, cattails and leaves which does not allow water to drain through. With the work being done on the pond Ald. Borgman is requesting the City assist the homeowners in cleaning out the ditch; specifically, the 150 feet between Briargate and the pond and the 150 ft prior to Briargate. Ald. Borgman also explained in the mid-80’s the other ditches of the subdivision were cleaned out. The areas that were fixed up are west of Parkland Dr, the north side of Parkland, and a number of houses on the northern half where the basements were caving in. Ald. Salentine explained she looked into the Association’s Declarations for the Parkland Development. On page 11 it states the declaration runs with the land and is binding for 50 years. Ald. Salentine also pointed out that the City has not assumed responsibility for the open space area. Ald. Salentine, Sean McMullen and Wayne Delikat met with Willard Bertram who was supervisor of the Public Works department at that time. He explained the work Ald. Borgman was referring to in the 80’s was not done as maintenance. The City felt they had caused a problem with a cross culvert pipe and were correcting it. Ald. Salentine pointed out if the City were to do a special assessment and assess the 117 homeowners for the cost, during that process the homeowners could protest the assessment and the City would be out the money they have invested. Ald. Salentine suggested the subdivision re-establish the homeowners association. Ald. Buckmaster will discuss with the Plan Commission possibly requesting the developer of the Basse land behind Briargate to include a tree buffer at the time of the final plat. Mr. David Wolfgram (7240 Parkland Drive) stated there is heavy sediment in the culvert behind his and his neighbor’s house that drains down from Parkland Drive across Public Works Committee Minutes – June 28, 2004 Page 4 Janesville Rd including the 8 family buildings and the Pick N Save complex. He is concerned his basement may fall in due to the water and the ditch not draining properly. Jim Kurtz (Eaton Court) water sits on his property and does not drain. Mosquitoes have become a problem. Mr. Billy Densen (Briargate) does not feel this is a Homeowner’s Association issue but a DNR issue. He would like the ditches to be clean to handle all the water being brought down from the new developments. Director McMullen will put together a cost estimate including land acquisition, design and legal costs. Ald. Borgman will receive a copy a week before the next meeting and can distribute to the homeowners. This will be on the agenda for next month. Mr. Tom Scrobel (Eaton Court) stated 30 years ago the City did not allow him to put a culvert in and fix the drainage in his yard. He also explained the other homes that are not affected will not join a homeowners association. Review grading and drainage plans for St. Andrew’s Village – Director McMullen reviewed the grading and drainage plans for St. Andrew’s Village with the Committee. Director McMullen explained the plans have changed since this Committee approved them. Four lots were added at the end of the cul-de-sac and the road has been extended. The grading and storm water goes into the existing ponds, not into the wetlands. The plans meet MMSD’s Chapter 13 requirements and the City’s Chapter 34 storm water requirements. Ald. Salentine moved to approve the changes to the St. Andrew’s Village grading and drainage plans. Seconded by Ald. Borgman. Motion carried 3-0. Review proposed amendment to Chapter 7 of the Municipal Code - Section 7.16 Compression Braking Prohibited – Director McMullen reviewed with the Committee the proposed amendment to the Municipal Code to prohibit compression braking on all state, county and local streets. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend an amendment to Chapter 7 of the Municipal Code to include Section 7.16 Compression Braking Prohibited. Seconded by Ald. Borgman. Motion carried 3-0 Discuss policy for mountable curbs- Deferred to next meeting. Discussion on traffic (speed) enforcement on Bay Lane – Ald. Buckmaster noted there were four citations issued last month for speeding. Thanks to the Police Department for enforcement of this area. Discussion on speed limit Janesville Road, between Moorland and Bay Lane – The Committee discussed the speed on Janesville Road between Moorland and Bay Lane. Ald. Buckmaster stated that for a short stretch between Moorland Rd and Bay Lane the speed limit is not consistent with the speed from College to Racine. Ald. Salentine moved to direct Mr. McMullen to send a letter to the County requesting them to look at the speed limit on Janesville Road between Moorland and Bay Lane to make it consistent with the 35mph speed limit from College to Racine. Public Works Committee Minutes – June 28, 2004 Page 5 Ald. Borgman seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Ald. Buckmaster noted that County Supervisor Dan Pavelko is willing to help with this issue. ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS: None COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW - None ADJOURNMENT - Ald. Borgman moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:25 PM. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried 3-0. Respectfully submitted, Kellie Renk Recording Secretary