Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 1/26/2004 Approved PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, January 26, 2004 Acting Chairman Ald. Chris Buckmaster called the meeting to order at 5:05 PM. Present was committee member Ald. Eileen Madden. Also present were Engineering/Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen, Public Works Superintendent Wayne Delikat, Ald. Chuck Damaske, and those per the attached list. Chairman Nancy Salentine arrived at 5:12 PM. Acting Chairman Buckmaster led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. Acting Chairman Buckmaster noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Ald. Madden moved to approve the minutes of the meeting held October 27, 2003 and the special meeting held November 25, 2003. Seconded by Ald. Buckmaster, motion carried 2-0. STATUS OF PROJECTS  Rosewood Landscaping - Mayor Slocomb and Sean met with Paula Johnson (S72 W14867 Rosewood Drive). Ms. Johnson’s newest request is filling of the easement area up to the right-of-way line and installing fence at the right-of-way line. We will be looking at possible locations and different alternatives for filling in this area. Once a decision has been made and agreed upon by Ms. Johnson, Sean will advise committee. However, if large amounts of fill will be brought in to this easement area, those plans will be brought before the committee for their approval.  Tess Corners Pond Expansion/Drainage Issues (New Berlin) - The environmental issues have been approved and the DNR’s engineer has signed off on the project. The permit application should be going to publication within the next 15-20 days. This has to be in the paper for 30 days and if no one objects, a permit is then issued. Once a permit is issued we will look at land acquisition with the City of New Berlin with a late Summer or early Fall 2004 construction start.  Janesville Road/Moorland Road Intersection - The borings are back for this intersection. They show that the asphalt thickness ranges from 2” to 10” deficient. At the last meeting, Ruekert & Mielke did report that they mis-staked approximately 100 feet of this intersection; however, the insufficient base begins at the north end of the island all the way to the center line of Princeton Drive. Once this report comes back from MES, we will have another meeting with Waukesha County, the contractor and representatives from Ruekert & Mielke to determine who is to pay what. This should cost the City of Muskego no more than approximately $250.00 for borings. Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes of January 26, 2004 Page 2  Janesville Road Reconstruction Project - The DNR had objections regarding navigating waterways and the retention pond in back of BioSource Flavors. The City of Muskego requested a meeting with the DNR, on behalf of Waukesha County, and we were able to negotiate minor changes to address the DNR’s concerns. This delay will backup the bid date from January 22, 2004 to February thst 17, 2004. The construction start of April 15 thru May 1 will not change. Sean advised that the final plans have been received today, January 26, 2004. The only change is in the box culvert at Tess Corners. Instead of being 148 feet long it is 140 feet long. Ald. Damaske questioned how long the project would actually take. Sean advised that the contractor has from April 15, 2004 to December 15, 2004 to complete the project. Ald. Damaske asked if they would be able to park on Janesville Road. Sean advised that during construction it would be posted “no parking” as the County will need all of the right-of-way to stage construction. All parking on Janesville Road will be eliminated permanently. Sean stated that the contractor would take the existing asphalt out and replace.  Durham Drive Realignment - Waiting to find out if CMAQ funding has been approved. Once we get final word from the State, the committee will be notified.  Martin Drive Realignment - All of the works has been completed and final payments have been held due to sewer trench settlement at the Basse driveway. Once the paving plants open in Spring, this will be corrected, at no cost to the City, and the funds will be released. At the request of the Public Services Committee, Waukesha County has reopened the request for traffic signals at this intersection. They are approximately 20% completed with the study review and once Sean receives this information, he will forward on to the committee.  Schubring Bay - Dredging will be started this week. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Discuss Urban/Rural Drainage – Superintendent Delikat reported that crews are cleaning out dead trees and snowplowing. Review status of Quietwood East – Woods Road Damage – Sean McMullen reported that this item is being kept on and as soon as the asphalt plants open, the contractor will have 15 to 30 days to repair. It has to be repaired by June 1, 2004, or the City will take the posted bond money and order the work completed. Status of Schubring Bay Dredging Project - Sean reported that he and Supt. Delikat were out there today and figured that they are 40% done with south side; 10 -15% done with the north side and 50-60% done with the east side. The Contractor has been lucky with the weather. If weather holds, the project should be done by next week. Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes of January 26, 2004 Page 3 NEW BUSINESS Discuss mailbox damage on Gold Drive/Peplinski - Ald. Damaske appeared before the committee with constituents Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Peplinski. Wayne Delikat stated that the public works department employee did hit the mailbox and that the 6’ x 6’ post was replaced. Mr. & Mrs. Peplinski stated that the post was originally cedar and that the replacement was pine. Mr. Peplinski would like the pine post replaced with a 6’ x 6’ cedar post. Mr. Peplinski presented the committee with an estimate of approximately $550.00 After considerable discussion, Ald. Madden moved to direct the Public Works Department to take out the pine 4’ x 4’ replacement post and put in a 6’ x 6’ foot cedar post and replace the pine trim with cedar, noting that this is an exception to the department’s policy. The property owners will take care of all staining/painting this Spring. Seconded by Ald. Buckmaster, motion carried 3-0. Ald. Damaske thought that the committee might have to address this policy with the newer subdivisions putting in custom mailboxes. Sean reminded the committee of an instant in 1996-97 where a masonry structure was built with mailbox enclosed. It was damaged and the original cost was approximately $3,000.00. This claim was denied. This decision is on this particular claim only, and is not setting a new policy. It was understood that the Public Works Committee will be securing the cedar and doing the installation. Review stormwater and grading plans for Stonebridge Subdivision - Sean presented the committee with the storm sewer, paving, and stormwater management plan which is an extension off of Phase I, Champions Village. Currently all of the paving, storm sewer, grading and stormwater meet the requirements of the City, but the stormwater management does not meet the requirements of MMSD. Sean will be applying for an exemption for a small area that drains off the golf course that is uncontained. He expects MMSD to give the approval upon the City’s explanation. Ald. Madden moved to recommend approval of the storm sewer, paving and stormwater management plan for the Stonebridge Subdivision noting that it meets all of the City’s requirements. Seconded by Ald. Buckmaster, motion carried 3-0. Review stormwater and grading plans for Big Muskego Estates - Addn. #1 - Sean explained that the committee has already seen these plans but because of considerable changes, he wanted to bring it back to committee. One of the major changes is that the large retention pond has been increased in size to knock down some potential flooding problems that the City is having off of the Hi View Drive area. Some of the other things that have changed were the grades along the large cul de sac to take care of ground water tables that exist in that area to raise the basement grades above the groundwater table. Ald. Madden moved to recommend approval without contingencies. Seconded by Ald. Buckmaster, motion carried 3-0. Review stormwater and grading plans for Candlewood - Addn. #1 - Sean reviewed the plans for Candlewood, Addn. #1, and explained that the committee has also reviewed these plans previously but as a result of DNR requirements, they need to shorten a lot of the grading area. In exchange for Towne Realty giving us the land for well #9, we gave them an easement on the south and west side of the creek for their stormwater purposes. Ald. Buckmaster moved to recommend approval of revised plans, as submitted. Seconded by Ald. Madden, motion carried 3-0. Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes of January 26, 2004 Page 4 COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Ald. Salentine questioned the placement of fencing at Rosewood Subdivision. Sean explained that it was showing different alternatives to an affected resident. This item will be rectified. SUBDIVIDER’S EXHIBITS – None. ENGINEERING/BUILDING INSPECTION DIRECTOR’S REPORT – None ADJOURNMENT – Ald. Buckmaster moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:49 PM. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Cathie M. Anderson Recording Secretary ca