Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 4/26/2004 CITY OF MUSKEGO PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING approved MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, APRIL 26, 2004 Chairman Nancy Salentine called the meeting to order at 5:01 PM. Also present were Committee Member Ald. Chris Buckmaster, Ald. Eileen Madden, Police Chief John Johnson, Public Works Superintendent Wayne Delikat and Engineering/Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen. Chairman Salentine noted that the meeting was noticed in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Salentine led those present in the Pledge Allegiance APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ald. Buckmaster moved to approve minutes of the meeting held April 13, 2004. Ald. Madden seconded, motion carried 2-0. STATUS OF PROJECTS Engineering Director Sean McMullen updated the committee on the status of projects:  Rosewood Landscaping - Nothing new to report.  Tess Corners Pond Expansion/Drainage Issues (New Berlin) – The City has received DNR and Army Corp or Engineers permit. The relocation order is going to the City of New Berlin’s Common Council agenda for their second meeting in May and will be discussing the project with the DNR and their relocation experts before that meeting. Looking at a late summer, early fall construction date.  Janesville Road/Moorland Road Intersection – The City met with Waukesha County, the contractor and representatives from Ruekert & Mielke on Tuesday, th April 20. The roadway repairs will be completed in early May with the three contractors and Ruekert & Mielke sharing the cost. The repair will go from 5 feet north of the median at Moorland and Janesville to the south right of way line of Princeton Drive. th  Janesville Road Reconstruction Project – Construction will start on April 26. All construction details can be seen by linking into the City of Muskego’s website – engineering/Janesville Road Reconstruction.  Durham Drive Realignment - Nothing new to report. th  Martin Drive Realignment – Met with the contractor on May 4 to take care of road damage caused by sewer settling.  Schubring Bay – Everything is completed. Sent a letter today to the Little Muskego Lake District Commissioners advising of completion. Public Works Committee Minutes – April 26, 2004 Page 2 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Discuss Urban/Rural Drainage – Superintendent Delikat reported that the leaves have been composted and work has been started on the Sunny Hill Storm sewer. Ald. Buckmaster stated someone from Waukesha County would be contacting Public Works to look at the drainage ditches on the southeast side of Janesville and Bay Lane. Review status of Quietwood East – Woods Rd Damage – Asphalt plants opened st today. Woods road should be repaired by June 1. NEW BUSINESS Review bridge plans for Cherrywood Drive (Candlewood Creek Subdivision) – Director McMullen reviewed with the Committee the plans for the Cherrywood Bridge. The bridge connects Candlewood Addition with the existing Candlewood Creek. According to the Army Corps of Engineers the bridge has to be designed, approved, and permitted by the City. The City has the Chapter 30 and US Army Corps of Engineers permits. The bridge will be clear span, 30feet wide, 61/2 feet tall and 42 feet in length. The bridge will cost the developer about $400,000 and the City will pay zero dollars. The bridge is part of the development because all subdivisions must have two accesses as required by the fire code. The bridge will be similar to the Jewel Crest bridge. Ald. Buckmaster moved to approve the plans for the Cherrywood Bridge. Ald. Madden seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Approval of Idle Isle Bridge reconditioning – Director McMullen explained last year the Department of Transportation informed the City the Idle Isle Bridge is not permitted or approved for the use the City is using it for. The bridge was installed by Mr. Hardtke in 1958 to access his house. The City has requested transportation aids and is only eligible for $8000 because it is an existing structure that doesn’t fall within the parameters of the bridge funding. If the City takes over the bridge and conditions it to a HS20 or greater the City would get about $15, 000-20,000 additional funding every 2 years. The estimates to recondition the bridge are about $65,000-$85,000. Director McMullen recommended bidding mid July – mid August with a late Sept. to early Oct construction start. The park will have to be closed for about two months in fall. Director McMullen recommended doing the lake draw down the first or second week in November. The bridge and boat launch will be done at the same time. Ald. Buckmaster moved to approve the Idle Isle Bridge reconditioning. Seconded by Ald. Madden. Motion carried 3-0. Approval of Revocable Occupancy Permit for extension of unimproved Ruby Drive Right of Way – Robert & Judith Strelow own the property at S65 W18422 Ruby Drive. The previous owners requested to use the Silver Drive and Ruby Drive intersection which is the unimproved roadways by the lake access 12 on Jewel Creek to extend the driveway and add a garage. Public Works Committee allowed them to use the access point but they could not construct a driveway or garage. The Strelows are now trying to get financing. There is a 3-foot by 11 1/2 foot encroachment of the garage onto City’s property. The Revocable Occupancy Permit allows the encroachment of the gravel driveway and garage temporarily. At any time with 30 days notice the City can require the garage be removed. Director McMullen also noted if for whatever reason 50% if the building had to be rebuilt the new structure would not be allowed to Public Works Committee Minutes – April 26, 2004 Page 3 encroach onto City property and would have to meet the required setbacks including the gravel driveway. Ald. Madden moved to approve the Revocable Occupancy Permit for S65 W18422 Ruby Drive. Seconded by Ald. Buckmaster. Motion carried 3-0. Approval of relocation of driveway – Horwath Property W208 S8255 Hillendale Drive – Mr. Dustin Wolff, representative of Location 3 – developer of Fireside Orchard, sent a letter requesting the Horwath driveway to remain in its current location. Director McMullen explained in 1994 the owner of this parcel of land subdivided his parcel by CSM. As a condition of the CSM approval the Plan Commission placed the stipulation when Fireside Lane is constructed, the driveway access for lot 2 (Horwath Property) is to be relocated to access Fireside Lane. Director McMullen stated he has no issues with the driveway remaining in its current location. The reconstruction of Hillendale Drive removed the hills and the sight lines that were at one time an issue. Ald. Buckmaster moved to approve the driveway at W208 S8253 Hillendale Drive to remain in its current location. Seconded by Ald. Madden. Motion carried 3-0. At the time the final plat is recorded the requirement will be removed. Approval of road layout, soil erosion and stormwater management for land division (Red Oak Court/Racine Avenue) – The existing property owner is proposing to do a 3 lot subdivision with a future private roadway. The intent of Public Works policy is that 3 lots do not have to be improved 4 lots or more must be improved. Director McMullen’s recommendation is for the developer to dedicate the road as a public right of way and improve as a driveway with 3 access points. A small bulb will be created at the end to get the full 80 feet at the base setback line. The City will not maintain the road. If the developer would request the City to take it over in the future, the road would have to be brought up to City standards to include a 24foot roadway, curb, gutter and storm sewer. Director McMullen also recommended to the Committee the developer must submit a storm water management plan, grading plan and erosion control plan and it must be approved prior to the release of building permits. Ald. Buckmaster moved to approve staff recommendations on road layout, soil erosion and storm water management. Ald. Salentine seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Review request to waive curb & gutter requirement (Heather’s Way) – According to Chapter 18 requirements in conservation subdivisions the Public Works Committee can make a recommendation to Council on whether or not curb an gutter should be installed as part of the development. The areas around this development are open ditch with no curb and gutter. Mrs. Schmitt sent a letter stating why she does not want curb and gutter in this development. As with the Martin Estates development, the City would not own the ditches and will not maintain them. The homeowner’s association would have to hire a private company to clean out the ditches. The subdividers agreement and stormwater management agreement would be amended to include the roadside ditches and would be recorded as part of the actual plat. Ms. Schmitt is not expecting much drainage trouble. Plantings along the ditch should prevent erosion into the ditches. Director McMullen clarified the City will be responsible for snow removal and base patching after the subdivision has been turned over to the City, but the City will not be responsible for mowing the subdivision. Ald. Buckmaster moved to waive curb and gutter requirements subject to requirements of maintenance to be in the subdividers agreement and then assigned to homeowner’s association. Ald. Madden seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Public Works Committee Minutes – April 26, 2004 Page 4 Review request to waive stormwater management requirements for the base plan (Heather’s Way) –Director McMullen clarified the developer is not asking to have the stormwater management requirements waived but showing the stormwater management as part of the yield plan. Director McMullen explained there is a provision in Chapter 18- Conservation Subdivisons, that requires a yield plan. A yield plan shows where the outlot is for stormwater management which could amount to 1-2 lots. There is a discrepancy between staff recommendation and the developer’s interpretation of the rule. Director McMullen’s recommendation is that stormwater management plan has to be part of the yield plan. Big Muskego Estates and Chamberlian Hill showed stormwater management as part of the yield plan and was deducted from the lots. Ms. Schmitt explained previous staff had recommended going for the waiver because of wetlands and confusion on the amount of wetlands on the property. There is an existing structure on the proposed development and the developer is proposing an additional nine other structures. The conservation area to the south is the low part of the development where the water will naturally flow. Director McMullen clarified the City’s Chapter 34 does not allow the use of wetlands for the use of water detention or retention. Ald. Buckmaster asked the Committee to defer to allow him time to meet with Director McMullen to get a better understanding of the process. Ald. Buckmaster moved to defer two weeks for a special Public Works prior to Council. Seconded by Ald. Madden. Motion carried 3-0. Discuss request for speed control – Country Club Villages – Ald. Madden explained she has received calls from residents of Champions Village concerned of kids using the subdivision as a detour to avoid the traffic lights. Chief Johnson recommended doing a speed and traffic count and reviewing the data at the next meeting. Ald. Buckmaster moved to direct Chief Johnson to do a speed and traffic count in Champions Village. Ald. Madden seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Ald. Buckmaster moved to defer to next meeting. Seconded by Ald. Madden. Motion carried 3-0. ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS: None COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW - None SUBDIVIDER’S EXHIBITS - None ENGINEERING/BUILDING INSPECTION DIRECTOR’S REPORT - None ADJOURNMENT - Ald. Madden moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:58 PM. Seconded by Ald. Buckmaster, motion carried 3-0. Respectfully submitted, Kellie Renk Recording Secretary