Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 9/24/2001 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING – CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 24, 2001 MEETING . Chairman Nancy Salentine called the meeting to order at 5:07 P.M. Present were committee member Ald. Butch Le Doux, Mayor David De Angelis, Ald. Mark Slocomb, Public Works Supt. Wayne Delikat, Sean McMullen Engineering/Building Inspection Director, and those per the attached list. Ald. Patrick Patterson was absent. The meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Ald. Le Doux moved to approve the minutes of the August 27, 2001 meeting. Seconded by Chairman Salentine, motion carried. STATUS OF PROJECTS - Sean gave the following update on status of projects: Woods Road Reconstruction – Contractor is putting on the last lift of asphalt on Phase 2 and Phase 3 and will be completing driveway and final restoration with a completion date of October 7, 2001. The DNR originally issued a permit for discharge and grading and the State will not final out the permit until all of the restoration has been completed. This means that the State will not pay the Contractor or the City until project has been signed off on by the DNR. Sean advised that a meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, September 27, 2001, with all of the utilities involved in order to come to some resolution. Drainage Issues/City of New Berlin - The City of New Berlin’s Common Council and the City of Muskego’s Common Council are both anticipated to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement for the preparation of a storm water management plan in the Tess Corners Creek North Drainage Basin that is located between both cities at their respective council meetings on Tuesday, September 25, 2001. The committee reviewed the 66.03.01 agreement and Ruekert & Mielke’s scope of services for Tess Corners Creek. Sean explained that this particular agreement is for “design” only and that there will be another 66.03.01 agreement that we will be entering into which will be for the construction, land acquisition, etc. This design project will determine what the actual project will cost. Ald. Le Doux moved to recommend to Council approval of the 66.03.01 Agreement with the City of Muskego and to enter into the agreement with Ruekert & Mielke for Scope of Services. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried. Freedom Square Ponds – Sean advised that he met with Todd Weik and Michael Campbell of Ruekert & Mielke last week and they are proceeding with a pond management program to lower the elevation of the overflow and spillway that goes into Schubring Bay which will increase the storm water capacity and the storm event capacity in the freedom square ponds 1 & 2. The drainage design is 75% compete. Janesville Road Reconstruction Project – Project is on track. Land acquisition starting in 2003 with construction starting with 2004. Public Works Committee Meeting September 24, 2001 - Page 2 Martin Drive Realignment/Bay Lane Signals – design is 80% complete. Looking at three additional pieces of right-of-way that need to be purchased; one on the corner of Bay Lane/Janesville Road from the owner of the firestone property. Martin Drive Alignment - Waukesha County wants a wider turning bay on the southbound lane of Martin Drive at Janesville Road that means we have to acquire additional .2 acres from the property owner. Drainage Issues/City of New Berlin – Sean spoke with engineering from City of New Berlin about what is planned to be done with the drainage problem on the land that originally housed the 24 outdoor theatre and he was told that New Berlin was moving that project up in their five year capital plan to take care of drainage by possibly enlarging existing ponds. MMSD Storm Water Regulations – Nothing has been finalized. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Discuss Urban/Rural Drainage – Nothing new to report. Status of Public Works Committee procedures and policies – Nothing new to report. Further discussion of flooding problems on Circle Drive – Sean and Wayne reported that they have completed shooting grades and determining easement ownership in the flooding area. There is a four-foot fall from intersection of Circle Drive and Richdorf to the boat launch so the water can be routed around. They explained that they would like to create a dual overflow system which means that they would like to fill the roadside ditches to next to nothing and put in a storm sewer system (30” concrete pipe) inside the existing ditch line and drain the yard water into small drains where ditch use to be. They would also create a berm along the Weiner property line for extra protection so that water does not go into their basement. This project can be done by the public works department and hopefully can still be done this year and within this year’s budget. Sean will bring all cost estimates and timeline to October meeting. Ald. Le Doux moved to defer until the October meeting so that the committee can review cost figures. Seconded by Chairman Salentine, motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Review plans for Rustic Road – Mr. Tom Golubski (S67 W21247 Tans Drive) appeared before the committee to discuss his proposal to have Crowbar Drive, from Tans Drive to Denoon, designated as a Rustic Road. Try to induce cities to keep roads rustic in nature. Limitations are that you don’t create high-density commercial development along the road, to preserve the rural nature of the road. The Rustic Road proposal must be sent to the State Rustic Road Board. Recommendations must also be received from all abutting communities that would include Waukesha County, City of Muskego, City of New Berlin and Town of Vernon and then send to the State for final approval. Ald. Le Doux moved to send a recommendation to the Plan Commission and Common Council to approve the creation of Crowbar Drive as a rustic road. Seconded by Chairman Salentine, motion carried. Review of Storm Water Management plan for Wiza Industries – David Ballestreri appeared before the committee to discuss the storm water management plan submitted for Wiza Public Works Committee Meeting September 24, 2001 - Page 3 Industries. Wiza Industries is adding an additional 25,000 sq. ft. to their existing building, which is located between Apollo and Gemini in the City’s industrial park. A discharge had to be created which drains into the wetland and into the ditch. The plan submitted has all of the requirements. Ald. Le Doux moved to approve the Storm Water Management Plan for Wiza Industries as submitted. Seconded by Chairman Salentine, motion carried. Review Proposed Road Assessment Policy – Sean distributed a copy of an existing communities road assessment policy. Mayor and committee discussed whether or not there is a need for a road assessment policy and felt that this item should be deferred for further study. Ald. Le Doux moved to defer. Seconded by Chairman Salentine, motion carried. Review drainage diversion request – Rosewood Estates (Don Miller) – Mr. Don Miller appeared before the committee to discuss drainage diversion request for Rosewood Estates original addition. He is asking that we reroute drainage into the Candlewood & Moorland Corridor. Sean explained that if we do open it up as Mr. Miller is suggesting, we would be creating another water problem in the east area. Mr. Miller is requesting that the City let the water drain to the open ditches on Moorland Road-South. After a lengthy discussion, Ald. Le Doux moved to defer to allow engineering department to shoot elevations on Durham Drive in order to determine water flow, acknowledging that Ald. Slocomb volunteered to assist the department with the shooting. Seconded by Chairman Salentine, motion carried. Discuss drainage problem on Kingston Drive (Ray Vees) – Mr. Vees appeared before the committee to discuss drainage problem on his property on Kingston Drive. Mr. Vees has an 8- 10 inch tile that runs within one foot of his footings. There are numerous cracks in the tile resulting in run-off flooding his property. Sean is working with a company and it has been determined that the only solution is to pipe burst so that they have a new pipe. The estimate to do the work is $26,000. At the present time Sean cannot find any drainage easements for that pipe so it makes it difficult going on private property. The property east of Mr. Vees is in the watershed. Sean does not feel that it is possible to replace the damaged drainage tile and that the best solution would be to put in a drainage tile to take care of the whole area. Ald. Le Doux moved to defer until we receive a cost estimate and to check with each neighbor to see if they are receptive to granting a drainage easement. Seconded by Chairman Salentine, motion carried. Ald. Le Doux would like to be notified when this surveying work is being done. Highway Superintendent’s Report – Wayne Delikat reported that ditch cleaning is continuing. The City’s machine was down as was Payne & Dolan’s machine so there has been a delay, but work is now proceeding and anticipated to be completed. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Ald. Le Doux moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:49 PM. Seconded by Chairman Salentine, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Cathie M. Anderson Public Works Committee Meeting September 24, 2001 - Page 4 Recording Secretary