Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 10/22/2001 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING – CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved MINUTES OF OCTOBER 22, 2001 MEETING . Chairman Nancy Salentine called the meeting to order at 7:10 P.M. Present were committee member Ald. Butch Le Doux and Ald. Patterson, Ald. Mark Slocomb, Public Works Supt. Wayne Delikat, Sean McMullen Engineering/Building Inspection Director, and those per the attached list. The meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Ald. Patterson moved to approve the minutes of the September 24, 2001 meeting with the correction in Drainage Issues/City of New Berlin to indicate “agreement with City of New Berlin”. Seconded by Ald. Le Doux, motion carried. STATUS OF PROJECTS - Sean gave the following update on status of projects: Woods Road Reconstruction – Supt. Delikat did a final walk-through on Thursday, October 18. Contractor is completing driveway and final restoration. The State DOT wants us to accept roadway as it is. Mayor and Sean will be meeting this week with the head of the DOT’s Southeast District to discuss concerns City has with the way project was conducted as there are many concerns and we still have items we feel need to be completed. Drainage Issues/City of New Berlin/Highway 24 Theatre Site – Sean advised that the City of New Berlin is checking into areas for a new well and want to make sure that a site is secured before proceeding with engineering on this regional pond. Freedom Square Ponds – Sean advised that he had met with the Army Corp of Engineers and is now waiting for a wetland delineation to be completed by SEWRPC. When that is completed, he will again meet with representatives from the DNR and Army Corp of Engineers to finalize the three ponds. Sean also advised that he is trying to secure the TRM Grant funding for $150,000 applied to this project. Moorland Road South Extension/Durham Drive Reconstruction – PHASE II – Sean presented the route location study report from Ayres & Associates, for Phase II of the project (McShane Drive to Hwy “OO) and requested that the committee review and contact him with any concerns. He advised that a public informational meeting would be scheduled for the first part of January 2002 in order to receive public input. Janesville Road Reconstruction Project – Project is on track with design phase. Land acquisition starting in 2003 with construction starting with 2004. Waukesha County will be paying for reconstruction of box culverts and the bridge on Tess Corners Drive between Open Pantry and the Tess Corners Volunteer Fire Department. Public Works Committee Meeting October 22, 2001 - Page 2 Martin Drive Realignment/Bay Lane Signals – Waiting for final appraisal document. Rights Letters will be going out shortly. The owner of the Firestone Store has indicated that he is willing to work with the City on the required acquisition of property on the triangular piece of property on the corner of Janesville Road and Bay Lane. MMSD Storm Water Regulations – A meeting is scheduled for the third Friday of November. MMSD has removed one section of requirements as a result of the public hearing comments. It is still required that we submit every plan after January of 2002. Sean did note that MMSD does not have any objection jurisdiction for any property east of Durham Drive. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Discuss Urban/Rural Drainage – Nothing new to report. Status of Public Works Committee procedures and policies – Nothing new to report. Further discussion of flooding problems on Circle Drive – Sean presented a cost estimate for the installation of the storm sewer extension for this project. The estimate assumes the use of reinforced concrete pipe for all of the buried installations. Due to the relatively shallow cover and the need to prevent the pipe from “floating” this material is the best product for this installation. The total cost estimate for this project is $61,057.15, which does not include the costs for stone, trucking, restoration, labor for City personnel or the use of pumps, or additional equipment that may be necessary to complete this work. Sean updated the committee that after further research, he is able to cut the estimate by approximately $8,000.00 by purchasing some rough 30” CL III pipe, bringing the estimate to approximately $52, 839. It is also assumed that the City would hire an outside contractor to help with the installation of this material. Revenue source has not been determined, but it is hoped that other project overage might be able to cover this project. This item will be added to Status of Projects. Further review of drainage diversion request – Rosewood Estates (Don Miller) – As a result of a motion made at the September meeting, Sean advised that he and staff did shoot elevations on Durham Drive in order to determine water flow. Mr. Don Miller, developer of Rosewood Estates, had asked that we reroute drainage into the Candlewood & Moorland Corridor; letting the water drain to the open ditches on Moorland Road-South. After reviewing the elevations, the committee was in agreement that the rerouting would not be possible. Ald. Patterson moved to deny request. Seconded by Ald. Le Doux, motion carried. Status of drainage problem – Kingston Drive (Vees) – Supt. Delikat advised that he had met with adjoining property owner and property owner does not have any objection to installation of new drain tile to be put on his property. This project will be added to Status of Projects as it cannot physically be done until summer. NEW BUSINESS Review of grading and drainage plans/Muskego Historical Society (Don Pionek) – Sean supplied committee with a memorandum listing the items that need to be completed before Public Works Committee Meeting October 22, 2001 - Page 3 this project can receive approval by this committee. The memorandum included 17 technical items that need to be addressed, however he feels that the most important item being the location of the retention pond in proximity to the municipal well. In accordance with NR 811.16(4)(d)5. a minimum 1000 ft. separation must be maintained between the well head and any retention area. The committee also questioned the paving requirement of the Plan Commission. It was agreed that additional berming would be required and possible sheet draining to the north with all water going into the wetlands. Ald. Le Doux moved to defer until all items have been addressed by petitioner and request that this item be moved up to Status of Projects. Seconded by Ald. Patterson, motion carried. Discuss Martin Estates Conservation Subdivision/Consider use of Rural Street Cross Sections (Plan Office) – Mr. Tony Zanon (Jahnke & Jahnke Associates) and Mr. Ed Carow (Real Corp., LLC) appeared before the committee to request approval to install open ditches which is allowed in the Conservation Subdivision ordinance. The ordinance running a rural cross section that is open ditches. The developer and engineer did state that they would be installing concrete inverts in areas that were over 5% of slope. It was also agreed that funds would be escrowed for pond drawdowns. Sean advised that he has no problem with the open ditch concept as long as the steep areas are done with concrete inverts. Mrs. Karen Dohm, a property owner on Field Drive (S75 W21497) appeared before the committee and supplied the committee with a letter and pictures that depict the drainage problems that they have faced with flooding and drainage of Field Drive and Anne’s Way. With heavy rains, the existing pond on the Martin property overflows and drains down along Bartalotta’s driveway to the northwest corner of the property and floods their property. As this property is now being developed, they are concerned that this will add more water runoff from this property. It was agreed that final calculations are necessary before resolving drainage concern. Ald. Patterson moved to approve the petitioner’s request for open ditches with the understanding that all ditch maintenance on this property will be added to the Developer’s Agreement as the responsibility of the Subdivision and also that the City will work with the engineers on this project to correct existing drainage problems on neighboring property. Seconded by Ald. Le Doux, motion carried. Mrs. Dohm has asked to be advised of the Public Works Committee meeting when final calculations will be reviewed. Final recommendation to Council on Moorland Road South Extension/Durham Drive Reconstruction – Sean reviewed with the Committee the two alternatives for Moorland Road South Extension – Janesville Road to 800 feet south to McShane Road. He provided probable construction costs for Alternative 1 and 2 for Durham Drive from approximately Woods Road to McShane Drive. Alternative #1 is the original alternative alignment providing for a two lane rural roadway adjacent to and west of the existing Durham Drive. An 80 ft. right-of-way is estimated to be acquired. Alternative #2 is the proposed alignment reconstructing the existing two lane rural roadway and remaining within the 100-foot existing right-of-way. The cost for Alternative #1 is $885,900 and the cost for Alternative #2 is $570,00; a difference of $320,900. He noted that roadway cost unit prices were taken from Wisconsin Department of Transportation cost per mile of 2 lane rural roadways. Ald. Patterson moved to recommend to council Alternative #2 with additional cost to be added of putting in Public Works Committee Meeting October 22, 2001 - Page 4 whatever turn-around areas for all six affected properties keeping the existing roadway. Seconded by Ald. Le Doux, motion carried. Review proposal for temporary use of road reservation (Frank Switala) – Mr. Switala appeared before the committee to advise that he has sold part of the family farm and it is being developed. As part of the sale, he has granted the developer an easement for a pond for drainage. Plan Commission has requested a road reservation for a public street. It is the opinion of everyone that the road reservation will probably never come to be a reality. He would like the committee to allow him to take the pond that is required on the remnant piece he is keeping and project it into the area over the road reservation, or as far south as possible. Sean explained the problem with there being an old trestle/culvert over the area that, if ever ruined, might never be allowed by the Army Corp. of Engineers to be replaced. After considerable discussion, Ald. Patterson moved to deny request. Seconded by Ald. Le Doux. Ald. Le Doux wondered whether the pond could be reconfigured on the property. Sean advised that because of the RS-3 zoning, it would not appear to be possible, but that possible the final engineering plans will result in enough area for the pond to be reconfigured leaving 5 developable parcels. Sean did confirm that slopes could be started at road right-of-way. Motion carried. Review quotes on used equipment & trucks - Bid advertisement had been put in the City’s official paper and the Dodge Reports. The following high bids were received: Striper $ 5.00 Pressure Washer $ 21.00 4” Pump $ .50 IH Mower $ 10.00 Gas Pump $ 20.00 Diesel Pump $ 20.00 1988 InternationalTruck $8,001.00 1971 InternationalTruck $ 500.00 Post Hole Digger $ 601.00 Ald. Patterson moved to accept all high bids as listed above, with the exception of the bids for the 1971 International and 1988 International that will be re-bid. Seconded by Ald. Le Doux, motion carried. Acceptance of Improvements Lakewood Meadows Subdivision – Sean advised that the Public Utilities Committee have accepted all sewer improvements and that it was now up to the Public Works Committee to accept all roads and storm water improvements for this subdivision. Ald. Patterson moved to accept the road and storm water improvements for Lakewood Meadows Subdivision. Seconded by Ald. Le Doux, motion carried. Highway Superintendent’s Report – Wayne Delikat reported that ditch cleaning was finished today. Public Works Committee Meeting October 22, 2001 - Page 5 ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Ald. Patterson moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:59 PM. Seconded by Ald. Le Doux, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Cathie M. Anderson Recording Secretary