Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 6/25/2001 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING – CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved MINUTES OF JUNE 25, 2001 MEETING . Acting Chairman Butch Le Doux called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Committee member Ald. Patrick Patterson was present. Also present were Public Works Supt. Wayne Delikat, Sean McMullen Engineering/Building Inspection Director, Ald. Mark Slocomb and those per the attached list. Ald. Salentine was absent. The meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Approval of Minutes of Meetings Held May 21, 2001 –Ald. Patterson moved to approve the minutes of the meeting held May 21, 2001. Seconded by Ald. Le Doux. Ald. LeDoux moved to amend the minutes, under Moorland Road South Extension to read, “Moorland Road North Intersection costs will be split three ways between Kohl’s/Jewel Osco, City of Muskego and Waukesha County.” Seconded by Ald. Patterson, motion to amend carried. Ald. Patterson moved to approve minutes, as amended. Seconded by Ald. Le Doux, motion carried. To facilitate those in attendance, Acting Chairman Le Doux elected to take the following items out of order. Review Request for a possible Road Vacation/Courtland Lane (West of Fairfield Drive) – Mr. Brad May, Mark Larsen and Dave Hunt appeared before the committee to discuss the possible road vacation of the continuation of Courtland Lane. Mr. Larsen expressed interest in putting in an in-ground swimming pool and needs additional footage. Plan Director Brian Turk put the item on the agenda to get the committee’s reaction to the vacation of this proposed road extension. Mr. Larsen’s backyard is approximately 15 ft. to the road reservation and he would need an additional 10 ft. in order to put in his pool. Sean McMullen explained that in that 60 ft. road reservation is a sanitary sewer easement for force mains and gravity sewer. The committee agreed that they would be receptive to vacation of the road right-of-way as the Army Corp of Engineers would never allow a road to be built because of the amount of wetlands involved, but indicated strongly that the ultimate decision would lie with the Public Utilities Committee for them to determine exactly what they need to maintain the force mains and gravity sewer lines. There is a possibility of vacating the road right-of-way and keeping approximately 45 ft. as a permanent utility easement. If that could be accomplished, the abutting neighbors would have to sign an irrevocable occupancy permit whereby if the need would ever occur, all structures would have to be removed within a specific time period. After considerable discussion, it was decided that Sean would have staff meet with Mr. Larsen at his home (S71 W13802 Bluhm Court) and would shoot pictures of grade and appurtenances in order to make a determination of actual footage. Sean will then confer with Mr. Larsen and if it is still feasible, this item would then be referred to the Public Utilities Committee to make a determination and back to Public Works Committee to approve and start road vacation. Review storm water plans – Accurate Cad Cam – Mr. Frank Ballestreri appeared before the committee to discuss storm water plans for Accurate Cad Cam. Mr. Charles Hunt is asking to put an addition onto his existing building. It was originally designed to put a retention pond in the front area. There has been a prior court decision, whereby it was determined that holding of any additional water on this site was detrimental to the soils which in turn could cause damage to the existing and proposed structure. Mr. Hunt’s engineers, Jahnke & Jahnke, have now proposed an alternative system of installing an underground treatment facility, which will treat the new addition and the additional proposed hard Public Works Committee Meeting June 25, 2001 - Page 2 surface areas. Sean advised that he had no problem with the proposed system but would recommend that the Plan Commission add to the Building, Site and Operation approval a yearly maintenance schedule to assure proper maintenance of the treatment system. Mr. Ballestreri indicated that he saw no problem with this requirement. Ald. Patterson moved to allow the exception of Chapter 34 with the inclusion of yearly maintenance. Seconded by Ald. Le Doux, motion carried 2-0. STATUS OF PROJECTS – Director Sean McMullen reported on the following items: New Library Project – Director McMullen reported that he is waiting for the contractor,Tom Kramer, to meet with neighbors on drainage resolution. Ald. Le Doux requested that he be advised of the meeting time and date, as he would like to be in attendance with the affected property owners. Woods Road Reconstruction – Sean reported that the project is two weeks ahead of schedule. Will be starting binder course, then preliminary grading. Phase I and II will be paved at once for a continuous road. A discussion was held on the type of material being used for this project. It was noted that there might be a problem with utilities. Freedom Square Ponds – Sean reported he is still waiting for the Army Corp of Engineers wetland delineation report to come back. Martin Drive realignment/Bay Lane Signals – Nothing new to report. The Finance Committee and Common th Council will be acting on the agreements at their June 25 meeting. Ald. Le Doux questioned whether or not there will be traffic signals at the intersection of Martin Drive and Janesville Road. Sean replied that there will not be any signals at that intersection with this project, but that Waukesha County will make that determination when they do the Janesville Road reconstruction project. th Janesville Road Reconstruction Project – Mayor’s Task Force will be meeting on June 27 and will be making final recommendation to be sent to Waukesha County. Waukesha County will then make their determination on final layout and send to the City. Moorland Road South Extension – Director McMullen reported that he has met with Army Corps of Engineers and the DNR on wetland issues. He advised that he hopes that they will reissue existing permits. Tess Corners Pond Expansion North of College – The Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement has been drafted and is presently being reviewed by the City’s attorney. As soon as review is received a meeting will be scheduled with the City of New Berlin. Drainage Issues/City of New Berlin – Covered above. Muskego Creek Watercourse Project – The City will be closing on the Monheim property shortly th and then Sean expects demolition to occur after August 15. MMSD Storm Water Regulations – MMSD TAT Committee will be meeting this Friday. Public Works Committee Meeting June 25, 2001 - Page 3 UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Discuss Urban/Rural Drainage – Supt. Wayne Delikat reported he is receiving many calls on wet ditches. The City will be using Payne & Dolan’s services for 200 hours of ditch excavating. Status of Public Works Committee Procedures and Policies – Sean handed out hard copies of the committee’s procedures and policies and noted that these are now available for review in the engineering folder. NEW BUSINESS: Review Ameritech Easement – Quietwood Creek Subdivision – Sean explained that Ameritech has existing easements that go over the top of some of our drainage easements. There is an existing easement that was used for drainage and storm water at the intersection of Daisy Drive and Martin Drive. Ameritech is proposing to put a CEV underground storage vault in the easement and the only way they can put in this storage is by receiving approval from this committee for a 12 ft. encroachment. This vault will be about 8” aboveground. Ald. Paterson moved to approve the requested easement. Seconded by Ald. Le Doux, motion carried 2-0. Review Storm water/grading/drainage plans for Dreamland Development - Sean explained that the committee already approved a version of this plan. The difference is they have added additional storm sewer for the additional parking area. Ald. Patterson moved to re-approve with changes. Seconded by Ald. Le Doux, motion carried 2-0. Acceptance of Improvements – Champions Village – Sean discussed with the committee the request for acceptance of improvements for the original phase of the Champion’s Village Subdivision (roadways, storm sewer and miscellaneous improvements). After a physical walk to review the status of improvements, the following need to be addressed: Storm Sewer – The existing storm sewer system is riddled with silt, gravel and construction debris. There are also remnants of filter fabric in and around the basins that need to be removed. It is recommended that the developers be required to clean the system of all silt and construction debris. It is also recommended that the ponds be drawn down and the elevations be shot to ensure that the ponds haven’t silted-in beyond their design capacity. There is also degradation of several storm basins that need to be repaired to City standards and inspected prior to acceptance. Bike Path – The connection of the bike path has not been fully completed. Only the paved portion of the path has been installed and the city hasn’t received plans showing the proposed wetland crossing. This path needs to be constructed and restored. Ald. Patterson moved to deny acceptance of improvements until above items are completed and staff has signed off and re-sent to committee for final approval. Seconded by Ald. Le Doux, motion carried 2-0. COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW – None SUBDIVIDER'S EXHIBITS – None Public Works Committee Meeting June 25, 2001 - Page 4 ENGINEERING/BUILDING INSPECTION DIRECTOR’S REPORT – None HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT – None. ADJOURNMENT – There being no further business to discuss, Ald. Patterson moved to adjourn at 8:15 PM. Seconded by Ald. LeDoux, motion carried 2-0. Respectfully submitted, Cathie M. Anderson Recording Secretary