Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 1/29/2001 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING – CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved MINUTES OF January 29, 2001 MEETING Chairman Nancy Salentine called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Committee member Ald. Kathy Chiaverotti was present. Also present were Public Works Supt. Wayne Delikat, Sean McMullen Engineering/Building Inspection Director, Mayor David L. De Angelis (arrived at 8:05 PM), Ald. Mark Slocomb and Lakes Project Coordinator Tom Zagar and those per the attached list. Committee member Patrick Patterson arrived at 8:45 PM. The meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on January 24, 2001. Approval of Minutes of Meetings Held November 27, 2000 and January 9, 2001 – Ald. Chiaverotti moved to approve the minutes of the meeting held November 27, 2000 and the minutes of the Special meeting held January 9, 2001. Seconded by Ald. Chiaverotti. Carried by all. To facilitate those in attendance, Chairman Salentine elected to take the following items out of order. NEW BUSINESS: Discuss Ownership of Drainage Easement – Holly Patch Court (Lake Forest Subdivision) /Detention Pond Elevations – Holly Patch Court (Lake Forest Subdivision) Ray Jachimiec, Tom Treba, Jeffrey Kotes and Phil Sherman from Lake Forest Subdivision appeared before the committee to discuss detention pond elevation. Engineer/Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen explained to those present the history of Pond #3, part of the original Stormwater management plan retrofit. This pond was designed in 1993 when the requirements were for a 50- year in/10 year out. Later pond requirements changed to a 100 year in/10 year out and are presently a 100 year in/2 year out. Pond #3, as it sits now, is at the correct elevation. Another issue to consider is the amount of sediment loading. There is now anywhere from 4-1/2 to 6-1/2 inches of sediment. Unless there is a lot of runoff, the pond will never have a need to be dredged. Ald. Chiaverotti stated that the problem is the appearance of the sides of the pond. Sean stated that the only thing that could be put around the sides would be different kinds of ground cover. Ald. Slocomb mentioned that they are other plants that could be used for this type of landscaping and suggested that the property owners check with places like Terra-Firma Landscaping on Janesville Road as they have experience with wetlands. Sean reminded that the slope couldn’t be any greater than 3 to 1 and it is possible to install riprap or boulders and prairie grass; this would give the plantings a dryer area in which to survive. Sean noted that when the developer started to excavate, they started to dig closer to homes than the original design of being closer to the road. In answer to an inquiry, Sean noted that the size of the pond is approximately 1.15 acres. The design for the pond elevation is for 833.5 and it presently is at 833.33. It could be brought up approximately 1-1/2 inches. The rock height was designed to be at the current height. The Homeowner’s Association would have to agree to the rocks being removed or a portion removed and replaced with non-erosive soil and plants that won’t erode away. Ald. Chiaverotti moved to keep the elevation for Pond #3 as it currently exists at approximately 833.5. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried 2-0. Public Works Committee Meeting January 29, 2001 - Page 2 The second part of this item is status of drainage easement for Holly Patch Court. Sean advised that correspondence received from the City’s Attorney, Don Molter, stated that based on the limited facts, there is no document that clearly indicates ownership or responsibility for maintenance of this Stormwater easement area. Although it may have been intended by the parties that this be included in the responsibilities of the Homeowner’s Association, this easement area is not included in the First Supplemental Amended and Restated Declaration of Restrictions for Lake Forest Subdivision, which defines their area of responsibility. In Attorney Molter’s opinion, even though this area is designated as a Stormwater easement on the final plat, apparently no one is responsible based upon the documentation we have for maintaining said area. Sean recommended that in the event that maintenance is required, that the city will have to take it over. The Public Works Committee has already cleaned out the easement and installed riprap. The problem is that there is no access point to the easement. Sean noted that there is presently a sanitary sewer maintenance easement between lot #82 and #83. This is a 20-foot easement, which would be adequate for equipment access except for the fact that there are pine trees that have been planted in the easement. Ald. Slocomb questioned if the City can use this sanitary sewer easement for Stormwater maintenance purposes. The committee determined that the best thing to do would be for the City to acquire a permanent limited easement for storm water maintenance purposes over the top of the existing sanitary sewer easement. This easement would have to be obtained from the owners of Lot #82 and Lot #83 and that the easement should be a 30 foot easement, if possible, depending if this is possible because of lot lines. Sean McMullen will research if it is possible to obtain a 30 ft. easement and prepare the easement documents prior to a meeting be scheduled with the affected property owners. Ald. Chiaverotti moved to defer item in order for the easement documents to be researched and prepared. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried 2-0. Mayor De Angelis arrived. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Further review of Stormwater Management Plan priorities (5 year capital plan) Mayor De Angelis, Tom Zager, Sean McMullen, Ald. Slocomb, and the committee spent considerable time in determining an implementation schedule for Stormwater Retention Pond projects to be incorporated into the 5 year capital plan to be recommended to the Common Council. The following projects were removed from the schedule: Basin ID 3111, Dry Basin retrofit near Mariner Ct. – Removed as Quietwood Creek Development has resolved it. Basin ID 3220, Dry basin retrofit Deer Creek Court – Removed as it was completed with Deer Creek Phase II. Basin ID 3113, Spinnaker dry basin retrofit – Removed as it has been completed as part of Karek Development. Basin ID 3000, Bass Bay direct drainage area – Removed, as this property will be flagged to be addressed when property is developed. Public Works Committee Meeting January 29, 2001 - Page 3 Basin ID 1030-1033, Jewel Crest/Mill Valley area – Removed as this property was addressed with floodplain amendments. Basin ID 1111 – Hillendale area (Mary Thomas) – Removed, as this property will be flagged to be addressed when property is developed. Basin ID 1300-1310, Potential retrofit Marlan Meadows area – Removed as this property will be flagged to be addressed when property is developed. Ald. Patterson arrived at 8:45 PM. Ald. Chiaverotti moved to send the following Stormwater recommendations for the 5-year capital plan to Council: Tess Corners (North of Janesville) - 2001 for Design 2002 for Construction - $1,320,000 Freedom Square (TIF #8) - 2001 for Design 2002 for Construction - $ 971,000 N. of Kelsey –M3 - 2001 for Design - 2002 for Construction - $ 250,000 Dry basin to retrofit Lakewood - 2003 for Design - $ 225,500 Meadows (1110) (Land Acquisition Possibility) Pilak Cr. Drainage N. of Woods - 2005 for Design - $ 231,400 (2110) Dry basin retrofit Indus. Pk. (2120) - 2002 for Design - $ 319,300 S. of Martin, N. of Janesville (3112) - 2001 for Design - 2002 for Construction - $ 80,000 Lake Forest Area – Final Retrofit Of Pond#1-Overlook Bay (2112) - 2001 for Design/Const. - $ 26,100 - 2002 for Construction Tess Corners Creek Channel - 2001 apply for permit So. Of Woods - - 2002 for Design $ 236,000 Lakewood Meadows Pond - Research if project is funded by property Owners or City. Old 24 Outdoor Theater - Review with City of New Berlin Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried 3-0. The committee requests that Mayor De Angelis, the Assessor and the Plan Director meet to determine procedure for flagging the Public Works Committee Meeting January 29, 2001 - Page 4 above removed projects by possibly using the GIS System, and to report back to committee. Discuss Urban/Rural Drainage – Public Works Superintendent Wayne Delikat advised that the City has just completed installation of riprap around the Lamb’s property on Tess Corners Drive. Status of Public Works Committee Procedures and Policies – The committee discussed policy on installation costs on culverts/inverts. Ald. Salentine moved to have the policy reviewed and to revise building permit fee schedule to reflect these costs. Both of these items will be brought to the committee for their review and approval at the next meeting. STATUS OF PROJECTS – Sean McMullen reported on the following items: New Library Project – Sean McMullen and Wayne Delikat are working on the drainage issue which will be addressed in the Spring by either installation of a swale or 6”-8” storm sewer. Ald. Le Doux is working with residents. Woods Road Reconstruction – This project is scheduled to be bid on March 20, 2001, with construction scheduled to be started in the last week of May or first week of June 2001 with a th completion date of November 15 and final restoration in 2002. The first two lifts of asphalt must be down by September 1, 2001. Freedom Square Ponds – Sean advised that there are different alternatives being looked at by the engineering firm of Ruekert & Mielke, as a result of a recent ruling by the Corps of Engineers giving control of wetlands back to local agencies. Martin Drive Realignment – Sean is hoping to receive a corrected traffic study back from the st engineering firm of Ruekert & Mielke by February 1. He is waiting to receive final appraisals on the properties being considered. Parkland Mall Demolition – Sean reported that the building is down. Moorland Road South Extension - Sean reported that the Mayor’s Intern, Matthew Burczyk, is currently working on the RFP (Request for Proposals) for the extension of Moorland road-south, from Janesville to McShane. As soon as the City has selected an engineering firm to design the extension, the committee will notify all affected residents of an informal meeting to be held to discuss project. Hopefully this meeting can be held by the end of April, 2001. Tess Corners Pond Expansion – Sean advised that this item would be discussed with the City of New Berlin at their meeting scheduled for Monday, February 5, 2001, at the City of New Berlin. Sean also indicated that the committee would be discussing with the city of New Berlin drainage problems with the old Highway 24 Outdoor Theatre property. Drainage Issues/City of New Berlin – As stated above, these issues will be discussed with the City of New Berlin at their meeting scheduled for Monday, February 5, 2001. Somigji Property Acquisition – Sean McMullen advised that there have been changes in the submittal requirements for the Brownstone Initiatives and that the city would receive an additional 111 points if they owned the property. We would than have better chances of receiving the grant Public Works Committee Meeting January 29, 2001 - Page 5 monies. Sean also informed the committee that the piece of property in the actual floodway has gone up for sale (Tax Key 2195.960 – W180 S7677 Pioneer Drive) as the property can’t be expanded or built higher. The committee expressed interest in purchasing both of the properties. Review Plow Truck Replacement – Sean McMullen discussed with the committee the need to replace the existing 1971 4x4 International Harvester Plow Truck. An outside firm could complete the repairs, however, the necessary parts are no longer available and the repairs will only prolong the ultimate replacement of the truck. As the lead-time for delivery of a truck of this type is in excess of ten (10) months, Sean requested committee approval and recommendation to Finance Committee in order to start the ordering process. Ald. Chiaverotti moved to recommend to Common Council an amount of $250,000 to $270,000 be put into the City’s five (5) year capital plan. Seconded by Ald. Patterson, motion carried 3-0. Review of Skid Loader Quotes – The Committee reviewed quotes received for the 2001 Skid Loader along with a memorandum from Sean McMullen recommending that the committee accept the quote from Bobcat Plus in the amount of $38,243.50. This amount will cover the costs of the machine and all of the attachments. Sean also recommended that the City purchase the heavy- duty tires, trencher and pallet forks as well for an additional $5,934.00, as well as acceptance of the quote from Tractor Loader Sales in the amount of $4,842.00 for the purchase of the trailer. The total price for the package, including the trailer and attachments is $49,019.50, which is $3,480.50 less than the budgeted amount for these items. Ald. Chiaverotti moved to accept the above recommendation in an amount of $49,019.50. Seconded by Ald. Paterson, motion carried 3- 0. ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS – None COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW – ENGINEERING/BUILDING INSPECTION DIRECTOR’S REPORT – None. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT – None ADJOURNMENT – There being no further business to discuss, Ald. Chiaverotti moved to adjourn at 9:45 PM. Seconded by Ald. Patterson, motion carried 3-0. Respectfully submitted, Cathie M. Anderson, Recording Secretary