Public Works Committee- MINUTES - 8/27/2001 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING – CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved 9/24/01 MINUTES OF AUGUST 27, 2001 MEETING . Chairman Nancy Salentine called the meeting to order at 6:03 P.M. Present were committee members Ald. Butch Le Doux and Ald. Patrick Patterson. was present. Also present were Public Works Supt. Wayne Delikat, Sean McMullen Engineering/Building Inspection Director, Ald. Mark Slocomb, Mayor David L. De Angelis and those per the attached list. The meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Ald. Le Doux moved to approve the minutes from the meeting held June 25, 2001. Seconded by Ald. Patterson, motion carried. Chairman Salentine introduced to the committee and those in attendance Mr. James Buggs, Project Engineer with Ruekert & Mielke engineering firm, who presented the preliminary design plans for the reconstruction of the Martin Drive and Bay Lane Traffic Intersections with Janesville Road (CTH L). Mr. Buggs supplied committee members and those in attendance a handout to explain the project. The project involves realigning approximately 1,200 feet of Martin Drive to align it with the former Lakes Parkway (recently renamed Martin Drive) at Janesville Road. It also includes improving the Bay Lane intersection with Janesville Road to accommodate new traffic signals. Another element of the project is the extension of sanitary sewer from the proposed Martin Drive/Janesville Road intersection northerly toward the existing Martin Drive to serve future development. Most of the existing Martin Drive will be obliterated, leaving only enough to provide access for an existing driveway. The existing intersection with Janesville Road will be removed completely. The new intersection of Martin Drive and Janesville Road will have additional turn lanes to improve the flow of traffic. Janesville Road is proposed to have dedicated left and right turn lanes and Martin Drive is proposed to have dedicated right turn lanes. Bay Lane will also be improved to provide dedicated turn lanes. Eastbound Janesville Road is proposed to have a longer right turn lane at Bay Lane to encompass the driveways near the intersection. The Waukesha County Public Works Department has requested that the driveway closest to Bay Lane be moved farther from the intersection for safety reasons. A small piece of additional right of way will be required in the southwest corner at Bay Lane to accommodate the curb radius and provide space for traffic signal facilities. The area between existing Martin Drive and proposed Martin Drive will be graded out as needed to provide fill material for the project and possibly to create a small storm water detention area. It has been determined the area is not of a suitable size to serve as a regional storm water retention facility. As previously noted, one existing driveway will lose direct access to Martin Drive and one existing driveway onto Janesville Road is proposed to be relocated. All other existing accesses will be Public Works Committee Meeting August 27, 2001 - Page 2 retained. Martin Drive will be closed to through traffic during construction; however, local access to driveways will be maintained throughout construction. It is anticipated that construction on Janesville Road and Bay Lane will be conducted under traffic. Mr. Norm Pakulski, S71 W16080 Susan Ct., questioned if there is any work planned to be done on Daisy Lane. Mr. Buggs replied that the asphalt would tie back to the existing curb. If traffic becomes a problem, the City could install a “no left turn” sign as well as possibly installing a raised median. Mr. Pakulski also questioned the timeline for the project and Mr. Buggs indicated that st 90% submittal is scheduled for November 1 and the bid date is scheduled for the first Thursday in February 2002, assuming Waukesha County can finalize their signalization design for Bay Lane intersection. Mr. Bill Carity, developer for Quietwood Creek Subdivision, questioned if this project would be cost shared by Waukesha County. Sean McMullen replied that there is no cost sharing on this project but that Waukesha County will be doing the design of the signals. Sean also stated that reports that were done by Waukesha County indicate that at the present time signals are not warranted at the intersection of Martin Drive and that the County will re-evaluate the need in 2003-2004. Mr. Carity questioned if it wouldn’t be smart to install conduit at the intersection with this project for future signalization. Sean indicated that Waukesha County discussed that but they do not know what the actual configuration is going to be so they determined not to put in conduit at this time. Mr. Keith Hammitt, Muskego Tire & Auto on the corner of Bay Lane & Janesville, inquired as to how much the City would be encroaching on his corner property. Mr. Buggs replied that the road would move within3 to 4 feet of the existing monument. Mr. Carity questioned whether the City had any cost breakdowns for the pavement and signalization. Sean did not have one in his possession but indicated that he would send one to Mr. Carity at his earliest convenience. Mr. Al Basse, W179 S6659 Ranch Drive, voiced his concern about the proposed detention area as he sincerely feels there is no need as there has never been a water problem in that area and he feels that aesthetically it would not be a good idea. He noted that he previously spoke with Mayor De Angelis and Sean McMullen but feels strongly against area being used for that purpose. Mr. Buggs noted that this retention area would not be an actual pond and that it would be sloped from the low area and would not hold water permanently. Ald. Le Doux moved to take a break at 6:30 PM. Seconded by Ald. Patterson, motion carried. The meeting reconvened at 6:58 PM. Chairman Salentine noted that the roll call was the same with the exception of the departure of Mayor De Angelis and Mr. James Buggs. Ald. Patterson moved to approve the minutes of the Public Works Committee meeting held June 25, 2001, as presented. Seconded by Ald. Le Doux, motion carried. Chairman Salentine elected to proceed with the agenda items and do the personal appearance at a later time in the meeting. Public Works Committee Meeting August 27, 2001 - Page 3 Engineering/Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen reviewed with the committee the status of the following projects: New Library Project – Sean advised that Mr. Kramer would finish up the berm and swale work this week and the project will then be completed. Tess Corners Pond Expansion & Drainage Issues/City of New Berlin - Sean elected to discuss both of these issues together. He advised that he and Mayor De Angelis had met with Mayor Wysocki and staff from the City of New Berlin at the engineering firm of Ruekert & Mielke on st Tuesday, August 21, to discuss proposal from Ruekert & Mielke on the Tess Corners Pond Expansion and the proposed 66.30 agreement between both communities for this project. Sean asked the committee if they would be willing to meet with the City of New Berlin’s Board of Public Works at their monthly meeting scheduled for Monday, September 10, 2001, at 8:00 AM at the City of New Berlin. All committee members indicated that they would be available to attend the meeting. Freedom Square Pond – Sean advised that he has recently received word from the Army Corp of Engineers that they have too much work to do and are not interested in doing any type of funding for this project. Sean reminded the committee that this project has been put on hold as the Corp had indicated their willingness to do this project. Ald. Slocomb questioned whether or not the DNR would allow us to do this project. Sean felt that he needed direction from the committee to direct Ruekert & Mielke to proceed with the scope of services project as we had put them on hold for over two years. Ald. Le Doux moved to give Sean the authorization to direct Ruekert & Mielke to proceed with the scope of services for this project. Seconded by Ald. Patterson, motion carried. Janesville Road Reconstruction Project – Sean indicated that the City sent their resolution containing recommendations to Waukesha County and that Waukesha County has completed about 30% of their plans. Hopefully 70% of the plans will be completed by February of 2002 that will be more specific. Woods Road Reconstruction Project – This project is entering Phase 3. There have been problems at the intersection of Woods Road & Bay Lane, which has pushed the project back th approximately three to four weeks. The completion date is now anticipated to be September 30. MMSD Storm Water Regulations – Sean attended a TAT meeting at MMSD on this matter on th Friday, August 24, and that everything we asked to be changed and/or taken out of the regulations have been left in according to the latest MMSD submittal. Sean anticipates that there will be two more TAT meetings before the regulations are published and hopes that maybe some headway can be made as to incorporating some of the City’s recommendations. Sean did indicate that these proposed regulations would affect only the tributary areas and not the entire city. Moorland Road/South Extension/Durham Drive Reconstruction – Sean advised that there had been some talk of creating a road assessment policy for this area as the roadway will be going through some larger developments. The City does not have a road assessment policy at the present time for new road construction. Because this road would normally be built during subdivision construction with oversizing paid by the City, it only makes sense that the city recoups Public Works Committee Meeting August 27, 2001 - Page 4 the original expense of a standard street from developers who would normally pay for the installation of a local public street. The committee requested that the recording secretary check with other communities to secure copies of road assessment policies to be reviewed at the September meeting. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Discuss Urban/Rural Drainage - Wayne Delikat advised that they have been doing a large amount of ditch work, particularly in the 1st district. He noted that Payne & Dolan had not been available for the amount of work contracted for over the last couple of weeks, but are now able to work on these projects. Ald. Slocomb questioned what the department would need in order to get caught up on ditch cleanout/repairs and Wayne estimated that 300 to 325 hours would be ample. Sean indicated he had included those extra hours into the proposed 2002 budget. Status of Public Works Committee procedures and policies – Discussion on possible road assessment policy was handled under Moorland Road South – status of projects above. NEW BUSINESS Review Flooding problems on Circle Drive (Wiener) – Mrs. Joan Weiner appeared before the committee explaining the habitual flooding problem that occurs on her property. She supplied the committee with photos that were taken in 1999 showing the flooding. She explained that she has tried to take care of the problem but even her two sump pumps has not been able to handle the amount of water. She suggested that the City reroute some of the water to Bay Shore lake access. Sean advised that this rerouting would require a DNR permit, as well as any pipe over sizing. Wayne Delikat explained that work done to raise a detention pond in a subdivision west of Racine Avenue should be helping the problem on Circle Drive. Many options were discussed. It was suggested that we might be able to lower ground on top of existing pipe so that the water will run into the ditch. Ald. Patterson requested that Sean have his Civil Technician shoot all of the grades so that they can determine the most effective approach to take for solving this issue. Seconded by Ald. L Doux, motion carried. Sean told Mrs. Weiner that he and Wayne would call her to schedule a meeting sometime next week to discuss what can be done after reviewing all of the grades. Personal Appearance - Leonard Pilak, representing the Big Muskego Lake/Bass Bay Protection & Rehabilitation District, and Suzie Link, representing the Little Muskego Lake Protection & Rehabilitation District, appeared before the committees to discuss the annual draw down of both of the dams. Leonard expressed his concern with damage to Bass Bay properties when the drawn down is done too fast. He mentioned that prior to 1995, the draw down was started at the beginning of October. Suzie Link stated that she would like to see cooperation of all entities and th that it continue as it has the past couple of years, whereby it is done around the 15 of October th and as a steady flow to end on October 30. Mr. Jim Dropp, Janesville Court, recommend that a gauge be installed that the neighbors abutting the Little Muskego Lake Dam could watch as well installing one on the Big Muskego Lake dam. After further discussion it was agreed that installing a gauge would not be a realistic option. Ald. Patterson moved to start the drawn down on the 3rdMonday of October in order to give residents that weekend to put away all piers, etc., and to have this item be discussed on a yearly basis at the August meeting. Seconded by Ald. Le Doux, motion carried. Public Works Committee Meeting August 27, 2001 - Page 5 Review request for city to take over Twin Ponds Road – Mrs. Marilyn Graves appeared before the committee to discuss the possible take over of Twin Ponds Road. She explained that her recently deceased husband, Fred Graves, was one of the developers of the Twin Ponds Subdivision. She explained that the person who had been contracted with to do the road cleanup was not able to continue and she feared that she would not find anyone reliable to keep the roads clear for emergency vehicles and school busses. Sean explained what would be involved to bring the road up to city specifications in order for it to become a city road, which would include securing a road right-of-way easement from each of the property owners, ditch lines would have to be brought up to city standards, drainage culverts would have to be installed on several properties and the guardrail would have to meet federal standards and be extended. Mrs. Graves indicated that not all of the property owners were in favor of this proposal and that she would take the information back to the association. Wayne Delikat noted that he would contact her to give her names of several reliable snow removal contractors. Approval of Storm Water Management Plan/Retention Pond Maintenance Agreement (Reserve at Champions Village) – Sean explained that this is a standard agreement and meets all of the requirements. Ald. Patterson moved to recommend Council approval of agreement. Seconded by Ald. Le Doux, motion carried. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Ald. Patterson moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 PM. Seconded by Ald. Le Doux, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Cathie M. Anderson Recording Secretary