Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 4/23/2001 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING – CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved MINUTES OF APRIL 23, 2001 MEETING . Chairman Nancy Salentine called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Committee members Ald. Rick Petfalski and Ald. Patrick Patterson were present. Also present were Public Works Supt. Wayne Delikat, Sean McMullen Engineering/Building Inspection Director, and those per the attached list. The meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Approval of Minutes of Meetings Held March 26, 2001 –Ald. Patterson moved to approve the minutes of the meeting held March 26, 2001. Seconded by Ald. Petfalski. Carried by all. To facilitate those in attendance, Chairman Salentine elected to take the following items out of order. STATUS OF PROJECTS – Director Sean McMullen reported on the following items: Martin Drive Realignment – Sean reported RFP’s were sent out and are due Thursday from there they will pick the consultant. The realignment of Martin Drive is scheduled for the summer of 2002. Sean also stated that Bay Lane will be signalized as part of the Martin Drive realignment. Sean advised that Waukesha County will be doing the design for the Martin Drive realignment which will save the City $22,000. NEW BUSINESS Discuss wetland filling – Rosewood Estates – Don and Glen Miller were present to discuss the wetland filling for Rosewood Estates. The plan calls for approximately .47 acres of wetland to be filled in an effort to improve the building area of two lots and to construct the roadway for Phase II of Rosewood Estates. Director McMullen recommends the filling of wetland under the following conditions: 1. The storm sewer be correctly sized to carry the 25 year storm event. 2. The wetland fill be minimized to the extend practical and that the side slope do not exceed 2:1. 3. The developer remove the topsoil and unstable material prior to the placement of the culverts and fill material. This will ensure that the proposed roadway base will be stable. 4. The developer place a cash deposit or an acceptable letter of credit to cove the cost of restoration of the wetland, should the DNR or ACOE rules change and become retroactive to 1/1/01 as is now being contemplated in the legislature. Ald. Patterson moved to approve the proposed wetland fill contingent on the above conditions. Seconded by Ald. Petfalski, carried 3-0. Review proposed Tree Ordinance – Tom Zagar was present to discuss with the committee the proposed Tree Ordinance. The committee questioned the City’s right of entry onto private property. Ald. Petfalski moved to recommended to Council contingent on Attorney Molter’s review. Seconded by Ald. Patterson, carried 3-0. Public Works Committee Meeting April 23, 2001 - Page 2 STATUS OF PROJECTS (continued) – Director Sean McMullen reported on the following items: New Library Project – Nothing new to report. Woods Road Reconstruction – Sean reported that the Preconstruction meeting will be held on th May 10 at 10:00 AM, for committee members interested in attending. Freedom Square Ponds – Sean reported he is waiting for the Army Corp of Engineers, out of Detroit, to come and look at the Freedom Square Ponds area. Janesville Road Reconstruction Project – Nothing new to report. Moorland Road South Extension – Sean reported that the contract was sent back to Ayres and Associates. The City should be receiving it back this week and work can begin. Tess Corners Pond Expansion – Sean reported the Army Corp. of Engineers will not be taking on this project due to a heavy work load. Drainage Issues/City of New Berlin – Sean will be scheduling a meeting with the Mayor of New Berlin, Ted Wysocki, to discuss the 66.30 agreement. Muskego Creek Watercourse Project – Sean stated he is waiting to discuss this item until after a closed session Common Council meeting on April 24, 2001. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Discuss Ownership of Drainage Easement – Holly Patch Court (Lake Forest Subdivision)& status of Detention Pond. Director Sean McMullen and Civil Technician Dan Flamini researched an amended plat for the Lake Forest Addition No. 2. A 30ft storm and sanitary easement was found between on lots 148 and 149. They determined two swing sets on lot 148. Supt. Wayne Delikat does not think the swing sets will be a problem getting around with the skid loader and a small excavator. Alderman Patterson suggested informing the property owner of the encroachment of the house on the easement. Director McMullen agreed. He stated that the next step will be to hire a surveyor to lay out the property. Ald. Petfalski would like to be kept informed. Director McMullen also reported on the status of the detention pond. It is at 836.5 and will remain at that level. Discuss Urban/Rural Drainage –Public Works Superintendent Wayne Delikat reported pipes and a bridge were place in the Fountain Wood Pool and also the Stoney Creek area has been cleaned up. Supt. Delikat advised the committee of a large drainage project that was taking place on Wetland Drive. Status of Public Works Committee Procedures and Policies –Sean recommended taking action to preserve the wetlands by placing a 4x4 cedar post every 50 – 100 feet with a small plaque stating “Wetland Preservation – No Filling”. This will be the responsibility of the developer at the time a new subdivision is developed. The posts will be recorded in the City’s wetland Public Works Committee Meeting April 23, 2001 - Page 3 inventory. At the time of a re-delineation the Homeowners Association or the Property Owner will be responsible. Ald. Patterson moved to accept new policy. Seconded by Ald. Petfalski, motion carried 3-0. NEW BUSINESS: Discuss Stormwater Rules for MMSD – Director McMullen reported on the meeting with MMSD explaining their proposed requirements. At this time the City’s requirements are more restrictive than MMSD proposed. In 2002 when the proposed Stormwater Rules of MMSD are adopted Tess Corners will be the only area affected. At that time any construction or new development is required to be reviewed by MMSD. ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS – None COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW – Ald. Petfalski asked if a “No Through Street” sign has been installed on Pasedena. Supt. Wayne Delikat said it was, but will go out to verify. Ald. Petfalski was concerned with filling of a ditch on Gold and Tans. Director McMullen met with resident two years ago, neighbors to each side were not interested. SUBDIVIDER'S EXHIBITS – None ENGINEERING/BUILDING INSPECTION DIRECTOR’S REPORT – None HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT –None ADJOURNMENT – There being no further business to discuss, Ald. Patterson moved to adjourn at 8:08 PM. Seconded by Ald. Petfalski, motion carried 3-0. Respectfully submitted, Kellie Renk, Recording Secretary