Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 9/28/1998 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING - CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved MINUTES OF MEETING HELD THURSDAY, September 28, 1998 The meeting was called to order at 7:06 P.M. by Chairman Pionek. Committee members Ald. Kathy Chiaverotti and Ald. Nancy Salentine were present. Also present were Ald. Mark Slocomb, Public Works Supt. John Loughney, Rich Eberhardt (Ruekert & Mielke), Christopher Zoppa, Engineer/Building Inspection Director, Mayor David De Angelis and those per the attached list. The Recording Secretary noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on September 23, 1998. STATUS OF PROJECTS - The following items were reported on: Freedom Square Drainage - Nothing new to report. Champions Village - Nothing new to report. Deer Creek Subdivision - The road was paved for Addition #2. New Library Project - Grading and drainage plan meeting occurring on October 1, 1998 at 10:00 a.m. The City would like to begin the project by Friday after the plans have been approved. Muskego Theater - Ald. Pionek talked with Matt Sadowski regarding the turn lane issue. The turn lane solution needs to be handled by the Plan Commission. Alternate plans for a viable solution need to be submitted by the theater owner. Moorland Road-South Extension - See Unfinished Business #12. 1998 Road Program - John Loughney reports that no major roads are left to be paved for this year. The four developers on Lions Park Drive have refused to accept the Payne and Dolan bid. They are planning on securing their own bids for the resurfacing project. Acting Public Works Superintendent is directed by this Committee to work with the developers to gain consensus. If consensus from the developers is not obtained, the City will have Payne and Dolan perform the job and will bill the individuals. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Discuss Urban/rural Drainage - John Loughney has nothing new to report. Status of projects - Big Muskego Lake - John reports that his department is looking for stones to place around the paved parking area perimeter. The stones should be 3 feet in diameter. Status of Reconstruction of STH 36 - John has met with the engineer on the project. The street light pole on Loomis Drive needs to be moved. This will be done this week. Additionally, the reimbursement for the lighting has not yet come through. The bill was forwarded to State Representative Gunderson and he is working on the City’s behalf to obtain compensation. Further review of proposed turn lanes - Muskego Norway School - Nothing new to report. The Mayor has suggested that a letter be sent from the City Engineer to the School District regarding data needed by the City for the turn lane analysis, bus routes and intersection drawings. Further review of Right-of- Way Maintenance Ordinance -The Public Service Commission’s most recent correspondence was shared by the Mayor. The Commission has denied the request by several Wisconsin utilities for rulemaking regarding municipal Rights-of-Way issues and has directed staff to draft a letter to the interested parties informing them of this decision. The Wisconsin Alliance Public Works Committee Minutes September 28, 1998 - Page 2 of Cities would prefer a “blanket” fee for costs incurred when utilities require access to the R-O-W. The PSC is pushing for the costs associated with the usage of the R-O-W be fully documented by the City, as proof of actual costs incurred by the City. Further discussion on recommendation to Council to adopt SEWRPC’s Regional Transportation System Plan for 2020 - Copies of the plan have not been received. Status of Public Works Committee procedures and policies - The Committee will be preparing their comments on the procedures and policies for next months meeting. Chairman Pionek is requesting that the Committee members provide their comments and suggested changes to the Committee prior to the meeting next month. At this time, Ald. Pionek removed himself from this meeting for this agenda item, due to conflict of interest. Ald. Salentine assumed the Chair position for this item. Further review of grading and erosion control plans, street paving plans and discussion on storm water analyses requirements - Avion Estates - R&M provided a copy of a memo sent regarding their comments on the development with the areas that still require attention detailed. Item #2 indicates that the current submittal still does not include computations nor delineation on the grading plan for the 100 year event elevation in the wetland and drainageway behind Block 1, Lots 2-5 as required the Public Works Committee at the August 24, 1998 meeting. Item #3 regarding the sump pump discharge on Block 1, Lots 2-5 a variance is needed in order for the discharge to the wetlands to occur in the rear of the lots. Lots 1-3, Block 2, will be required to discharge per Ordinance 16.20 to the front of the property. Item #5 on the culverts at S70 W16733 need to be provided with concrete headwalls. Christopher Zoppa questioned the practice of using concrete for headwalls due to safety issues. He would prefer to see the elimination of the concrete and suggests that a gradual slope with pre-fabricated apron be utilized. Discussion regarding where the City Ordinances regarding the use of concrete headwalls are outlined. The Committee requests that the City Engineer/Building Inspection Director review Ordinances regarding concrete headwalls and make recommended changes to the Ordinance and if they are to occur, forwarding to Council for approval and adoption of changes. Additional requested changes were addressed by R&M. Ald. Chiaverotti moved to approve plans contingent upon revisions being made to the plans for items 5-9 and the issues items 2-4 to the City’s satisfaction. Granting a variance for Block 1, Lots 2-5, allowing for drainage of the lots to occur to the rear of the lots. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Vote 2-0 with Ald. Pionek abstaining. Motion carried. R&M provided an update on the Sanitary Sewer plan which has been approved and has gone on to MMSD for approval. At this time, Ald. Pionek assumed his Chairman position. Further discussion of construction of salt shed for 1998/99 - John Loughney has set up two site visits with the City of Franklin and the Town of Vernon. The tours will be performed this week with Ald. Slocomb, Salentine, Chiaverotti and Pionek participating. Additionally, the Mayor and Chris Zoppa will attend. Further review on request for Acceptance of Improvements (Road and Storm Sewer) Kimberly Estates - At last Monday’s Public Utilities Committee Meeting, the hydrant elevation problem had still not been resolved. A letter to the developer, on City letterhead advising the developer that they have until October 16, 1998 to correct the hydrant elevation problem will be sent out. If the correction is not made by that date, the project will be handled by the City, with a contractor of their choosing, deducting the costs from the developers future release of funds requests. Further discussion on request for revised grading plans for the Thomas Property - Tans Drive - Rich Eberhardt has discussed this situation with Mike Campbell. With the removal of the storm sewer on the property, the pond calculation/sizing and culvert sizing may need to be revised since those Public Works Committee Minutes September 28, 1998 - Page 3 figures were generated with the storm sewer. R&M suggests that current computations be reviewed and revised if necessary. Additionally, no grading plan has been received from Ms. Thomas (property owner abutting the theater property). Ms. Thomas and her engineer suggested that they wait until the grading is complete at the theater and then submit their grading plan, incorporating the elevations of the theater into their plan. The Committee directs Chris Zoppa to send a letter to Ms. Thomas advising her that the grading for the theater will be completed by the end of this week. She is to work with her engineer to complete her grading plan. She also needs to be alerted to the fact that the City is requiring that land to be stabilized this winter (sod or seed). The City will, if necessary call a special meeting in order to facilitate the approval process for Ms. Thomas to get the project completed before winter. Further discussion on design criteria - Moorland Road South and review of City Attorney Opinion - The City Attorney provided a response regarding the development extension of Moorland Road. According to the Attorney, the County cannot take a road away from the City. Discussion regarding turning radius size and posted speed limits on the extension and the roadways encroachment into the wetlands in the area if a larger, but safer turning radius is used. A 35-40 MPH is the desired speed limit on the road. The extension is going right through Durham Drive. This is not acceptable to Ald. Slocomb or Salentine. Questioned whether or not Durham Drive could become a frontage road which leads to Moorland Road. Safety issues were the largest factor in this option. The Committee is extremely dedicated to this project and will take all of the time necessary to make prudent decisions which future City leaders will have to live with. The Committee believes that this extension will become a major north/south route through the City. If the roadway is moved at all on either end, the entire configuration will have to be revised and blended into the existing roads it connects with. Various scenarios were discussed. Chris Zoppa questioned why a potential revision to C-4A (the approved plan) is being discussed at all? All concerned parties were at prior public hearings on the matter and were apprised of the solution presented at that time. The Committee agreed that change for change sake may not be in the best interest, however their desire is to make the best decision possible. The Committee is requesting that Chris Zoppa review the current plans and report back to this Committee with his findings and suggested improvements. Additionally, the wetland delineation to the north needs to be mapped. NEW BUSINESS Review Soil Erosion Concern on Racine Avenue (Ron Ford) - Mr. Ford had a schedule conflict and was not able to be present at the meeting this evening. Defer to next month. Discuss driveway and access onto Adrian Drive (Drew) - Mr. Don Drew was present requesting that he be allowed to connect his driveway to the utility easement. In the past, the City has allowed such use of the utility easements. The Committee recommends that the individual be allowed to connect the driveway to the easement. This issue is out of the jurisdiction of the Public Works Committee due to the easement falling on the utilities. This issue needs to go to Plan Commission and Council to remove the condition on the face of the plat. Ald. Salentine recommends the removal of the condition on the plat, in order to allow access to service drive on to the utility easement. Seconded by Ald. Chiaverotti. Carried by all. Determine date for Little Muskego Lake Drawdown - Several residents were present to find out when th the drawdown was to occur. Last year the date was October 15. Kristy Rogers at the DNR was contacted and stated that this date would be within the DNR’s time frame in order to complete the 20 inch drawdown. The process is weather dependent and based on the amount of rainfall received once the drawdown has begun will determine how long it will take. Ald. Salentine moved to begin the 20 inch drawdown of Little Muskego Lake on October 15, 1998. Seconded by Ald. Chiaverotti. Carried by all. The Committee would like to see this item placed on the agenda in August, 1999 for earlier determination of a drawdown date. Public Works Committee Minutes September 28, 1998 - Page 4 Review request to place a portable shed on 25 feet easement - Mr. Mark Prusinski was present to request a permit to place a portable shed on the easement. Ald. Pionek indicated that this item should be handled by the Utility Committee. There was discussion regarding permanent structures and movable structures (such as this shed). Ald. Salentine moved to forward this request to Utilities Committee. Seconded by Ald. Chiaverotti. Carried by all. COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW - At next months meeting it has been requested that Matt Sadowski provide the plans for the Wiza property. Chris Zoppa is currently working on the Demolition Ordinance. Revised copy will be forthcoming. Ald. Salentine received several calls regarding broken windows on a property. She questioned if there was an Ordinance in place that stipulated a time-frame in which to have broken windows boarded up? Chris Zoppa will check on her behalf. Ald. Pionek discussed the Tess Corners Drive issue regarding autos being damaged from the tar that Payne and Dolan placed on the roadway a while ago. The Mayor reports that the City is holding approximately $140,000 of Payne and Dolan’s money until they provide restitution to the citizens who have experienced damage on their vehicles. Those that have had damage, should submit their expenses to the Office of the Mayor. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT - John Loughney reports that this is his last meeting. He is retiring effective Wednesday, September 30, 1998. John stated that the people at the City have made this City a better place during his tenure. The Committee wishes John only the best and thanks him for all of the contributions he has made to the City. Until a decision is made on a replacement, Wayne Delikat will be the Acting Superintendent. ADJOURNMENT - Being no further business to discuss, Ald. Salentine moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:36 P.M. Ald. Chiaverotti seconded, Carried by all. Respectfully submitted, Linda Gulgowski, Recording Secretary