Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 11/23/1998 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING - CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, November 23, 1998 The meeting was called to order at 7:02 P.M. by Chairman Don Pionek. Committee members Ald. Kathy Chiaverotti and Ald. Nancy Salentine were present. Also present were Ald. Mark Slocomb, Acting Public Works Supt. Wayne Delikat, Mike Campbell (Ruekert & Mielke), Christopher Zoppa, Engineer/Building Inspection Director, Mayor David De Angelis (7:30) and those per the attached list. The Recording Secretary noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on November 19, 1998. STATUS OF PROJECTS - The following items were reported on: Champions Village - Mike Campbell to check on pump house progress. Deer Creek Subdivision - Bike path paving to occur this Tuesday or Wednesday. New Library Project - Easement of 70 feet for access drive off of Parkland. Legal description came in yesterday. Both parties are in agreement with the easement. The Mayor met with the architects and was told that bad soil conditions exist on the northwest corner of the parking area and access drive. The area will need to be undercut and fabric will need to be installed after the area has a chance to dry out. This will add approximately $20,000 in “extras”. A new finish date for that portion of the project will be negotiated. All of the topsoil was removed, this was not part of the plan. The contractor will have to replace stripped soil. The bidder list is being developed. January 14, 1999 estimated due date for bids with opening of bids to occur at the next Council after that date. Salt Shed - Specifications are being typed. Drawings are being worked on along with lighting and door design. The reliability of the salt delivery is a concern for Wayne. Room currently exists on the pad at the City Garage for the outdoor storage of salt. 750 tons are currently housed in the salt shed. Wayne would prefer to have an additional 750 tons stored on the pad for added insurance. Cost of storing salt in a shed not owned by the city (75 cents per ton. Approximately $500.00 per month in storage fees). Ald. Chiaverotti moved to allow Wayne to have existing, stored salt delivered and covered at the City Garage site. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Carried by all. Police Firing Range - The 3 contractors working on the project have used all of the soil that was excavated from the site. Currently the range, due to the soil being removed is below the excavated grade. The contractors are working out corrective measures. No topsoil or seeding will occur until next year. Muskego Theater - Mrs. Thomas whose property abuts the theater has seeded and matted her property. The theater is working on the parking lots. Chairman Pionek visited the site and discussed the installation of a catch basis and a 12 inch pipe into the 18 inch culvert with the contractors. This was done to correct a low spot and divert the water at the end of the driveway going onto Racine Avenue. Moorland Road-South Extension - Chris will be receiving the wetland locations. The floodway of the creek has been done. The amount of water flowing out of the area has been calculated at 500-0800 gallons per minute. Soil maps will be forthcoming and the poor soil quality on the southern portion may pose additional problems. 1998 Road Program - Payne and Dolan’s insurance carrier has been forwarded the 6 claims. Payne and Dolan, by contract language is liable for the damage caused. Public Works Committee Minutes November 23, 1998 - Page 2 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Discuss Urban/rural Drainage - Wayne had nothing to report. Ald. Slocomb has talked with the Mayor and Chris Zoppa regarding ditches along Loomis Drive. They are apparently too shallow by the Young and Counter properties and have caused flooding even with minimal amounts of water in the ditches. Wayne and Chris will perform a site visit. Status of projects - Big Muskego Lake - Nothing. Further review of proposed intersections - Muskego/Norway School - Individuals representing the project were on hand to discuss requested revisions from R&M. A revised sheet #1 was not provided to the Committee (Individuals received request from R&M for revisions on November 19, 1998). R&M contends that a larger turning radius on Kelsey and Crowbar are necessary to accommodate the turning of the buses. Jahnke & Jahnke contend that no buses will be making that turn. The Committee discussed the need to design projects with future use in mind not just bus traffic. Chris suggested that in lieu of making the turning radius larger, curbs could be installed to keep the roadway well defined and to provide a visual marker to the motorist of the edge of the roadway. The cost associated with the installation of curbing would be almost as expensive as expanding the road. Ald. Salentine moved to increase the radius of the southeast and southwest corners of Crowbar Drive to 42 feet to the flange and install mountable curb on the same corners. Additionally, this Committee recommends that the dedicated ultimate right-of- way be obtained now for both Kelsey (50 feet) and Crowbar (40 feet). Seconded by Ald. Chiaverotti. Carried by all. The Committee reviewed sheet 2 (Crowbar Drive and South Denoon Road). R&M recommends that if the intersection was to be on a main bus route, additional right-of- way should be acquired, so that necessary improvements could be made to allow the buses to safely negotiate the intersection. Since this road is not on a main bus route, Ald. Salentine moved to maintain South Denoon road and Crowbar Drive as specified in the plan. Seconded by Ald. Chiaverotti. Carried by all. If the plans are in and Jahnke & Jahnke get R&M and Chris Zoppa’s approval, a special meeting can be held to approve the plans prior to the next scheduled meeting in January. Status of Public Works Committee procedures and policies - All policies made by this Committee since 1965 were put into one document and distributed at a prior meeting. A formal draft of all policies need to be placed into one document for ease of reference. Suggested and recent additions include; Review and approval of Grading and Erosion Control Plans for the following, Subdivisions, Certified Survey Maps of 5 acres or more with a disturbed area of 50% or more, or commercials and industrial building sites. All other grading plans to be approved by City Engineer. Discussion of this topic included lot size, isolated structures on parcels of 5 acres and upcoming Storm Water Ordinances and how they will fit into these parameters. Ald. Pionek raised the question of paving of roads in subdivisions prior to the issuance of building permits. The Mayor reported that currently, the only exception is model homes in a subdivision. At this time the City will continue the practice. Plan submittal to City Engineer 15 working days prior to meeting date. No plans to be reviewed by PWC until approval by City Engineer, unless a policy decision or variance has to be made. Meeting agenda policy was covered and reiterated for new members of the Committee which include; Anyone requesting items to be placed on the agenda must submit Committee Request Action Form to the Mayors office no later than Tuesday, prior to the meeting. The form to be reviewed by Committee Chairman and determined if item will be put on agenda. After form has been filled out and action has been taken by the Committee, the discussion centered around what to do the with forms, after the prescribed action has been taken, in order to ensure that duplicate/repetitive requests are known about to the affected elected officials. After the motion has been made to direct the course of action of the request, those that pertain to a particular address are to be filed in the address file in the Building Department, those that do not, the motion maker will Public Works Committee Minutes November 23, 1998 - Page 3 detail where and how the form is to be filed. With the Committee having a City Engineer on staff at this time, the time the Committee spends on plan reviews will be reduced. Due to this process improvement, the Committee elected to a time limit for all PWC evening meetings to be 10:00 PM. (Previous meeting time limit was 11:00 PM). The subdivision grading plans policy is, all subdivision grading plans to be field verified by the Developer and be within 6 inches of plan at lot corners. And at side lot lines at setback plus 20 feet. The question posed was should the 6 inches be reduced to 3 inches? The Mayor is certain that the Subdivider’s Agreement contains different figures and will research the sizes. According to Ald. Pionek, 3 inches is the standard in other communities. Further discussion of 1999 Budget Issues - Remove from agenda Status of Reconstruction of STH 36/Jurisdictional Transfer - The Mayor reported that the transfer was signed and faxed today. However, the agreement with Franklin will be discussed at the next Council meeting. Further discussion on drainage problem - Cook Drive & Kingston Drive - Chris Zoppa has finished surveys on both streets. Cross sections will now be completed. Design to be completed in February. Please remove from subsequent agendas until Chris Zoppa has updated information to share with Committee. Recommendation on SEWRPC’s Regional Transportation System Plan for 2020 - A formal response needs to be drafted from Council regarding what the City does and does not want with regard to this plan. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend to Council that a Resolution be drafted, based on the November 10, 1998 Council Meeting discussion on the Robert Beglinger presentation. Detailing the areas of concern this plan presents and forwarded to SEWRPC. Seconded by Ald. Chiaverotti. Carried by all. Further discussion on action for reimbursement for road cutting - Adrian Drive - Chairman Pionek requested that this item be placed on the agenda again, due to lack of total background information at last months meeting. The road cut was done on the road, prior to the permit being issued. The road cut was performed prior to City Hall regular business hours. John Loughney’s signature was not obtained. Due to this, triple permit fees should have been deducted from the amount refunded Mr. Zlensky. Discussion regarding what exactly constitutes a permit fee, should it include the road cut and the processing fee? The Committee agreed that the “permit fee” is the processing fee charged to the applicant. Therefore, Ald. Chiaverotti moved to revise the refunded amount to Mr. Zlensky to $2,304, a reduction of $80.00 due to the lack of a permit being obtained for the road cut which was performed, resulting in a triple fee fine. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Carried by all. NEW BUSINESS Discuss proposed modification to curb standards for 1999 - Wayne wished to discuss this issue with the Committee due to the numerous requests he receives to modify the mountable curbing in the City. Individuals with “sports” cars claim to have a difficult time making it over the curb without bottoming out. As of late, 2 revisions have been done on curbs in the City. One was done to provide handicap access and was done extremely well. The second on Benjamin Court was done extremely poorly. Chris indicated that in fact, there may be two types of mountable curb designs, one has a lower profile and is easier to navigate. He will investigate which curbing is currently being installed in the City and will suggest a formal policy to mandate the version with the radius and height difference that enables easier approaches onto the driveway Review of Building Permit process -Muskego Industrial Park- Ald. Salentine has requested that the Committee review the Building Permit process to see that when changes if any, were made that the Public Works Committee Minutes November 23, 1998 - Page 4 plans are current. Discussion regarding the lack of grading/drainage plans for the Industrial Park. The current Land Division Ordinance (Chapter 18) states that a grading plan is required if a Certified Survey Map is done. The Committee questioned why the Ordinance is not being followed and the exact date of the Ordinance adoption. Review street excavating permit - Due to the issue of the road cut being performed prior to the permit being issued, Ald. Salentine moved to revise and clarify the process to obtain permits and the permit itself. Allowing time for a routing to the appropriate department of the permit request and ceasing the practice of issuing permits on the spot. Emergency situations to be handled on an individual basis. Seconded by Ald. Chiaverotti. Carried by all. Review release of easement from City of Muskego to Shopping Center Development LLC - Due to an oversight occurring during construction, the temporary storm drainage easement was never released. Ald. Salentine moved to release the temporary easement. Seconded by Ald. Chiaverotti. Carried by all. COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW - Chris informed the Committee that a grant application is in process to make Woods Road 2 feet wider on each side. Chris would like to revamp the entire road and make it an urban section due to the amount of work and money involved in making the road only 2 fee wider (1 million dollars). Due to items being deleted on the “Amended Agenda” the Committee requests that the following items be placed on the next meeting agenda; Drainage, grading, road plans (Culvert ends) - Avion Estates and Drainage concern - Auippa property. The next meeting, if necessary, will occur in December at an unspecified date. January returns the Committee to the regularly scheduled Committee meetings. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT - Wayne reports that some wind damage has occurred to the salt shed doors and some of the Century Fence installed around the City. ADJOURNMENT - Being no further business to discuss, Ald. Salentine moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 P.M. Ald. Chiaverotti seconded, Carried by all. Respectfully submitted, Linda Gulgowski Recording Secretary