Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 3/23/1998 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, March 23, 1998 The meeting was called to order at 7:03 PM by Chairman Domonic D’Acquisto. Committee members present were Ald. Don Pionek and Ald. Donna Woodard. Also present were, Ald. Mark Slocomb, Highway Supt. John Loughney, Mike Campbell (Ruekert & Mielke), Mayor David De Angelis and those per the attached list. Chairman D’Acquisto noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on March 19, 1998. STATUS OF PROJECTS - The following items were reported on: Library Conceptual Plan - Mr. Gregg Baum of Durant Architects and John McCarthy from Graef Anhalt & Schloemer were present to discuss the updated conceptual plan. Preliminary storm water calculations were developed for the site. R&M has reviewed the plan and have several areas that they will be working with these individuals to rectify. Due to revised storm water runoff requirements, the engineering firm is having difficulties adhering to the two year release rate requirements. Two alternatives of discharging water were proposed. The first being the library discharging into the wetland, and, second, the library discharging into the retention pond. Elevation of the parking lot or discharging the detention pond into the wetland could also be alternatives. Underground water storage was discussed, but deemed extremely expensive with the problem of water discharge still unsolved. Combining the library retention pond with the adjoining Aurora site could occur due to Aurora’s need to regrade their pond to meet the new standards. Ald. Pionek would like to explore the regional retention pond idea in lieu of neighborhood retention ponds. The Committee directs the plan developers to provide them with the following items; Regional pond feasibility, including cost, Combination wet pond exploration with the Aurora property, providing water to the wetland from the roof drainage and the green space to the south, feasibility of berming the area to the east and eliminating the two acres of residential runoff adjoining the library property. Discussion on the possibility of a special Public Works meeting to grant approval to the plan in order to begin excavation on the site in May. Moorland Road-South Extension - Mike Campbell reported that no authorization has been given on this project, so nothing has been done to-date. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Discuss Urban/rural Drainage - Ald. Slocomb discussed the installation of a French drain on Groveway Lane. The dewatering well has been capped by the developer using duct tape. Water continues to spray out of the well. As soon as resident approval is granted, John Loughney will be installing a French drain. Status of projects - Big Muskego Lake - Dredging off of Durham Drive has been completed by Super Western Contractors. The hauling of material to the gun club is finished. Restoration is underway including minor grading. Status of Reconstruction of STH 36 - The jurisdiction transfer language needs to be revised. Wording on ditch reconstruction is too broad at this time. Further review of proposed turn lanes - Muskego Norway School - R&M have met with the County and the School regarding the turn lanes. Signals may be warranted at Racine and Public Works Committee Minutes March 23, 1998 Page2 2 Kelsey Avenue during peak times with the signals becoming flashing yellows during non-peak times. Traffic counts and tape surveys will be done at this intersection and on Crowbar and Kelsey. The counts and surveys will be performed in April. Status of letter to DOT regarding mowing charges - Muskego Dam Road - The Mayor sent the letter to the DOT. No response to-date. NEW BUSINESS Determine curb and gutter requirement for Avion Estates - Ald. Pionek addressed this topic as a resident and not as a member of this Committee due to his personal involvement with the project. No curb and gutters exist anywhere on Hedgewood Drive. Flow of water is not an area for concern according to Mr. Pionek. Adjoining properties were considered regarding the impact of open ditches (as requested by Mr. Pionek) would pose future subdivision development in the area. Waiver of policy was discussed and the precedent of granting exceptions. Lot #7 was examined and was determined that curb and gutter would not be a requirement for that parcel only. Ald. Woodard moved to adopt the Planning Commission recommendation requiring curb and gutter for the Avion Estates development for all lots excluding #7. Seconded by Ald. D’Acquisto. Vote 2-0, carried by all with Ald. Pionek abstaining. Additionally, Mr. Pionek was advised that curb and gutter will not be required in the temporary cul-de-sac. Determine curb and gutter requirement for Woodgate Estates - Glen Miller was present to request waiver of curb and gutter requirements for Woodgate Estates development. Mr. Miller indicated that his is working to match the site they are blending into (which have no curb and gutter). Ald. Pionek is involved with this project as well and presented his opinions as a resident and not a member of this Committee. Mr. Pionek gave a project overview and indicated that storm water will not pose a great concern. John Loughney stated that for at least the last nine years, curb and gutters were required regardless of drainage. Requests for waivers have all been denied. Ald. Woodard moved to adopt the Planning Commission recommendation requiring curb and gutter for Woodgate Estates. Seconded by Ald. D’Acquisto. Vote 2-0, carried by all with Ald. Pionek abstaining. Review Right-of-Way Maintenance Ordinance - According to several checks made by the Committee members, no ordinance exists regarding the maintenance of ROW. Ald. Pionek will prepare materials for next months meeting review. Ald. D’Acquisto moved to defer this item until next months meeting. Ald. Woodard seconded. Vote 3-0, carried by all. Review bids for truck purchase - John Loughney provided three quotes for a new plow, wing and sander. Unfortunately this purchase budgeted for 1998, will not be available until April 1999 due to problems in the manufacturer obtaining transmissions. Badger Ford $89, 794, Lakeside International $89,200.53 and Truck Country $89,162. Due to minimal price difference, Lakeside International was recommended as the accepted bid. Because the 1998 truck will not be available until 1999 and an additional replacement is requested for 1999, the Committee suggested that John contact Lakeside to discuss the possibility of ordering two trucks at one time and perhaps gaining a price reduction due to the multiple purchase. Ald. D’Acquisto moved to approve the bid from Lakeside International for $89,200.53. Seconded by Ald. Woodard. Vote 3-0, carried by all. Ald. Woodard made a recommendation to Council to grant John Loughney permission to purchase a second vehicle at the time of the initial order placement at a cost not to exceed $89,200.53. Public Works Committee Minutes March 23, 1998 Page3 3 Communication and Miscellaneous Business as Authorized by Law - The Little Muskego Lake dam is closed and the Big Muskego Lake dam is currently open. Ald. D’Acquisto expressed his sincere pleasure in working with this Committee and appreciates all of the hard work and dedication demonstrated by John Loughney and the Public Works staff. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT - John mentioned that the curb and gutter vs. ditches and storm water issues need to be explored and intelligent decisions need to be made. John also discussed the “all salt” option for ice and snow control. He has a May 30, 1998 deadline in order to be included in the state bid. Storage of the salt, cost of containment and amount needed per season will need to be discussed in depth at next month’s meeting. Please place Salt Storage/Usage item on next month’s agenda. Ald. Pionek would like John to provide the Committee with the costs of ditch cleaning and street sweeping. ADJOURNMENT - Being no further business to discuss, Ald. Woodard moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:17 PM. Ald. Pionek seconded. Vote 3-0, carried by all. Respectfully submitted, Linda Gulgowski Recording Secretary