Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 7/27/1998 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING - CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved MINUTES OF MEETING HELD THURSDAY, July 27, 1998 The meeting was called to order at 7:10 P.M. by Chairman Pionek. Committee members Ald. Kathy Chiaverotti and Ald. Nancy Salentine were present. Also present were Ald. Mark Slocomb (8:10), Public Works Supt. John Loughney, Mike Campbell (Ruekert & Mielke), Mayor David De Angelis and those per the attached list. Ald. Pionek noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on July 23, 1998. STATUS OF PROJECTS - The following items were reported on: Freedom Square Drainage - Project going to bid this week Deer Creek Subdivision - Curb installed. The Mayor received a call regarding the master grading plan for lots 15-17. Lot elevation on lot #16 is considerably higher than the two adjacent lots (4-5 feet approximately). The lot should be lowered, but if done, the water would run directly into the garage of lot 16. The Mayor requests Committee members to view the site for discussion at the next Committee meeting. New Library Project - Revised plans will be going to Plan Commission next Tuesday. Muskego Regency - Remove from agenda. Drainage issue resolved. Muskego Theater - Left turn issue still not resolved. Awaiting word from owner and new engineering firm employed by owner. Moorland Road-South Extension - See new business #5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Discuss Urban/rural Drainage - Concrete invert going in North of Wiza property. Additionally, Mike Campbell reports that Accurate Cad Cam has sued the City and the Wiza’s regarding the drainage issue. Mike Campbell will be an expert witness for the City. Status of projects - Big Muskego Lake - The parking lot was paved at the Big Muskego Lake access. Stripes to be determined by the Parks Department. Auxiliary lot is not completed to John Loughney’s satisfaction at this time. Status of Reconstruction of STH 36 - the Jurisdiction Transfer was not revised with requested modifications from the City. The timing of the revised document and the date of the next Public Works meeting was discussed and it was suggested by the Mayor that if the revision is correct, with Public Works Committee approval, the Jurisdiction Transfer could go directly to the Common Council for approval. Ald. Salentine moved the allow the revised Jurisdiction Transfer to proceed to Common Council if transfer comes after scheduled Public Works meeting. Seconded by Ald. Chiaverotti. Carried by all. Further review of proposed turn lanes - Muskego Norway School - Traffic counts performed by the County have been received. John Loughney will forward to School District. Further review of Right-of- Way Maintenance Ordinance - New issues have been raised. The League of Wisconsin Municipalities have been asked to be present to voice objections at a hearing in August at the Public Safety Commission. The League will be going up against 20 utilities. Public Works Committee Minutes July 27, 1998 - Page 2 Further discussion on recommendation to Council to adopt SEWRPC’s Regional Transportation System Plan for 2020 - Copies of the plan have been received. The Mayor provided two copies of the plan for the Aldermen to share and review prior to next months meeting. Status of Public Works Committee procedures and policies - The Public Administration Intern provided a comprehensive listing, dating from 1965 of all polices and procedures made by the Public Works Committee. Ald. Pionek requests that Committee members review and prepare to discuss at next months meeting and make policy/procedure recommendations. Status of Marlan Meadows Subdivision Water Course Easement - Mike Campbell discovered that an easement does exist for this area. The deed from the title insurance policy stated that the easement was 15 feet. Proposed easement is 10 feet on one side and 20 feet on the other (15 foot average easement). John Loughney requests that the 15 foot easement be adhered to. Ald. Salentine moved to execute the 15 foot easement on top of the existing easement. Seconded by Ald. Chiaverotti. Carried by all. Discuss Old Loomis Pavement - Mr. Joe Dibb was present on behalf of the residents in the area in question. Last fall a profile milling and seal coat was applied to the road. The results of this road work were not satisfactory to the residents. The Mayor has met with Mr. Dibb regarding a viable solution to both the residents and the City. R&M viewed the site and other than minimal repairs, determined that the road was satisfactory. Ald. Slocomb stated that , after walking, driving and riding a bike on the road, he felt the road was unsatisfactory, but financially, a full paving job would not be viable. The Mayor drove on the road and though not perfect, found the road to be quite usable. Discussion regarding options to improve the ride on the road. The use of slurry coat was discussed and found to be a solution to smooth the rough spots, with patching performed, prior to the slurry coat being spread. Ald. Salentine moved to direct John Loughney to patch spots requiring attention and explore the use of slurry coat next year. Seconded by Ald. Chiaverotti. Carried by all. NEW BUSINESS Drainage & Culvert replacement - W188 S7695 Oak Grove Drive - Removed from the agenda. Drainage Ditch Concerns - Woods Road and Country Brook Estates - Residents are requesting to change the side slope pitch or extend the culvert pipe due to steep sides to the culvert and poor drainage. John Loughney visited the site in question and found that this culvert was no steeper than surrounding ditches. John will visit this and other sites with Ald. Salentine. John also indicated that the poor drainage may be caused by the trench being dug deeper (not by the City). John Loughney will fill the trench, however the side slopes will not be altered. Review road access - Rindfleisch property (#2191.001 & .002) - David Rindfleisch was on hand to discuss his situation. The resident owns lots 001 & 002. The subdivision plan will need to be reviewed to see if lot 001 conforms to a buildable lot description. The road access point (Field Drive) is requested to be changed to Hillendale Drive for lot .001. John Loughney believes that the resident has no access to the road at the current configuration. Ald. Pionek felt that if this lot was sold as a “buildable lot” the resident has access to Hillendale Drive. The resident was instructed to obtain a copy of the deed from his title insurance company to determine if the lot was deeded as “buildable” and forward a copy of the deed to Matt Sadowski. Ald. Salentine moved to defer this item for additional information to be provided by Matt Sadowski. Seconded by Ald. Chiaverotti. Carried by all. At this time, Ald. Pionek removed himself from this meeting for agenda items 4 and 5, due to conflict of interest. Ald. Salentine assumed the Chair position for these items. Review of grading and erosion control plans - Avion Estates - A letter from R&M was sent out on July 15, 1998. To-date, R&M has not received a response. Several issues regarding basement floor depth Public Works Committee Minutes July 27, 1998 - Page 3 in relationship to ground water level were discussed. Due to the unknown nature of the soil on lot #3 and it’s ability to handle the water, the Committee directs R&M to request a soil boring for lot #3. The lack of curbing at the temporary cul-de-sac was discussed as well as the ditches being too shallow to support the City’s minimum 15” size culverts. R&M suggested that curb and gutter be installed through the cul-de-sac or raise the grade of the cul-de-sac. The Committee suggested that if the house set- back was moved further back and 18” ditches were installed, the 12” culvert would not pose a problem. The sump pump discharge was discussed with all but lots 2,-4 discharging into the ditch. Lots 2-4 are potentially going to be discharging into their front yard to the roadway. R&M will need to verify if any existing ordinance exists with regard to the legality of this alternative. Ald. Chiaverotti moved to defer this item until next months meeting to resolve issues with developer and City Engineer. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Vote 2-0, with Ald. Pionek abstaining. Motion carried. Review proposed Moorland Road Realignment-Woodgate Estates - The Alignment of Moorland Road with recommend route was proposed and approved nearly 4 years ago. The City has received a revised alignment plan with the 1000 foot radius reduced to 750 feet. The Committee is concerned about safety issues with the new reduction of the radius. This alteration was not approved in the previously approved plan (C-4A). Ald. Chiaverotti moved to adhere to previously approved plan #C- 4A. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Vote 2-0, with Ald. Pionek abstaining. Motion carried. Review County’s request to acquire property for CTH HH-College Avenue Culvert Replacement - Construction easement from Muskego to Waukesha County in the existing drainage easement is being requested. The County will be replacing the existing invert culvert with a box culvert. Same diameter, only longer. This will reduce capacity only slightly. Construction to begin in the fall, 1998. Ald. Salentine moved to approve the construction easement contingent upon City Engineer review. Seconded by Ald. Chiaverotti. Carried by all. Construction of salt shed for 1998/99 - Structure comparisons are not yet completed. Ald. Chiaverotti moved to defer this item until next months meeting. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Carried by all. Discuss 1999 Budget Issues - John Loughney reports that budget worksheets will be sent out this week for 1999 budget figures. John is requesting direction from this Committee regarding a number of financial/personnel related issues. Currently, storm water management policy is not resolved and his workload increasing for culvert installations, John is questioning if financial allocations should be made for additional staff/equipment or should monies be set aside to utilize outside contractors to perform certain tasks? The Committee directed John to find out how much out-sourcing jobs would cost, in comparison to hiring additional individuals and acquiring new equipment and report to the Committee at the next meeting on his findings. Review drainage concern (W188 S9314 Racine Avenue/Greg Wolfert) - Mr. Greg Wolfert was on hand to discuss his problem. Mr. Wolfert indicated that a property to the South has installed a berm approximately 1 ½ to 2 feet high which is affecting his drainage. John Loughney inspected this site and does see the potential for a problem with the septic system flowing back into the house. Due to the possible health hazard, Ald. Pionek would like to have the Planning Department perform a site visit. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend that Carlos Trejo perform a site visit and write a letter to the adjacent homeowner to place an opening in the berm to allow the natural flow of water. Seconded by Ald. Chiaverotti. Carried by all. Acceptance of Improvements - Lakewood Meadows Addn. #1 - Mr. Jason Galeener and Peter Barrette were present to discuss the acceptance of the roads and storm sewer for the project. The City and R&M have reviewed the request and found that the developer needs to provide to the City $7,000 for the following. $3,000 fee to Public Works for the restoration and continued maintenance of an open cut for the installation of a sewer lateral in the pavement of Bluegrass Drive (cut was on the wrong street - pavement was destroyed). $4,000 to be placed in Developer’s Deposit to cover the cost of drainage Public Works Committee Minutes July 27, 1998 - Page 4 easement restorations. According to John Loughney’s calculations, the developer is entitled to only a $248.00 credit with a total dollar amount due of $6,752. The developer contends that it is not his fault that his contractor cut into the wrong road and failed to get the correct number of permits and inspections (one for each lot). The Mayor stated that it is the responsibility of the developer to ensure that the contractor is performing the work correctly. The developer can pursue the contractor for financial restitution if they desire. Ald. Chiaverotti moved to accept the improvements based on a $248.00 credit, for a total due, to the City of $6,752 for the above mentioned repairs/permit payments. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Carried by all. Request for driveway access to Adrian Drive - Residents Don and Paula Drew wrote to the City requesting the use of the Utility Service drive, adjacent to their property located a W198 S6852 Adrian Drive, Lot 17. The plat requires that the driveway use Black Walnut Court as the access. The residents are currently using the City Utility Service drive as their driveway. Ald. Salentine moved to deny use of Utility Service drive and driveway access on Adrian Drive. Use of Black Walnut Court, as stipulated in the plat will be used. Seconded by Ald. Chiaverotti. Carried by all. Discuss proposed revisions to approved drainage and grading plans (Tess Corners Paving Lot project) - Gary Rosplouh and Dan Roehrdanz were present to discuss the berm modification approval they are requesting. The berm is now designed 1 foot lower than original due to poor visibility of the children playing. The 10 year flood event will be held with the berm redesign. .4 feet of free board versus 1 foot of free board will be used as designed but the revision should still handle the water per R&M. Ald. Salentine moved to approve the modification to the plan, contingent upon City Engineer approval. Seconded by Ald. Chiaverotti. Carried by all. Communication and Miscellaneous Business As Authorized By Law - Ald. Pionek discussed Tess Corners Drive and the recent seal coat performed on the roadway. Several cars were damaged from the hot/wet tar. Payne and Dolan does not feel responsible for any damage (their insurance firm found them not to be negligent) caused to the vehicles since they sub-contracted the work out to Scott Construction. The City will need to pursue this issue will Payne and Dolan since the City has the contractual agreement for this job with them. Ald. Salentine questioned the Wiza Industries grading plan issue. The time frame for plan submittal was questioned and the small chance that no plan will ever be submitted? As long as the plan is not submitted, the sump pumps will continue to operate. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT - John Loughney received a letter from a resident on Highview. The resident is requesting ditch renovation and restoration of the grade in front of their home. R&M will determine if this property is on the punch-list of areas needing restoration/renovation, and if they are not on the list, will be placed there. ADJOURNMENT - Being no further business to discuss, Ald. Chiaverotti moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:05 P.M. Ald. Salentine seconded, Carried by all. Respectfully submitted, Linda Gulgowski Recording Secretary