Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 1/26/1998 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, January 26, 1998 The meeting was called to order at 7:11 PM by Chairman Domonic D’Acquisto. Committee member present was Ald. Don Pionek. Also present were, Ald. Mark Slocomb, Highway Supt., John Loughney, Director of Planning Matt Sadowski, Mike Campbell (Ruekert & Mielke) and Mayor David De Angelis. Committee member Ald. Donna Woodard was excused. Chairman D’Acquisto noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on January 22, 1998. STATUS OF PROJECTS - The following item was reported on: Muskego Theater - Mike Campbell reported that revised plans are forthcoming with regard to the entrance onto Tans Drive. Making the entry a one-way was discussed as an option, but due to safety concerns and ease of plowing, this would not be a good choice. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Discuss Urban/rural Drainage - Ald. Slocomb discussed the Boxhorn/Groveway channel and the Bluhm Creek channel. Kristi Rogers will be working on the sites and will be developing a punch list of areas requiring attention for these sites. John Loughney questioned the designation of a detention pond in the Bluhm Creek area several years ago abutting a private residence. The Mayor will look at old profiles to determine if this is correct. Status of projects - Big Muskego Lake - Big Muskego Lake boat launch dredging will be completed this week, weather permitting. Further review of cul-de-sac/grading Adrian Drive - Based on questions raised at the November 24, 1997 Public Works meeting, Matt Sadowski provided a comprehensive project history to the Committee. Matt spoke with Attorney Molter regarding the ordinances and how they pertain to a “temporary” cul-de-sac. According to the Attorney, the ordinances only apply to “permanent” cul-de-sac’s. Discussion regarding the need for the installation of a temporary cul-de-sac. John Loughney indicated that they are installed when the potential exists for a road to eventually go through. Future use of the land in question was discussed. Mike Campbell indicated that there are two areas that need attention before the plan can be approved. The sub base and the asphalt levels need to be increased to accommodate snow plows and large vehicles. Alternate configurations (making a “T”) in lieu of the cul-de-sac were discussed. Ald. Pionek moved to have property owner and/or project engineer discuss with John Loughney the best method to be used on the site and to install a sub base and pavement which conforms with the standards set forth in the City of Muskego. Seconded by Ald. D’Acquisto. Vote 2-0, carried by all. Update on Loomis Drive - Status of street lights - According to John Loughney, the Electric Company is working on the project. Payment reimbursement will be sought for this project with the bill being sent to Assemblyman Gunderson and then forwarded to the DOT for payment. Public Works Committee Meeting - January 26, 1998 Page 2 Further review of Public Works Plan Flow Chart/Implementation and approval of process - Matt Sadowski provided a proposed submittal procedure (attached) for projects which require input from Public Works and Public Utilities Committees. The total process would take from submission to approval approximately 43 days, if each step is followed and the developer adheres to the schedule deadlines. Discussion regarding the viability of a “fast track” in the process was discussed along with the case-by-case handling of hardship cases. Committee members and those interested are instructed to look over the proposed process and provide Matt with any modifications to improve the flow of the plan. Ald. Pionek moved to defer for further study. Ald. D’Acquisto seconded. Vote 2-0, carried by all. NEW BUSINESS Discuss tapering issue of ingress/egress lanes - Steeplechase & Gold Drive - According to Mike Campbell, plans with existing and proposed grades are to be submitted to R&M. To-date these plans have not been received. Ald. Pionek questioned why tapers are being required on this site. The Mayor provided some examples of tapers on various roads, typically on an as- needed basis. Ald. Pionek moved to table item until plans are submitted for review. Ald. D’Acquisto seconded. Vote 2-0, carried by all. COMMUNICATION AND MISCELlANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW - Mike Campbell mentioned that the Deer Creek subdivision topic need to have further research as well as become an agenda item in the near future. Ald. Pionek mentioned the Moreland Road extension and the items that need to be attended to if the project is going to occur. Discussion regarding what has been done on the site with regard to surveys performed and what costs the City would incur vs. what a developers portion of the cost would be. The Mayor and Ald. Pionek will meet to discuss specific concerns on this topic. John Loughney discussed a past project on Hwy 36 which is now owned by the DOT. Noxious weeds were discovered on the property in question and proper notification was sent to inform the owners that the weeds needed to be removed or the City would mow the property at a cost to the owner. A $518.40 bill was sent to cover the cost of mowing. To-date this has not been paid. The DOT has informed John Loughney that the mowing destroyed the wildflowers which were planted there with the intention of choking out the noxious weeds. The proper individual within the DOT needs to be contacted again to have his matter handled. John Loughney recommends the surface course paving on Hi-View, Acker, Northview be delayed, allowing time for any potential settlement or road base failures to be addressed prior to surface course paving. Both Ald. D’Acquisto and Ald. Pionek concur with Loughney’s recommendation. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT - John Loughney mentioned that a meeting taking place on January 29, 1998 at 10:00 a.m. at Franklin City Hall. The topic will be the City of Muskego taking over Hwy 36. ADJOURNMENT - Being no further business to discuss, Ald. Pionek moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:59 PM. Ald. D’Acquisto seconded. Vote 2-0, carried by all. Respectfully submitted, Linda Gulgowski Recording Secretary