Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 2/23/1998 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, February 23, 1998 The meeting was called to order at 7:08 PM by Chairman Domonic D’Acquisto. Committee members present were Ald. Don Pionek and Ald. Donna Woodard. Also present were, Ald. Mark Slocomb, Highway Supt., John Loughney, Mike Campbell (Ruekert & Mielke), Rich Eberhardt (Ruekert & Mielke), Ald. Dave Sanders, Mayor David De Angelis and those per the attached list. Chairman D’Acquisto noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on February 19, 1998. STATUS OF PROJECTS - The following item was reported on: Moorland Road-South Extension - Mike Campbell provided proposals (attached) for both Moorland Road and Durham Drive. Proposal #1: Moorland Road Centerline Delineation - Janesville Road to Woods Road cost range estimate was $6,500-$7,000. Ald. D’Acquisto questioned what the cost for the excluded items would be. Mike explained that since these items were not part of the initial request they were not included in the proposal. The Mayor expressed concern over the possibility that the establishing of an explicit centerline may raise future problems if a full design analysis isn’t done at this time, which may ultimately pose legal complications with land use issues. Ald. Slocomb would like to know the dollar amount necessary to obtain data on the project “unknowns” (i.e., hidden wetlands). The Committee directs the Mayor to obtain legal information on this matter and present it to this Committee when it becomes available. Proposal #2: Durham Drive Route Analysis: The proposal was briefly reviewed and it was determined that legal opinion is needed first before any further decisions are made. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Discuss Urban/rural Drainage - Ald. Slocomb discussed the Boxhorn/Groveway tributary. Kristy Rogers walked the site to determine brush that needs to be removed. Residents will assist in the removal of the material. Testing to detect dissolved oxygen levels were performed last week. The tributary was found to be very deficient in dissolved oxygen. A sediment basin could be installed to help with this current situation. The Bluhm channel will be cleaned out, as in the past, with the DPW assisting in the refuse collection. Status of projects - Big Muskego Lake - Dredging off of Durham Drive has been performed by Western as much as the weather permitted. The hauling of material to the gun club is all that remains to be done. Further review of Public Works Flow Chart/implementation and approval process - The Committee Chair has not received any commentary from the Committee on this proposed process. Ald. Pionek moved to defer this item until commentary is received. Seconded by Ald. Woodard. Vote 3-0, carried by all. Status of Reconstruction of STH 36 - The Mayor met with the State DOT on the jurisdiction transfer. Individuals on HWY OO were approached about the changes that will occur. No parking signs will be installed on OO. Stop signs on HWY 36 at the HWY 45 intersection would be removed and the speed was to be increased to 45 MPH. After further consideration, the DOT has agreed to lower the speed to 35 MPH, but is not making any concession on the Public Works Committee Minutes February 23, 1998 2 removal of the stop signs. Truck traffic was discussed with a potential posting of “no through trucking” signs posted on the road. NEW BUSINESS Discuss mowing charges for Muskego Dam Road - DOT - John Loughney presented a written response (attached) from the DOT regarding the mowing charge bill sent by John to the DOT. Ald. Slocomb suggest that the City pursue this matter since the State Statute does not exist for an exemption until ownership is transferred to the DNR, since the DNR is the only entity the City would be able to grant an exemption to according to State Statute. Ald. Pionek moved to pursue this matter further by directing the Mayor to draft letters to State Assemblymen and the Director of the DOT. Seconded by Ald. Woodard. Vote 3-0, carried by all. John Loughney wanted to be sure that the letters indicate that both perennial and annual noxious weeds were found on the property. Review bids received for Refueling Station - Mercury Drive - R&M received 7 bids for this project. The low bid of $248,457.64 was submitted by Badger Oil Equipment, Inc. R&M recommends that the City accept this bid. Two alternate bids from Badger Oil were received for the fuel management system at a cost of $4,346.00 and the asphalt deduct in the amount of $26,310. Ald. Woodard moved to approve the lump sum bid price of $248,457.64 submitted by Badger Oil Equipment, Inc., and the alternate bids submitted by Badger Oil for the fuel management system at a cost of $4,346.00 and the alternate bid for asphalt deduct at $26,310. Seconded by Ald. Pionek. Vote 3-0, carried by all. Review proposed turn lanes - Muskego Norway School - Matt Sadowski requested a reply from R&M (attached) regarding an analysis of the Kelsey/Crowbar and Kelsey/Racine intersections. Traffic count data needs to be provided before further action can be taken. The Mayor would like to see turning radius reviewed on Kelsey/Crowbar and improve if necessary for bus traffic. Traffic patterns were discussed. The Business Manager of the District will be contacted by the Mayor for demographic data from the District and R&M’s letter will be forwarded for clarification as well. Ald. Sanders was present to voice his concern at the lack of a recommendation from R&M to provide turning lanes and traffic signals at this time. Review costs for intersection plan - Steeplechase & Gold - Additional drawings were requested by this Committee with a comparison of the original plan versus the proposed plan. Due to the low volume of traffic on either roads, this narrower taper configuration should not pose a problem. Ald. Pionek questioned the need for the tapers. It was determined that it was both a safety and maintenance issue. Fire trucks and snow plows require more of a turning area. Ald. Woodard moved to recommend to Finance Committee the R&M recommendation of estimated intersection construction costs not to exceed $16,000 for the Steeplechase Drive and Gold Drive intersection. Seconded by Ald. Pionek. Vote 3-0, carried by all. Discuss construction of French drain on Groveway Ln. to level water pressure in sewer trench - Ald. Slocomb reported the dewatering well on the Ferrito property was still in place and that ground water from the sewer trench is flowing from the well. The Public Utilities Committee referred Ald. Slocomb to the Public Works Committee to investigate the feasibility of installing a French drain to relieve the pressure. The French drain would keep the water level approximately 1 ½ feet below the road surface. Ald. Woodard moved to approve the installation of a French drain on Groveway Lane. Seconded by Ald. Pionek. Vote 3-0, carried by all. Public Works Committee Minutes February 23, 1998 3 Review suggested Curb and Gutter Policy - Stormwater Advisory Committee - Ald. Pionek presented a memo from the Stormwater Advisory Committee (attached). John Loughney questioned who created the Committee and questioned why he was not invited to participate on this Committee. The Mayor indicated that this was perhaps an oversight on his part. Loughney further questioned the origin of the pollution mentioned in the report and if Committee members actually walked any of the sites. Ald. D’Acquisto concurred with Loughney findings. D’Acquisto does not feel that the level of detail contained in the memo provides enough substance to come to any definitive conclusions. Ald. Slocomb believes that this memo should be used as a manner to open dialog, not as an answer to all of the questions posed. The Mayor agrees with John’s belief that curb and gutter work better and have a lower manpower and maintenance cost associated with them. Ald. D’Acquisto questioned where the data presented in the table was gleaned from? John Loughney suggests that members of this Committee and the Mayor look at the open ditches in the area and at the amount of refuse in each one to give an indication to the amount of work each ditch entails. Due to the significant amount of disagreement, much more detail is necessary. The Committee highly suggests that John Loughney be included in the process and subsequent discussions. Ald. Woodard moved to recommend that this issue be sent back to the Stormwater Advisory Committee for further clarification and study. Seconded by Ald. Pionek. Vote 3-0, carried by all. Review conceptual site plan - Muskego Library - Mr. Gregg Baum, from Durant Architects was present to provide a review of the conceptual site plan. A 40,000 square foot library is proposed. Several plans were developed for this sloping site, this is the best option. Wetlands on the property would be left intact. The retention pond size has not yet been fully established. The drainage plan for the parking lot was discussed with the Committee suggesting that a storm sewer running under the parking lot would be their preference in dealing with run-off. Parking lot size requirements will need to be discussed with Matt Sadowski. A ratio formula can be used to determine the number of parking spaces, times the amount of square footage, if no data is available on the usage levels of the current library. The future widening of Janesville Road was mentioned as well as combining the retention pond on the library site with the adjoining properties retention pond (Aurora Health Care Center). The Committee reminded Mr. Baum to be sure to review current ADA (American’s with Disabilities Act) policies to ensure access is achievable to those with handicaps. COMMUNICATION AND Miscellaneous BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW - John Loughney mentioned the piece he placed in the December City newsletter requesting residents to remove all obstructions they have placed in the Right-of-way in order to make plowing easier. A motorist hit a boulder on the side of the road, within the ROW, she sustained no injuries, but experienced damage to her vehicle. She is subsequently suing the property owner. The Committee will review the Right-of-way Maintenance Ordinance and the penalty levied to those in non-compliance. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT - None ADJOURNMENT - Being no further business to discuss, Ald. Pionek moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:08 PM. Ald. Woodard seconded. Vote 3-0, carried by all. Respectfully submitted, Linda Gulgowski Public Works Committee Minutes February 23, 1998 4 Recording Secretary