Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 8/24/1998 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING - CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved MINUTES OF MEETING HELD THURSDAY, August 24, 1998 The meeting was called to order at 7:04 P.M. by Chairman Pionek. Committee members Ald. Kathy Chiaverotti and Ald. Nancy Salentine were present. Also present were Ald. Mark Slocomb, Public Works Supt. John Loughney, Mike Campbell and Rich Eberhardt (Ruekert & Mielke), Christopher Zoppa, Engineer/Building Inspection Director and those per the attached list. Ald. Pionek noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on August 20, 1998. STATUS OF PROJECTS - The following items were reported on: Freedom Square Drainage - R&M talked with the engineers of the library project. The study from Rust was forwarded to Durant Architects for inclusion on their plan. Deer Creek Subdivision - Nothing new to report. See New Business #1 for discussion of grading for lots 30, 31 and 32. Muskego Theater - During excavation, the landfill was hit. No hazardous materials only building material. Additionally, at a past meeting, the property owner adjacent to the theater (Mrs. Thomas) was asked to provide revised grading plans that were compatible to the theaters. The Committee requests that a letter from the Office of the Mayor request Mrs. Thomas to provide this revised plan. A discussion was held as to the status of the right turn lane onto Tans Drive and the Committee requests that the Plan Director contact the property owner to ask for revised plans addressing the turn lane onto Tans Drive and to provide the Committee with an updated report for their September meeting. Moorland Road-South Extension - The extension of Moorland Road South from Janesville Road to Woods Road was discussed. Ald. Slocomb provided a brief background on his activities regarding the curves and speed limit on the roadway. Rich Eberhardt provided a history on how the C-4A design was arrived at and the 1,000 foot turning radius size. In past meetings a proposal was made to create an exact legal description of the road to determine the center line. This has not been done. The Mayor, at a prior meeting placed the responsibility of the centerline determination with the future developers of the road. Ald. Slocomb questioned SEWRPC’s County Road designation for this stretch of road. How does the City become involved in the changing of the status from Country to City? R&M indicated that a protest would have to be filed on behalf of the City to request the change of status. If this road is to become a true north/south route, the road, as designed would pass next to a subdivision and will create numerous noise problems with the residents in the area. If the County continues to state that they are not interested in this road, and the City constructs the road, can, at a future date the County reclaim the road as a County road. The Committee requests that the City Attorney review this particular issue and report back to the Committee. The Committee requests that the letter directing the City Attorney to perform this task come from the Office of the Mayor. Ald. Salentine moved to defer until an opinion from the City Attorney has been obtained. Ald. Chiaverotti seconded. Carried by all. Ald. Pionek continued the discussion and determined that in order for this project to proceed, the Committee will need to know the following unknowns; number of lanes, location of road, speed, turning radius and ownership of the road. 1998 Road Program - John Loughney reports that only two major roads are left to be paved for this year. The Industrial Park and Lions Park Drive require his staff’s attention. A few minor areas need to be addressed. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Discuss Urban/rural Drainage - John reports that he and his staff are extremely busy. Public Works Committee Minutes August 24, 1998 - Page 2 Status of projects - Big Muskego Lake - Stripes have been painted at the launch site on Durham Drive. Residents have complained about the configuration of the stalls (6 stalls). John indicated that it was done to specifications. Auxiliary lot grading is to be performed. Status of Reconstruction of STH 36 - the Jurisdiction Transfer was not received with revisions requested from the City. Further review of proposed turn lanes - Muskego Norway School - Nothing to report. Further review of Right-of- Way Maintenance Ordinance -The League of Wisconsin Municipalities was present to voice objections at a hearing August 10, 1998 at the Public Safety Commission. The outcome of that hearing is not known. Further discussion on recommendation to Council to adopt SEWRPC’s Regional Transportation System Plan for 2020 - Copies of the plan were received, however, the wrong booklets were sent to the City. New copies have been requested for the Aldermen to review. Status of Public Works Committee procedures and policies - The Committee requires additional time to research the packet of information provided. Multiple policies exist for the same issues. Further review road access - Rindfleisch property (#2191.001 & .002) - David Rindfleisch was on hand to discuss his situation. The resident owns lots 001 & 002. The subdivision plan was reviewed and found that lot 001 does conform to a buildable lot description. The road access point (Field Drive) is requested to be changed to Hillendale Drive for lot .001. Discussion by the Committee regarding the exact location of the driveway access point on Hillendale. Due to safety concerns, Mr. Rindfleisch was directed to place his access at the most southwest location on the lot. Ald. Chiaverotti moved to approve access to Hillendale Drive for a driveway on lot #1, Hillendale Heights 10 feet from the southwest property line. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Carried by all. Resident requests a copy of these approved minutes to be sent to his home at S75 W20022 Ridge Road. At this time, Ald. Pionek removed himself from this meeting for this agenda item, due to conflict of interest. Ald. Salentine assumed the Chair position for this item. Further review of grading and erosion control plans - Avion Estates - Letters from R&M were sent out on July 15, 1998 and August 21, 1998. R&M has met with the design engineers from the Avion Estates project. Storm water issues were still a concern for the developer. Due to the fact that the developer’s engineer does not have the computer software capabilities to calculate the 100 year event with 2 year release rate calculations, the developer requested R&M to provided a proposal to complete this portion of the project, on behalf of the design firm. The cost for this service would be approximately $2,600 - $3,000. Discussion regarding the use of “neighborhood” detention pond facilities for handling the runoff or the use of a “regional” basin. The Committee and the Storm Water Advisory Committee is in favor of a regional basin. Ald. Slocomb stated that he is concerned if R&M performed this task, who would “check” their work? Additional discussion on the discharge of sump pump water to the roadway from the front of the lots was discussed and City Ordinance 16.20 was referenced which stated that clear sump pump water could be discharged to the roadway if storm sewer is not available. Due to the revised and updated plans not being completed, Ald. Salentine moved to defer this item until the developer provided to the Committee updated/revised plans, storm water calculations and addresses the items in the July 15 and August 21, 1998 correspondence, primarily the scope for storm water calculations. Seconded by Ald. Chiaverotti. Vote 2-0 with Ald. Pionek abstaining. Motion carried. Public Works Committee Minutes August 24, 1998 - Page 3 Further discussion of construction of salt shed for 1998/99 - Ald. Pionek had provided John Loughney with concrete block structure costs for a salt shed using the 2,800 pounds of salt requiring to be stored. John informed the group that the shed will only need to accommodate 2,000 pounds. Ald. Pionek will provide John with revised structure pricing. If necessary, the Committee will conduct a special meeting in order to ensure that a structure is available when the salt arrives. Further discussion of 1999 Budget Issues - John Loughney requested direction from this Committee regarding a number of financial/personnel related issues. John questioned feelings of this Committee on the idea of additional staff/equipment for an ever-increasing workload or should monies be set aside to utilize outside contractors to perform certain tasks? John reported to the Committee his findings. If he purchases an additional ditching machine and 3-4 additional employees, how will he be able to keep them busy during the winter? The rental of a ditching machine would cost $6,500 per month. Hiring an outside contractor to perform the job would cost $135.00 per hour. John has proposed that add $26,000 in his budget for 3 part time employees (summer) at $9.00 per hour and rent the ditching machine for $6,500 per month for May, June, July and August. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend and approve John Loughney’s budget proposal. Seconded by Ald. Chiaverotti. Carried by all. NEW BUSINESS Discussion of grading for lots 30, 31 & 32 - Deer Creek Subdivision - Residents David Miller (lot #31) and Don and Nancy Klein (lot #30) were requesting clarification regarding the lots they have purchased. The Mr. David Miller feels that his lot is too low with respect to the height of the roadway and the lots adjacent to him. Mike Campbell of R&M provided an explanation as to the grading plan and the movement of the water within the subdivision. R&M suggested that the resident and those affected (lots 30-32), as a group, submit revised grading plans to the City and request a grade change. Ald. Pionek also suggested that the residents contact the developer to attempt to have him rectify the situation and to provide guidance on the unsold lot in-between the two residents. Acceptance of Improvements (Road and Storm Sewer) Kimberly Estates - One outstanding issue remains in this development. A hydrant and the grading level surrounding it has yet to be resolved. Due to the lack of written material provided to the Aldermen, prior to the meeting, Ald. Chiaverotti moved to defer this item until data is obtained. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Carried by all. Ald. Slocomb also added that there have been several attempts, during the past 3 years to correct this problem, to-date, no assistance has been given by the developer to correct the problem. COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW - None HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT - Nothing to report. ADJOURNMENT - Being no further business to discuss, Ald. Chiaverotti moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:36 P.M. Ald. Salentine seconded, Carried by all. Respectfully submitted, Linda Gulgowski, Recording Secretary