Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 5/23/1996PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1996 The meeting was called to order at 7:lO p.m. by Chairman D'Acquisto. Also present were Committee members Suhr and Pionek, Mayor DeAngelis, Public Works Superintendent Loughney, Michael Campbell (Ruekert & Mielke), and those per the attached list. The Committee noted that the meeting was posted on May 20, 1996 in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. The Committee reviewed minutes of previous meeting. Mr. Mike Campbell, Ruekert & Mielke, reported he will make a personal appearance at the Tuesday, May 28, 1996 Common Council meeting regarding correspondence presented regarding Candlewood Creek Subdivision. Work on Muskego National Regency has started. Erosion control problems have been corrected. Nothing to report on Victorian Villas. Nothing to report on Champions Village. Ald. Rasmussen appeared before the Committee representing Mr. Tom Wernette of Bluhm Court requesting an update on the Bluhm Court drainage cleaning. supt. Loughney stated this project will follow one other on Muskego Dam Road which also has been planned. Committee reviewed status of Moorland Road Extension. Mayor advised that Liesa Nesta, DNR, has made a decision as to route, and has forwarded her recommendation to her superiors. She anticipates that the City will appeal her decision, and is looking for direction from the City. Mayor suggested that the City not compromise on C-4, and deny proposal for C-3. Aid. D'Acquisto reiterated that residents in the area are not happy with C-4, and possibly reengineering of C-4 may be the best choice to make. Appeal may be costly. Ald. Suhr suggested road be reconfigured to move furthest away from Durham Drive as possible. Aid. Suhr moved to refer C-3 back for reengineering and resubmission to DNR. Seconded by Ald. Pionek, motion carried 3-O. Ald. Suhr moved to defer discussion on status of Groveway Lane right-of-way. Seconded by Ald. Pionek, motion carried 3-O. Grant Administrator Mark Paulat gave update on Freedom Square Project. DNR approves of plans as submitted, and does not wish to expend additional funds on redesign. Rust Environmental Public Works Committee - Page 2 May 23, 1996 agrees, but would work on an Addendum with Rawson Contractor. Mayor questioned what items will be addressed in Addendum, and if project will be rebid. Michael Campbell questioned if ditching could be done this year even if cross culvert cannot be installed due to cost. Committee discussed options which may be feasible with money that is available. Ald. Suhr moved to refer design back to Rawson Contractor for redesign of the project at a cost not to exceed the budgeted amount, removing structures in right of way and looking at temporary measures to redirect the drainage. Seconded by Ald. Pionek. Michael Campbell suggested a meeting with Rust Environmental, Rawson Contractors, and City. Motion carried 3-O. Access drive at B. Michaels was discussed. Ald. D'Acquisto st,ated that Matt Sadowski has been requested to set up a neighborhood meeting by the property owner's attorney to discuss issue. Ald. D'Acquisto advised him that the request was outside of the scope of what the Public Works Committee had directed. June 30 completion date for paving of lot was discussed as well as relief from providing access drive to Garnet Drive. Ald. D'Acquisto moved to recommend denial of request for relief from what has previously been agreed to regarding paving and driveway, and correspondence be sent to Mr. Schneider to that affect. Seconded by Ald. Suhr, motion carried 3-O. Status of Lannon Drive turn lane was discussed with Mike Campbell, Ruekert & Mielke. He advised that pre-construction meeting was held. Delays may occur due to utilities. June start date may not be possible. Mayor reiterated that intersection must be complete by the beginning of August. Mike Campbell explained SEWRPC response on floodplain and stormwater management design. DNR advised that City can interpret guidelines as they presently are. SEWRPC has advised that they do not agree with DNR response to the City, due to the possiiblity of City policy changing over the years. Ald. Suhr moved to require future developers to continue to implement the present design, until such time as DNR response is received regarding SEWRPC concerns. Seconded by Ald. Pionek, motion 3-O. Mike Campbell discussed the use of recycled concrete, advising that the D.O.T. does allow its use according to their specifications. Recommends testing to insure specifications are met. Ald. D'Acquisto recommended waiting to see how process works in other areas before City commits to new procedure. Ald. Pionek moved to advise Payne & Dolan that the City is not interested in pursuing the use of recycled concrete at this time. Seconded by Ald. Suhr, motion carried 3-O. Public Works Committee - Page 3 May 23, 1996 Mike Campbell updated the Committee on the Little Muskego Lake Dam/HEC-2, which is in progress. Committee discussed outlet pipe going into Little Muskego Lake. Ald. Pionek discussed condition of pipe, and adjustments that may be made in bars on pipe to prevent debris from blocking drainage. Ald. Suhr appeared before the Committee along with the Jerry Satorious family with regard to the Bellview Storm Sewer Project. He advised the project has come to a standstill. Property owners have concerns regarding the manner in which the project has been going. Mr. Satorious expressed concerns regarding people accessing the back lot due to loss of the tree line; easy access to pond posing a hazzard for children; damage to his property and that of his neighbors; and silt fence placement. June 15 is the final completion date for this project, including the sodding and planting of trees on the Satorious property. Ald. Suhr moved to restore rock garden on the Lang property, addressed as W165 57612 Bay Lane Terrace, to its original condition upon completion of the project. Seconded by Ald. Pionek. It was noted that the City has no responsibility for items placed in right-of-way, including damage or replacement. supt. Loughney stated he is opposed to restoring items that were placed on right-of-way. Ald. Suhr moved to amend motion to restore rock garden on private property. Seconded by Ald. Pionek, motion carried 3-O. Ald. Suhr reported that Mr. Tom Chiconas advised that silt fence was not required for this project. Committee requested that Mr. Chiconas review situation. Committee reviewed quotes received for the 1996 Bituminous Concrete Paving Road Improvement Program as follows: Payne & Dolan, Inc. Bituminous Concrete, Grade #l Base Course $ZO.OO/Ton Bituminous Concrete; Grade #3 Surface Course $21.65/Tori Tack Coat l.OO/Gal. Full Width Milling and Removal .95/Sq.Yd. Curbside Milling for 2" Overlay .60/Ln.Ft. Butt Joints 4.00/Ln.Ft. American Asphalt Pavinq Bituminous Concrete, Grade #l Base Course $ZZ.OO/Ton 24.40/Tori l.lO/Gal. 1.34/Sq.Yd. l.ZO/Ln.Ft. 1.34/Ln.Ft. Bituminous Concrete, Grade #3 Surface Course Tack Coat Full Width Milling Curbside Milling Butt Joints Public Works Committee - Page 4 May 23, 1996 Ald. Pionek moved to accept low bid of Payne & Dolan as listed above, subject to reverifying price of butt joints. Seconded by Ald. Suhr, motion carried 3-O. Discussion of acceptance of improvements - Willowwood Addn. #l (Skylark Lane Extended) was removed from the agenda. Ald. Pionek reviewed request received from property owner with backyard abutting Lannon Drive to remove brush in road right-of-way to Martin Drive. Supt. Loughney advised he had been contacted by property owner to clean out the road right-of-way of stone and brush and plant trees more acceptable to him. Ald. D'Acquisto felt that entire area would need to be cleared, or nothing done at all, and suggested that property owner approach neighbors to discuss. Replanting of area is not acceptable. Committee discussed streambank RFP review for Muskego Creek, canal, and Bid Muskego North tributary with Grant Administrator Mark Paulat. Grand Administrator Paulat explained the scope of the project. He stated Chapter 30 permit would not be sufficent to cover the cost of the project due to the extensive hydrologic data that would be required to complete the project. Mayor stated that City should look at restrictions that currently exist is this area. Ald. Pionek moved to recommend RFP be submitted to the Common Council as a Resolution. Seconded by Ald. Suhr, motion carried 3-O Committee reviewed disposal areas for boat ramp dredge material with Grant Administrator Mark Paulat. Grant Administrator Paulat advised that property owner has denied access to the property for any of the material, and cost to mechanically remove is excessive. Hydraulic dredge is being requested. Mayor stressed that material cannot be placed on overflow parking spaces. Mr. Paulat stated that material may be placed in the parking area temporarily while dredge material dries, and then will be removed. Ald. Suhr moved to direct Grant Administrator Paulat to obtain further cost information on the disposal of dredge material. Seconded by Ald. Pionek, motion carried 3-O. Committee reviewed Chapter 30 permit for Sandy Beach Drive with Grant Administrator Mark Paulat. Grant Administrator Paulat has been approached by property owner to request siltation pond at the Bass Bay tributary at Sandy Beach Drive. He is asking the City to be applicant for submission of the Chapter 30 permit. Mayor questioned if Model Shoreline money will be used. Grant Administrator stated that the City being in the Priority Watershed mandates that similar projects be undertaken. Mayor responded that the City is of the philosophy that developers 0 Public Works Committee - Page 5 May 23, 1996 0 must deal with water coming off their property. Mayor is concerned that requests for this type of project would be continuous. Ald. D'Acquisto stated that fiscal restraints need to be considered. Ald. Suhr moved to approve application for Chapter 30 permit for Sorenson project. Seconded by Ald. Pionek, motion carried. 3-O. The Committee reviewed Chapter 30 permit for the Boxhorn/Groveway drainage project. Ald. Rasmussen gave background information on drainage problem, which involved installing a culvert to lake and the cleaning of drainage ditch. Residents are interested in deepening and widening the ditch. Possible settling area for filtration may also be desired. Grant Administrator Mark Paulat appeared before the Committee to explain application for Chapter 30 permit, and his opinion that widening of channel will not be approved. supt. Loughney explained that there is almost no pitch in ditch. Committee dicussed methods for cleaning. Mayor stated that any work done for purposes other than drainage should not be funded by the City. Ald. D'Acquisto suggested that Mark Paulat be requested to get an answer from the DNR as to what extent they will allow cleaning, so to determine what portions of the project may need additional funding, and what portions of the project may be undertaken by the Public Works Department. Ald. Suhr questioned timetable for completion of the work, possibly Public Works portion in fall, 1996 and contracted portion in spring, 1997. Chapter 30 permit should be submitted for entire project, with the understanding that City is not responsible for funding for the complete project. Ald. Suhr moved to defer until such time as DNR position is clarified, and to direct Mark Paulat to submit an application for Chapter 30 permit for entire scope of project, with funding sources to be decided at a later time. Seconded by Ald. Pionek, motion carried 3-O. Committee reviewed Gregory Drive drainage system in back of Pick 'N Save with Grant Administrator Mark Paulat. Grant Administrator Paulat advised that the Lakeridge Condominium Association does not have the funds to complete the necessary drainage work. Mayor stated that owners assumed certain liability when they became owners. Ald. D'Acquisto advised the Committee extended a good faith effort to work with Mr. Gerlach in the past, which he feels Mr. Gerlach has violated. Ald. Suhr reviewed minutes of previous meeting dealing with this situation. Ald. Pionek moved to authorize written communication be sent to Mr. Gerlach indicating a response is needed with 15 days as to what his plan and timetable is and failure to come forward with that plan will result in the issuance of citations. Seconded by Ald. Suhr, motion carried 3-O. Public Works Committee - Page 6 May 23, 1996 Ms. Betty Czarapata appeared before the Committee to discuss addition of Garlic Mustard to Noxious Weed List. Ms. Czarapata presented information to the Committee on Garlic Mustard, and the importance of controlling this invasive plant not native to this area. supt. Loughney explained the purpose of the Noxious Weed List, explaining that four of five of those on the list are the species most closely monitored. Property owners are advised if they have noxious weeds on their property. If they do not address problem, City removes the weeds and property owners are billed. Supt. Loughney explained that the City is concerned with weeds that cause problems in cultivated land and weeds that cause health problems, such as ragweed, etc. which cause respiratory problems. supt. Loughney noted he does not have the staff available to monitor weeds in wooded areas. Ms. Czarapata presented extensive information on the invasive properties of Garlic Mustard. Ms. Czarapata was asked to provide more information to the Committee and to appear at a future meeting. Ald. Suhr moved to defer. Seconded by Ald. D'Acquisoto, carried 3-o. Committee discussed possible purchase of aerial lift truck in 1997 with Supt. Loughney due to occasional need. supt. Loughney is looking for direction as to if purchase should be considered, or if renting of equipment is desired. Possible sharing of equipment with neighboring communities was discussed. Mayor advised that list of rental rates from the County and other municipalities for this type of equipment will soon be available. Release of final lift of asphalt for Plum Creek East paving has been requested. Ald. Suhr moved to approve release of final lift of asphalt for Plum Creek East. Seconded by Ald. Pionek, motion carried 3-O. Drainage plans for College Ct. Industrial Park were reviewed by the Committee with Mr. Lehrmann, of Lehrmann Moesch Construction. Ald. Pionek questioned contour information not listed on plans. Mr. Lehrmann stated he believes grading plans give adequate information. Mayor expressed concern with water flowing off corner of property onto neighbor. Mike Campbell explained potential problem, which appears will be on the EESI property if the owner, Mr. Schreib expands. Ald. Pionek questioned why owner is taking water off the roadway, and felt ditch should be installed. Mayor suggested research be done if work should have been done on adjoining property at time of construction. Ald. Pionek feels drainage and grading plan as submitted will not work. Supt. Loughney reiterated Ald. Pionek's concerns as well as those expressed by the Mayor. Ald. Suhr not clear how drainage will work on this property. Mike Campbell questioned what will be done with water, stating that Public Works Committee - Page 7 May 23, 1996 it didn't appear detention area will work. Aid. D'Acquisto restated need to research grading requirements as to adjoining property owner, and suggested owner contact neighbor to discuss. supt. Loughney reported that street sweeping of failed seal coating roads has been completed, and redoing of seal coating work should begin soon, as weather permits. supt. Loughney asked the Committee for direction on fuel tank replacement for the 1997 budget. It had been discussed previously that the Police Department and Parks Department would obtain their fuel at the Public Works Garage. The City is obligated to make change by 1998. A central location or private vendor are the considerations. Ald. D'Acquisto moved to adjourn at 12:35 a.m. Seconded by Ald. Suhr, motion carried 3-O. Superintendent SIGY-IV SZEET F‘c)R CITY XEETINGS I _ PLEASE PRINT YOUR N?X.!E ANLl AGENDA ITEH BELOW. THM4-K YOU. Heetino: Date: I I , ..-, ;g&& II - . I\/ , vu I- ---