Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 3/28/1996PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - CITY OF MDSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1996 The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Chairman D'Acquisto. Also present were committee members Suhr and Misko, Mayor De Angelis, Ald. Rasmussen, Ald. Salentine, Public Works Superintendent John Loughney, Plan Director Matt Sadowski, Richard Eberhardt of Ruekert & Mielke and those per the attached list. The committee noted that the meeting was posted on 3/25/96 in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Mr. Randy Schumacher, DNR, appeared before the committee to present an amended proposal agreement for construction of a fish barrier at the Big Muskego Lake Dam. Mr. Schumacher presented several slides demonstrating the presence of a carp barrier at a site on the Oconomowoc River. Ald. Misko moved to provide preliminary approval of the construction of an electrical fish barrier at the Big Muskego Lake Dam subject to concluding a mutually agreeable contractual agreement and attorney review. Seconded by Ald. Suhr, motion carried 3-O. Ms. Liesa Nesta, DNR, appeared before the Committee to answer questions regarding the Moorland Road Extension. Maps depicting alternative routes C3, C3A, and C4 were reviewed and discussed. Safety concerns were raised as well as DNR procedure for wetland classification. The Committee reviewed the March 8, 1996 correspondence to Mike Campbell, Ruekert & Mielke, from Lynn Torgerson, DNR Environmental Engineer, (attached), as a follow-up to Mr. Campbell's request for a decision on the appropriate methodology for floodplain mapping in areas that are considered "rapidly urbanizing". Ms. Torgerson outlined the standards for developing floodplain mapping which is established in NR116.07. NR116 requires expected discharge rates to be calculated based on projected future development conditions. Ald. D'Acquisto moved to adopt the DNR's interpretation of NR116 as the city's standard for floodplain management. Seconded by Ald. Suhr, motion carried 3-O. Mr. Don Kresse appeared before the Committee to discuss the role of roof conductors in facilitating drainage. Rich Eberhardt noted that the city's ordinance prohibits direct downspout connection to the storm sewer. Ald. Suhr moved to require that roof gutters and downspouts are not to be directly connected to the storm sewer. Seconded by Ald. Misko, motion carried 3-O. Discussion on Victorian Villas follows under unfinished business. There was nothing new to report on Premiere Development. There was nothing new to discuss on Urban/Rural Drainage. The committee reviewed road alignment for Moorland Road Extension above with Liesa Nesta, DNR. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - PAGE 2 March 28, 1996 Ald. Rasmussen, John Bernhardt, Ed Herda and Attorney Boris Sodos appeared before the committee to discuss status of Groveway Lane Right-of-Way. Plan Director Matt Sadowski reported that no additional investigation had been completed beyond the conceptual sketch. Mayor De Angelis reported that the committee had to decide not only whether to accept Groveway lane as a private road, but also whether to enable the affected property owners to negotiate individually with Muskego Lakes regarding acquisition of any property needed for a road extension. It was noted that without acquisition of the two parcels at the end of the cul-de-sac, an extension of Groveway Lane would not be possible. Supt. Loughney noted that the city has maintained Groveway Lane for thirty (30) years. Ald. Rasmussen spoke in support of a public dedication of Groveway Lane with the exception of those portions denoted in orange or pink on the attached sketch, as well as the area labeled as an encroachment onto the Muskego Lakes Country Club property. Seconded by Ald. Misko, motion carried 3-o. The Committee noted that negotiations were to be conducted privately between property owners Herda and Gullickson and the Village of Muskego Lakes Country Club. Mr. Don Kitten, Victorian Villas developer, appeared before the committee to discuss grading and drainage plans, and to review city engineer's recommendation of March 28, 1996. The committee noted that the bike path was to be installed at the developer's expense. The committee further restated its policy of requiring the receipt of plans in a timely fashion prior to the committee meeting in order to allow for adequate time for individual review. Ald. Suhr moved to approve the grading and drainage plans subject to satisfying the terms and conditions of Ruekert & Mielke's correspondence of March 28, 1996, as well as the understanding that bike path installation will be at the developer's expense and within public right-of-way, along with all grading and drainage work performed subject to review by Supt. Loughney and Ruekert h Mielke. Seconded by Ald. Misko, motion carried 3-O. Mr. Kitten was also required to submit to the city a copy of the Waukesha County DOT permit for all work within Janesville road right-of-way. The committee reviewed revised proposal for curb and gutter replacement for Meadow Green West Subdivision from D. C. Burbach, Inc., which had been submitted to Mayor De Angelis' office by Mr. Greg Boehm. Ald. Misko moved to accept the revised bid subject to the utilization of sod rather than seed. Seconded by Ald. Suhr, motion carried 3-O. The committee further noted that the February minutes reflect a request by the committee to require a revised bid including sod replacement. The Committee further discussed prior quotes for aerial mapping for the Little Muskego Lake HEC-2 Study. Ald. Misko moved to direct the City Engineers to proceed with aerial mapping at a cost not to exceed $9,600. Seconded by Ald. Suhr, motion carried 3-O. supt. Loughney advised that two employees have been randomly selected and tested under the Substance Abuse Policy. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - PAGE 3 March 28, 1996 The committee further discussed ownership of easement on Holly Patch Ct., in the Lake Forest Subdivision. Ald. D'Acquisto advised that the easement was determined to be the city's and supt. Loughney is to proceed with cleanings as reflected in the committee's minutes of February 22, 1996. The committee reviewed correspondence from City Engineers dated March 21, 1996, in regard to high bids received for Freedom Square project. City Engineer Michael Campbell advised that their conclusions are as follows: The proposed plans involve non-standard features and materials not normally found on a typical storm sewer job, resulting in higher than normal prices. The project requires the crossing of Janesville Road and the pipe is difficult and time consuming to lay; and contractor will have to deal with a large amount of traffic. Due to the degree of difficulty, the hand labor involved and small size of the project, many contractors are not interested in bidding the project. Ald. D'Acquisto moved to direct Mark Paulat to contact Waukesha County to determine whether the county has an interest in a plan modified in accordance with recommendations contained in city engineer's correspondence of March 27, 1996. If the county is interested in the plan modifications, Mark Paulat is directed to seek a plan redesign. If the county reject the plan modifications, the matter should then be referred back to the committee. Seconded by Ald. Suhr, motion carried 3-O. The committee reviewed the correspondence of March 12, 1996, advising that only one bid was received for the Lannon Drive Turning Lane project from Payne 6 Dolan, Inc. in the amount of $64,389.75. Ald. Misko moved to recommend acceptance of bid. Seconded by Ald. Suhr, motion carried 3-O. supt. Loughney discussed with the committee his request for authorization to sell excess firewood as he has been approached by an individual. Ald. Misko moved to direct Supt. Loughney to sell the excess firewood subject to posting a notice as to firewood availability. Seconded by Ald. Suhr, motion carried 3-O. Discussion of road sweeping and winter ice control was removed from the agenda. Aid. D'Acquisto reported that a constituent had requested a street light at Preston Drive and Collage Avenue. A cost estimate of approximately $500.00 was discussed. Ald. D'Acquisto moved to approve a street installation with funds to be transferred to #100.5600.6100 (Street Lighting-Utilities) from Contingency. Seconded by Ald. Suhr, motion carried 3-O. supt. Loughney discussed a possible state mandate as to the location of storm sewers. Cost aspects of meeting the state PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - PAGE 4 March 28, 1996 mandates were also discussed. supt. Loughney expressed a need for additional information so that standards could be set. The Committee directed the City Engineers to provide the committee with information for setting of standards. Mr. Bert Schneider, license holder for B. Michaels Pub on Martin Drive, appeared before the Committee to discuss Garnet Drive access. Mr. Schneider is requesting to keep Garnet Drive access for bad weather and emergency purposes. Past committee actions regarding the driveway access and pavement requirement were also discussed. Ald. Misko moved to defer action to the April meeting, pending clarification as to past actions taken as reflected in the minutes. Seconded by Ald. Suhr, motion carried 3-O. Ald. Suhr questioned whether the deferral would have an impact on meeting the June 30, 1996 deadline. Mr. Don Kresse appeared before the committee to review need for City Engineer inspection services for installation of storm sewer at Muskego Regency. The committee noted that $9,960 was available in the letter of credit for inspection services. Rich Eberhardt noted that the $9,960 amount should be sufficient for inspection purposes. Ald. Suhr moved to require inspection services at the Muskego Regency project, noting that it was consistent with the city's actions for other projects. Seconded by Ald. Misko, motion carried 3-O. The committee reviewed offer from City Engineers regarding their assistance in interviewing prospective consultants for the Lake Denoon Watershed Stormwater Management Plan (without charge) and attending review meetings and/or to review draft reports on an hourly basis at their normal hourly rates, since they are familiar with the City and with the DNR Stormwater Management goals and objectives. Ald. Eilisko moved to accept Ruekert & Mielke's proposal to assist in consultants review process. Seconded by Ald. Suhr, motio:n carried 3-O. There was nothing new to report on DOT response on asphalt shoulders for So. 124th Street residences. supt. Loughney noted that the Chapter 30 permit for Bluhm Court Drainage Ditch has been obtained. Ald. Misko moved to adjourn at 11:40 P.M. Seconded by Ald. Suhr, motion carried 3-O. Respectfully submitted, Ald. Mark Suhr Secretary /ca 0 SIGN-IN SHEET FOR CITY MEETINGS PLEASE PRINT YOUR NAME AND AGENDA ITEM BELOW. THANK YOU. State of Wisconsin \ DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Tommy G. Thompson, Governor George E. Meyer. Secretary Gloria L. McCutcheon, District Director Southeast District Headquarters 2300 N. Dr. ML King, Jr. Drive. Box 12436 Milwaukee, WI 53212-0436 TELEPHONE 414-263-8500 FAX 414-263-8463 TDD 414-263-8713 March 8 1996 Mike Campbell Ruekert & Mielke W239 N 1812 Rockwood Drive RECEIVED MAR 1 5 1996 Waukesha, WI 53188-I 113 Dear Mike: RUEKERT&MlELKE,INC. This letter is to follow-up on your request for a decision on the appropriate methodology for floodplain mapping in areas that are considered “rapidly urbanizing” This follows a thorough discussion on the matter in your office on Thursday, March 7, 1996. Although our conversation centered around the development of mapping for Candlewood Creek subdivision, this discussion is relevant for other future mapping projects. While the City may choose to be more restrictive, NRI 16, Wise. Adm. Code, allows for stormwater regulations and other land use ordinances to be reflected in the calculations and mapping of the loo-year floodplain in rapidly urbanizing watersheds. The purpose of floodplain management is to protect life, health and property from damages associated with flooding. Floodplain zoning minimizes the risks by setting uniform standards for development within the floodplain. Floodplain maps are used to identify the floodplain and critical areas within the floodplain such as the floodway. These floodplain maps are referenced in the City of Muskego Floodplain Zoning Ordinance(Chapter 14 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego). The basis for the City’s floodplain regulations is found in NR116, Wise. Adm. Code, Wisconsin’s Floodplain Management Program. NR116 provides the minimum standards which communities must administer and enforce. The standards for developing floodplain mapping is established in NRI 16.07, Wise. Adm. Code. The floodplain limits and maps are developed by evaluating the hydrologic and hydraulic characteristics of the waterway and contributing watershed. This section sets the minimum standards for the techniques, base data and mapping, and final report for the mapping of the floodplain. The mapping must meet the provisions within this section before it can be approved by the Department and used by the community for regulating purposes. By meeting these standards, the mapping should produce a more accurate picture of the areas of inundation during the I%-chance(or loo-year) storm event. NRI 16.07(3)7 sets specific evaluation standards for rapidly urbanizing watersheds. A “rapidly urbanizing watershed” is defined as one where more than 20% of the land area of the watershed has been developed for residential, commercial or industrial uses or where development of the watershed is project to grow at a rate of 10% or more in the next IO-year period. Many areas in Muskego meet this definition. In these areas, development can cause a significant change in the floodplain limits and have a negative impact on existing development. To avoid potential future conflicts due to increased volumes, additional flood Qualify Natural Resources Management Through Excellent Customer Service study standards were created to predict the floodplain limits based on future developed conditions, NRI 16 requires expected discharge rates to be calculated based on projected future development conditions. In the past, the City of Muskego has used the planned land use conditions as identified and prepared by the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission(SEWRPC) as the basis for the hydrologic calculations in rapidly urbanizing areas. This complies with the minimum state criteria as defined in NRI 16. These calculations did not evaluate any stormwater detention practices required under the City’s stormwater regulations. The question arises: since Muskego has a stormwater ordinance on the books that controls the runoff to a strict degree, can someone developing new floodplain maps modify the discharge to reflect this restriction? The answer is yes, presuming that the City is actively and rigorously administering the stormwater ordinance. NRI 16.07(3)7.b. allows for local land use ordinances to be reflected in the determination of the regional flow discharge values. However, before using this, the City and consulting engineers should take care in evaluating the situation to make sure that assumptions are accurate. This means clearly identifying the allowable discharge,rates under the stormwater ordinance. If the contributing watershed crosses municipal boundaries, it will also be critical to identify the appropriate contribution from these areas. Stormwater regulations are not yet mandatory, so there is no uniform standard and the holding volumes and release rates often vary from community to community. In addition, while detention does control the rates at which water is released downstream, varying times to peak and increased duration of flows must be addressed so that the model is an accurate representation of the area expected to be inundated during the I%-chance storm. Documentation outlining assumptions and all data supporting these assumptions must be provided to the City so that it is clear as to how the discharge values are to be obtained. The intent is to have a map that accurately reflects the floodplain so that landowners are not adversely impacted by increased development by others. If you have any other questions, please call me at 414-263-8679. Sincerely, Lynn Torgerson Environmental Engineer c: Liesa Nesta Dan Hunt/Al Lulloff - WZ/6 Mayor David DeAngelis City of Muskego WI82 S8200 Racine Avenue, P.O. Box 903 Muskego, WI 53150-0903 Matt Sadowski City of Muskego W182 S8200 Racine Avenue, P.O. Box 903 Muskego, WI 53150-0903 Bill RadlelCyndy DeBruine R.A. Smith & Associates 16745 W. Bluemound Road, Suite 301 Waukesha. WI 530055938 Rick Schmidt Bonosmo Andelik Rosene & Associates 1214 W. Venture Court Mequon, WI 53092 Mike Hahn - SEWRPC RUEKERT & MIELKE, INC. Consulting Engineers W239 N. 1812 Rockwood Drive WAUKESHA. WI 53188-1113 (414) 542-5733