Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 6/20/19960 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - CITY OF NUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1996 The meeting was called to order at 7:lO p.m. by Chairman D'Acquisto. Also present were Committee members Suhr and Pionek, Mayor DeAngelis, Public Works Superintendent Loughney, Rich Eberhardt (Ruekert & Mielke), Ald. Patterson, and those per the attached list. The Committee noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. The Committee reviewed minutes of previous meeting. Rich Eberhardt stated revised preliminary plat has been received for Candlewood Creek. Nothing new to report on Muskego National Regency. Rich Eberhardt reported sewer plans have been sent to MMSD for Victorian Villas. Rich Eberhardt reported that the Lannon Drive Turn Lane Project 0 is behind schedule. Waiting to hear from the telephone company. Rich Eberhardt stated meeting will be set up to discuss Parkland Drive storm sewer as it relates to Deer Creek. Committee reviewed building pad variance request for Champions Village. Mr. Pat Zimmer, R. A. Smith & Associates, explained request to set building pad variance at 1.35 ft. Ald. Pionek moved to grant variance as requested, and to review present policy. Seconded by Ald. Suhr. Mayor discussed correspondence from Ruekert & Mielke stating request was reasonable. Building information on homes in Champions Village was presented for the record. Ald. Pionek amended motion to limit variance to Phase 1 and 1A of Champions Village. Seconded by Aid. Suhr, motion carried. 0 Ald. Pat Patterson discussed situation in his district involving the installation of culverts on Sherwood Circle to correct a drainage problem. He expressed dissatisfaction with notification that was given to residents of upcoming work in ditches. He also discussed who is responsible for expense of work performed, since resident did not request work be done. Mayor stated that culvert maintenance and cost of replacement has always been the responsibility of property owners. Committee discussed notification procedures when ditching work is anticipated. Committee discussed a policy of reviewing cost of culvert installations on a case by case basis. Committee denied Ald. Patterson's request for City to share in cost of culvert installation on Sherwood Circle. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - PAGE 2 JUNE 20, 1996 supt. Loughney reported flooding in the Fountainwood area due to heavy rains. supt. Loughney shared photos of flooding, indicating a need to clean Tess Corners Creek. Ald. Pionek requested letter be sent to Parks Department to address drainage problem where park property is draining onto private property. Catch basins appear to have been installed too high. Committee directed that correspondence be sent in this regard. Ald. Suhr expressed concerns about flooding conditions behind the Tess Corners Fire Department addition due to heavy rains. Adjoining property owners have expressed their dissatisfaction with drainage. Committee discussed response received from Liesa Nesta, DNR, regarding Moorland Road Extension, indicating her preference for version #4. Rich Eberhardt reviewed version #4A with the Committee. Committee discussed other scenarios. Ald. Suhr moved to submit version #4A to the DNR for approval. Seconded by Ald. D'Acquisto, motion carried. Nothing to report on Groveway Lane right-of way or the Freedom Square project. Ald. D'Acquisto advised that driveway at B. Michaels appears to be closed. Committee reviewed response from SEWRPC regarding floodplain and stormwater management design. SEWRPC differs with the DNR interpretation of the design. Committee took no action. Rich Eberhardt reported that the Little Muskego Lake Dam/Hec-2 Study will be available in 2-3 weeks. Ald. Suhr reported that the Bellview Storm Sewer Project is progressing. There was nothing new to report on disposal areas for boat ramp dredge material. Rich Eberhardt reported that the Gregory Drive drainage system in back of Pick 'N Save is installed. There is further work needed to extend ditch to Lannon Drive. Discussion of noxious weed list was removed from the agenda. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - PAGE 3 JUNE 20, 1996 Rich Eberhardt reviewed acceptance of improvements for Willowwood Addn. #l (Skylark Lane Extension). Ald. Suhr moved to deny acceptance of improvements until surface course of asphalt is installed. Seconded by Ald. Pionek, motion carried. Committee reviewed problem with detention pond on Spinnaker Way. Mr. Stan Potrykus, Metropolitan Engineering, gave background information on creation of pond. He explained problem with grades in the area, and suggested regrading and bringing material in to alleviate problem. Mr. Kevin Mutschler questioned height of storm sewer pipe and whether pipe should be anchored. Questioned who is responsible for upkeep of pond. Mr. Dwayne Krause expressed concern about wet conditions, height of water in drain, and safety with regard to unprotected drain. Mr. Mark Bullard stated his sump pump runs continuously. Mr. Brian Dunaway stated water flows continually thru pipe, and his concerns with swale coming from Deer Creek. Mr. Ken Krause stated that sump pumps running into pipe makes water flow continuously and keeps area wet. Mr. Richard Hlavacek questioned if reverse pitch could be considered. Resident expressed dissatisfaction with wet area so near the bike path. Ms. Christine Krause expressed concern for children in area going into wet area, and their difficulty in maintaining the low area. Alternative solutions were discussed ie., selected filling and installation of concrete inverts. Resident requested an "action plan" with a timeframe for solution to the problem. Resident questioned to what extent grades will be shot. Mr. Michael Kaerek stated area was installed as designed and was approved by the City. Aid. Suhr moved to defer to next Public Works meeting to be held Thursday, July 25th pending receipt of drainage plan from Metropolitan Engineering. Seconded by Ald. Pionek, motion carried. Committee reviewed drainage plans for the College Court Industrial Park. Rich Eberhardt stated due to late receipt of drainage plan by Ruekert & Mielke, he has not thoroughly reviewed drainage plan as submitted. Plan calls for installation of drainage swale in the rear of the Krueger and National School Bus property. Mr. Jim Lehrmann, Mr. Jim Robe11 and Mr. Rhine Krueger discussed with the Committee the proposed solution to drainage problem, and possible cost sharing for the project. Mayor suggested that the plan be approved but that an occupancy permit for the proposed new building would not be granted until such time as the drainage swale from the corner of the Schreib property to the Krueger property is installed. Ald. Pionek moved to approve plan contingent on installation of swale as suggested by Mayor. Seconded by Ald. Suhr, motion carried. Committee reviewed subdivider's road and storm sewer exhibits for Lakewood Meadows Addn. #2 with Rich Eberhardt. Ald. Pionek PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - PAGE 4 JUNE 20, 1996 moved to direct developer to provide temporary cul de sac on Tans Drive. Seconded by Ald. D'Acquisto, motion carried. Mr. Claude Fleury addressed the Committee regarding a problem he is having with replacement of damaged sidewalk in front of his property at 578 W18287 Lions Park Drive. Mr. Fleury feels plumbing contractor is responsible for cost of replacement, which contractor has denied. Committee felt situation is a civil matter and advised Mr. Fleury to take his claim to Small Claims Court. Rich Eberhardt discussed problem on Bay Lane Place where road encroaches on private property. Committee directed Rich Eberhardt to investigate options to correct problem and their cost. supt. Loughney reported that Waukesha County, in connection with Laidlaw, will sponsor a Household Hazardous Waste Collection in September. Laidlaw has asked if the City of Muskego would like to have a drop off site at the Municipal Garage. Ald. D'Acquisto suggested that local fire departments be made aware of event. Mayor explained details. Committee receptive to the City participating by providing a drop off site. supt. Loughney explained problem on Red Oak Ct. where Mr. Castona is complaining that culvert that was installed was oversized. A neighbor across the street is complaining that they were never notified that culvert was being installed, and they are opposed to its installation. Committee advised that approval for culvert installation had been given previously, pending approval from the immediate neighbor, and they will stand by that approval. supt. Loughney acknowledged receipt of letter from WRR Environmental Services regarding roads that were damaged as a result of the Little Muskego Lake dredging projects. Contractor has offered to pay a small portion of the cost of Diamond Drive repair only. Ald. D'Acquisto stated Committee would be receptive to contractor funding needed work, as opposed to using the road bond that was posted, if contractor wishes. Ald. Suhr moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Pionek, motion carried. 0 jz Respectfully submitted& m Loughney ' - ic Works Superintendent CHAMPIONS VILLAGE Building Information as of June 12, 1996. Average first floor square foot area = 1,745 The median of the first floor square foot area = 1,600 Average lot square foot area = 14,165 The median of the lot square foot area = 14,025 0 SIGN-IN SZET FOR CITY MEETINGS PLEASE DRINT YOUR NP3E AND AGENDA ITEX BELOW. TXANK YOU. XAME: ITEX a