Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 7/25/1996PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - CITY OF NUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1996 The meeting was called .to order at 7:lO p.m. by Chairman D'Acquisto. Also present were Committee members Suhr and Pionek, Public Works Superintendent Loughney, Mike Campbell (Ruekert & Mielke), Ald. Salentine, and those per the attached list. The Committee noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. The Committee reviewed minutes of last meeting. Mike Campbell updated the Committee on the Lannon Drive turn lane. Ald. D'Acquisto expressed City's desire to not have the intersection torn up for the Community Festival parade on August 25th. Ald. D'Acquisto asked that Mike Campbell provide status of road condition at time of parade to be forwarded to parade coordinator. Aid. Pionek questioned if contractor has been contacted regarding clearing out the water shut offs in Champions Village. Mike Campbell will research. The Committee reviewed status of Deer Creek with Mr. Clark Tabbert and his consulting engineer regarding 48" culvert at the end of Parkland Drive which is at the southern end of their property. Mike Campbell gave background information on drainage in this area and reviewed his concerns with possible solutions to problem. Mr. Tabbert suggested the installation of a reducer on the culvert to 30" to correct the problem. Ald. Pionek moved to allow modification to Master Grading and Drainage Plan for Deer Creek for Lots #2 and #6, Block 1 to 792.5, to change 100 year elevation line on drawing, and to permit downsizing of culvert pending receipt of DNR permit approval. Seconded by Ald. Suhr, motion carried 3-O. Mr. Greg Boehm appeared before the Committee to discuss a Woods Road drainage concern. Be is requesting the construction of a berm since a sewer project will be undertaken in this area, and the ground will be available. supt. Loughney suggested that storm sewer size in area be considered. fir. Boehm feels cross culverts in Woods Road should not be taking water onto his property. Committee suggested that Mr. Boehm contact Metropolitan Engineering to determine what capacity storm sewer system was sized for, and forward information to Supt. Loughney. Algae problem on Moonlight Lane was discussed, with chemical spraying a concern since water flows into Big Muskego Lake and the chemicals available are a detriment to fish. - 0 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - PAGE 2 JULY 25, 1996 The Committee reviewed status of Moorland Road Extension stating that Ms. Liesa Nesta, DNR, has verbally approved plan C-4A. Ald. Suhr presented questions regarding the plan. MS. Betty Czarapata discussed with the Committee her request to add garlic mustard to the noxious weeds list. Ald. Suhr questioned what impact adding this weed to the noxious weeds list would have on the Public Works Department staff time. supt. Loughney explained that the current Ordinance does not allow for the issuance of a citation should a resident choose to take no action after being requested to do so. supt. Loughney explained that his department does not have the time to control this weed by hand. Ald. Suhr moved to refer matter to Public Services Committee for Ordinance review regarding enforceability issues. Seconded by Ald. Pionek, motion carried 3-O. Mike Campbell updated the Committee on the road encroachment problem on Bay Lane Place, and reviewed different options available to correct the problem. Ald. Suhr moved to defer action on this item to next month's meeting. Seconded by Ald. Pionek, motion carried. Committee discussed drainage on Gregory Drive behind Pick & Save with Mark Paulat. Responsibility for finishing of the project was discussed. Mark Paulat updated the Committee on the status of the Freedom Square project stating that project needs to be rebid. Ald. Suhr moved to direct project be rebid. Seconded by Ald. Pionek, motion carried 3-O. Mark Paulat updated the Committee on the disposal area for boat ramp dredge material which has been located on the Pipke property at Durham Drive at Bwy. '00'. Appropriate paperwork has been forwarded to the Army Corps of Engineers and the DNR for approval. Grading of the parcel, rental fee for drying time for one year, and restoration to tillable soil on approximately four acres of this property were discussed. Mark Paulat will draft a contract for this project to be reviewed at next month's Public Works Committee meeting. Mike Campbell updated the Committee on the status of the Little Muskego Lake Dam/Hec-2 Study. Topo mapping should be delivered next week. Ald. D'Acquisto advised that a citation was issued to B. Michaels with regard to their access driveway, along with 10 day compliance letter. 0 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - PAGE 3 JULY 25, 1996 Ald. Suhr moved to defer action on the floodplain and stormwater management design (SEWRPC). Seconded by Ald. Pionek, motion carried 3-O. Committee reviewed status of the detention pond area on Spinnaker Way with Mr. Stan Potrykus and Mr. Bob Gassert. Mr. Gassert explained drawings that were made of the area detailing grades. He recommends having the developer regrade the area to the grades that were originally approved. Mike Campbell stated that area upstream of this area has been developed differently than was originally planned. Ms. Melodoy Mutschler stated her desire to have grass growing in this area. Mr. David Leikam stated he felt there is additional capacity in pond which he feels is complicating problem. Mr. Ken Koss expressed concern about steady sump pump flow into pond keeping area wet all the time. Mr. Brian Kowalski stated he felt area is acting as retention pond also, and probably has been misnamed. Ald. D'Acquisto questioned if resources developer would expend on regrading, if he would consider reconfiguring this area with these funds. Ald. Suhr questioned if work that is decided upon could be completed this fall; who will be monitoring work, and whether culvert pipe can be secured since it seems to move during freeze/thaw cycles. Ald. D'Acquisto suggested Mike Campbell determine costs involved and to have Ald. Suhr research cost share between developer and residents in area if it is decided to reconfigure area. Ald. Suhr moved to defer action on this item to a special Public Works meeting to be scheduled preceeding the August 13th Common Council meeting. Seconded by Ald. Pionek, motion carried 3-O. Committee discussed repairs needed to Jewel Crest, Diamond, and School Drives with regard to the Little Muskego Lake Dredging Project. Ald. D'Acquisto stated that WRR Construction has contacted him regarding the repairs, and that he responded that discussion regarding the repairs should take place at the Committee level. supt. Loughney gave background information regarding WRR Construction's position on the matter, and advised of their suggestion that a compromise on cost sharing be considered. Ald. Suhr stated he felt City should not contribute monies toward restoration of the damaged roads. Ald. Suhr moved to deny City contribution toward project to cover road repair, and if this is unacceptable to contractor, City will use road bond posted to cover cost of repair. Seconded by Ald. Pionek, motion carried 3-O. Letter will be forwarded to contractor with deadline of August 31, 1996 as the deadline for response, or their bond will be forfeited. Committee reviewed drainage problem in Lake Forest Subdivision with Bryan Hackbarth who is asking that grades in area be reviewed due to a drainage problem on his property. Committee discussed possibility of installation of storm sewer basin to a 0 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - PAGE 4 JULY 25, 1996 solve problem. This solution deviates from the Master Grading Plan. Location of gas main needs to be determined. Ald. Pionek moved to allow change in the Master Grading and Drainage Plan for Lots 103 and 104 in Lake Forest Subdivision Phase 3, provided there is concurrence between the property owners as to how installation of storm sewer will be paid for, provided there is not a gas line in the area, with the City to be installing a basin and 't' connections, and shooting the grade between Lots 103 and 104 at a cost not to exceed $2,000.00, with all costs to be the sole responsibility of the property owners, with regrading to be the sole responsibility of property owners also. Seconded by Ald. Suhr, motion carried 3-O. The Committee reviewed drainage concern on County Hwy. 'L' at Lincoln Drive with Ald. Salentine and Mr. Giesegh. Possible solutions were discussed. supt. Loughney stated grade had been shot in this area recently, and that the City does not usually involve itself in drainage problems on private property. Committee reviewed correspondence presented by Mr. Giesegh dated 1993 from Chuck Dykstra regarding filling of the lot. Ald. D'Acquisto requested drawing from Mr. Giesegh which explains what he is requesting, and to inform Ald. Salentine when drawing is available. The issue may then be discussed at a future Public Works meeting. The Committee discussed drainage concern with Mr. Paepke on Pioneer Drive. He feels culvert pipe is set too high, and asks that situation be reviewed. Supt. Loughney stated he felt the pipe was not too high, but that the ditch does not carry the water away. supt. Loughney will review the situation. The Committee reviewed drainage concern on Luehring and Hillview Drives with Mr. Lloyd Pickart. Mr. Pickart is requesting culvert replacement for culverts he feels are undersized. supt. Loughney stated there are culverts that have rotted that need replacing, as well as basins that were constructed of lannon stone that are collapsing that need to be replaced. Ald. Suhr moved to direct City Engineer to prepare conceptual plan to correct situation at a cost not to exceed $l,OOO.OO with funds to be taken from the Urban Drainage Account. Seconded by Ald. Pionek, motion carried 3-O. Mark Paulat reviewed engineering proposals for Muskego Creek and Muskego Canal with the Committee as follows: Triad Engineering $ 49,250 Kapur 6 Associates $ 14,244 Barrientos $132,200 Quality Consulting Services $ 35,514 Johnson, Johnson & Roy Inc. $ 32,600 Rust E & I $ 54,568 2000/20 a PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - PAGE 5 JULY 25, 1996 Rust E & I $ 39,633 lOOO/lO Graef Anhalt & Schloemer $ 66,454.02 Mark Paulat stated that the DNR has stated that the proposal submitted by Rust E & I was the only proposal acceptable to them. Ald. D'Acquisto questioned why the Triad Engineering proposal was not acceptable to them. Mark stated that they felt it was incomplete and did not have a complete understanding of the project area. Ald. Suhr questioned timetable for project, monitoring of project during construction, and responsibility for maintenance of areas. supt. Loughney asked if hiking trail along creek was something that was being considered. Committee asked that Triad Engineering, Rust E & I, and Graef Anhalt & Schloemer be invited to the August Public Works Committee to answer questions regarding their proposals. supt. Loughney asked the Committee for approval to bid out curb work in the Lake Meadows Subdivision. Ald. Suhr moved to bid out l/4 mile curb replacement work in the Lake Meadows Subdivision. Seconded by Ald. Pionek, motion carried 3-O. supt. Loughney advised that failed seal coating from last year has been corrected. Payne & Dolan has begun work on Muskego Drive, with paving expected to begin Wednesday. Ald. D'Acquisto stated that suggestions regarding operational changes that the Committee may have be summarized and reviewed at the next meeting. Ald. Pionek moved to adjourn at 2:05 a.m. Seconded by Ald. Suhr, motion carried 3-O. . PLEASE SIGN-IN SZEET FOR CITY ITE?? MEETINGS BELOW. THANK YOU.