Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 4/25/1996PUBLIC WORKS CONMITTEE - CITY OF NIJSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1996 The meeting was called to order at 7:lO P.M. by Chairman D'Acquisto. Also present were committee members Suhr and Pionek, Mayor De Angelis, Public Works Superintendent John Loughney, Michael Campbell (Ruekert & Mielke) and those per the attached list. The committee noted that the meeting was posted on 4/25/96 in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. The committee reviewed the status of the following projects: Candlewood Creek Subdivision - A meeting has Candlewood Creek developer sometime the week Muskego Reqency - Subdivider's Agreement and in place. Victorian Villas - Nothing new to report. have just been Lannon Drive Turn Project - Signed contracts received from Payne & Dolan, contractor for the project. been scheduled with of April 29th. Letter of Credit are supt. Loughney presented issues regarding leaf removal and ditch maintenance, noting that it was the property owner's responsibility to maintain ditches. Supt. Loughney also noted that he did not have staff available to comply with every ditch cleanup request received. There was nothing new to report on status of Moorland Road Extension. There was nothing new to report on the status of Groveway Lane Right-of-Way. There was nothing new to report on the status of electrical fish barrier-BML. Michael Campbell, Ruekert & Mielke, reported that the proofs for the HEC-2 report for the Little Muskego Lake area have been completed and there is a 6 to 0 week time frame anticipated before conversion from aerial to final map format. Grant Administrator Mark Paulat appeared before the committee to discuss status of Freedom Square Project rebid. Ald. Suhr moved to defer to the May meeting, pending redesign by Rust Engineering. Seconded by Ald. Pionek, motion carried 3-O. Mark Paulat will also look into county contribution towards replacement of 24" pipe. Mr. Bert Schneider and Attorney David appeared before the committee to discuss status of access drive for B. Michaels on Martin Drive. Attorney David requested an opportunity to discuss due process issues with the City's attorney. Ald. Suhr moved to defer to the May meeting in order to allow Attorney Davis to discuss matters with the City's attorney, with all expenses to be Public Works Committee - Page 2 April 25, 1996 - 0 the responsibility of Mr. Schneider. Seconded by Ald. Pionek, motion carried 3-O. There was nothing new to report on request to DOT'S response asphalt shoulders/S124th St. Sally and John Vogt, owners of Lot 23 of Lakeview Highlands, appeared before the committee to request a driveway access to Adrian Drive. The Vogts noted that the developer had represented to them that access to Adrian Drive would be granted. Ald. Suhr moved to allow a driveway access to Adrian Drive from lot 23 given the specific topography of lot 23. Seconded by Ald. Pionek, motion carried 3-O. Michael Campbell, Ruekert & Mielke, discussed floodplain and stormwater management design policies and advised that he had discussed with Mike Hahn of SEWRPC and Mr. Hahn stated he would be forwarding a letter outlining his concerns. The correspondence had not yet been received. Michael Campbell, Ruekert & Mielke, reviewed information pertaining to State Mandate/storm sewers and noted that the State may be requiring local utilities to mark pipes. The possibility of running tracer wires along water mains or force mains was discussed, with plans for using detector wires and location boxes. Supt. Loughney presented the committee with the following bids for patrol truck: Badger Ford $78,045 Keiser Ford $78,559 V & H Ford $78,182 Lakeside International $78,150 Supt. Loughney noted that the vehicle from Lakeside International was a 1997 vehicle while the others were 1996 models. supt. Loughney expressed a preference for the 1997 International model since it would have an additional year for trade-in value as well as having a more favorable experience with International than with ford equipment. Ald. Suhr moved to approve bid of $78,150 from Lakeside International citing Supt. Loughney's concerns. Seconded by Ald. Pionek, motion carried 3-O. supt. Loughney discussed with the committee road bidding specifications and recycled concrete. He reported that Payne and Dolan has approached him about the possible use of recycled concrete. Ald. Pionek noted that recycled concrete was being used in highway projects in the Watertown area. Michael Campbell (Ruekert & Mielke) will obtain additional information regarding use of recycled concrete. supt. Loughney discussed with the committee budgeted monies for road repair noting that monies for the Boxhorn project were not utilized and requested the use of those funds for other projects. Public Works Committee - Page 3 April 25, 1996 0 Ald. Pionek moved to approve reallocation of the funds for other projects. Seconded by Ald. Suhr, motion carried 3-O. Supt. Loughney discussed with the committee the city's policy for mutual aid calls noting that three (3) Public Works employees are also volunteer firefighters. The present policy is to allow Public Works employees to be available for fire calls. Supt. Loughney noted that mutual aid calls are infrequent. Ald. Pionek moved to adopt a policy enabling Public Works employees to respond to all fire calls and mutual aid calls. Seconded by Ald. Suhr, motion carried 3-O. supt. Loughney presented a logo sign for patrol trucks for committee review. Ald. Suhr moved to approve design subject to enlargement of the D.P.W. lettering, numbering of signs, and copyrighting. Seconded by Ald. Pionek, motion carried 3-O. The review of grading plans for A. G. Industries (MSI) was removed from the agenda as it should have been a staff approval function. Mr. J. W. Spencer appeared before the committee to review grading and drainage plans for expansion of the Muskego Clinic. The committee reviewed the April 16, 1996, correspondence from City Engineers. Concerns regarding an increase in the impervious surface were discussed. Mr. Spencer noted that a curb would contain any runnoff arising from the Clinic expansion and would channel runoff to the west and north. If the curbing doesn't work, Mr. Spencer noted that a detention area would be constructed to handle the proposed flow. Ald. Suhr moved to defer item to a special Public Works Committee meeting to be scheduled at 6:30 P.M. on Tuesday, May 14, 1996, in order to allow for review of revisions to the site plan, including a clarification as to lot contours. Seconded by Ald. Pionek, motion carried 3-O. The committee reviewed the site development plan for the College Avenue/College Ct. Industrial Park. Ald. Pionek moved to defer to the May meeting pending receipt of drainage plans. Seconded by Ald. Suhr, motion carried 3-O. Supt. Loughney reported that he was interviewing five (5) applicants for the vacant Department of Public Works position, and that stone pickup off of streets where sealcoating failed is proceeding slowly. Ald. Suhr moved to adjourn at 10:00 P.M. Seconded by Ald. Pionek, motion carried 3-O. Respectfully submitted, 0 /ca Ald. Mark Suhr Secretary SIGN-IN SZEET 7OR CITY MEETINGS PLEASE DRINT YOUR NAME .;\ND AGZXDA ITEX BELOW. THANK YOU. Meetino: Date: XAME: ITEX