Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 11/18/19930
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Chairman
Dumke. Also present were Committee Members Schneider and
Misko, Mayor De Angelis, Supt. Loughney, Ald. Taube and those
per the attached list.
The Committee reviewed the minutes of the previous meeting and
placed on file.
Mr. Bob Patch, Al Will, and Kalvin Klimeck appeared before the
Committee to discuss the status of Terra Development projects.
Mr. Patch indicated that he has completed all of the
outstanding items as noted in Terra Development Corporation
correspondence of November 18, 1993, as well as items listed in
the Soil Erosion Inspector's correspondence of November 9, 1993
for Plum Creek and Plum Creek #l, and correspondence of October
11, 1993 for Plum Creek and Plum Creek #l.
Ms. Carol Giesegh and Ald. Taube appeared before the Committee
to discuss drainage concern on Janesville Road. The Committee
deferred action until the January meeting in order to allow the
members to view the site.
Ald. Taube appeared before the Committee to discuss drainage
concern on Haven Drive. Ald. Taube is going to present cost
estimates to the affected property owners and will report back
to the January meeting.
Mr. Mike Novitske appeared before the Committee to discuss
drainage concern on Lochcrest Blvd. Ald. Misko moved to
approve the Public Works Department installing a berm and a
ditch on the south side of Lochcrest Drive. Seconded by Ald.
Schneider, motion carried. Supt. Loughney will also check with
Mr. Shook (S72 W19111 Lochcrest Blvd.) about the possibility of a culvert being installed on the second driveway at the
property owner's expense.
Mr. Lew Averill appeared before the Committee to present plans
for all siltation ponds for CCV-Champion Villages. Mr. Averill
advised that the ponds have still not been verified by the DNR.
The Committee discussed Urban/Rural Drainage. The Committee
discussed possible drainage easement for the Greg Gabor
property on Woods Road.
The Committee further reviewed drainage concern on Tomar
Drive. Ald. Schneider will check with his constituents to
determine if they would allow the developer of Lakeview
Highlands to seed and mulch instead of installing sod due to
utility work being at a later date. If it is acceptable, he
will advise the Committee at the December meeting.
Public Works Committee - Page 2 November 18, 1993
The Committee further discussed request for enlarging cul de sac on Kurtze lane and reviewed correspondence from the City Engineers dated November 5, 1993, as well as a sketch of the proposed school bus turn-around on the south end of Kurtze Lane. The Committee determined that if Mrs. Verburgt is able to obtain required land from property owners, the Committee
would be receptive to the turn-around.
supt. Loughney advised the Committee that the culvert has been installed on Christopher Lane and Mayor De Angelis advised that
he has not received anything new on the driveway access information.
Mayor De Angelis discussed with the Committee drainage
alternatives for the Lake Ridge Apartments and will further
review at the December meeting.
Nothing new to report on the proposed amendments to Floodplain
The Committee discussed drainage concern on West Tower Drive.
Supt. Loughney advised that the new storm sewer being installed
on Valley Drive should relieve some of the drainage problems
for Mr. Niezgoda.
The Committee reviewed Acceptance of Improvements for Country Brook Estates Phase I & II. Ald. Schneider moved to recommend acceptance of Phase I. Seconded by Ald. Misko, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed storm sewer and paving plans for Lannon
Drive. Ald. Schneider moved to approve subject to
incorporation of the following recommendations submitted by the City Engineers:
1. A 15" stub with end section pointing northeast out of
Manhole No. 2 should be added to the plan. This will
provide for drainage of the south ditch of Janesville Road
east of Lannon Drive.
2. All 12" pipes should be changed to 15" in diameter which is the minimum standard for culverts in Muskego.
3. The plan should be revised and submitted to the County
for a permit as soon as possible.
Seconded by Ald. Misko, motion carried. The Committee also
requested that a copy of these adopted minutes be sent to Mr.
Zillig and his engineers advising this will be discussed at the December 30, 1993 meeting.
The Committee reviewed correspondence received from Mr. Michael J. Weber, S107 W16789 Muskego Dam Road, Muskego, WI 53150. The Committee referred the letter to the Public Safety
Public Works Committee - Page 3 November 18, 1993
0 Committee for their December 9, 1993 meeting and requested that a letter be sent to Mr. Weber advising of the meeting date.
The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Brian R. Misko Secretary
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