Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 3/25/1993i 0 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1993 The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M by Chairman Dumke. Also present were Committee Member Schneider, Mayor Salentine, Ald. Sanders, Ald. Misko and those per the attached list. Mr. Jerry Kowalik appeared before the Committee to discuss a drainage problem on Hwy. 00 and HiView. The Committee reviewed correspondence that was sent to County Supervisor George Guhr on February 15, 1988, and the response from Richard Bolte, DOT, stating that the Highway Department will proceed to investigate the problem and if there is a problem caused by a failure of their facilities, they will repair and/or replace. If the problem is not caused by their facilities, they will advise. They noted that all inspections and repairs were subject to the weather cooperating. Superintendent Loughney will contact the DOT and report back to the April meeting. Mr. Al Merfert appeared before the Committee to discuss a drainage concern at the back of his property and flooding on his property. Mr. Merfert's property abuts M & W Marine. Mr. Andy Wolf & Mr. Dick Wanasek of M & W Marine will place additional fill and grade the existing fill so that the drainage ditch on the east property line will convey the water to CTH L. supt. Loughney will determine when this work has been completed. Mr. Jerry Kurth will allow the City of Muskego to open the drainage ditch on his property. M & W Marine will install a swale to the south of their existing pond and will provide existing grades. The Committee directed that M & W are to meet with the City's Soil Erosion Inspector. There was nothing new to report on the status of the Public Works Garage liquidated damages claim. Mayor Salentine and Ald. Misko reported on the status of the Little Muskego Lake Dam. Midwest Engineering has been put on hold for favorable weather to acquire the requested borings. Ald. Taube is negotiating the soil boring requirement on the Diane Ruehle property. supt. Loughney advised that installation of the alarm system has commenced. Ald. Schneider moved to request that Ruekert & Mielke inspect the dam prior to the pipe being closed and the lake filled. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. The Committee discussed with Supt. Loughney his proposal for installation of skeleton storm sewers. Ald. Dumke moved to approve installation of a skeleton storm sewer system at Karen Court-North, Restful Lane and Brennan. The Committee discussed status of Big Muskego Lake Dam. Public Works Committee - Page 2 March 25, 1993 l The Committee discussed the status of Parkland Ponds. It was noted that Attorney Molter is reviewing the contract with R. A. Smith. supt. Loughney discussed with the Committee his Road Improvement program for 1993. Ald. Dumke moved to approve and direct the City to advertise for bids. Seconded by Ald. Schneider, motion carried. There was nothing to report on status of improvement of intersection of CTH L & Lannon Drive. The Committee reviewed the following bids received for the Extension of Enterprise Drive: Western Landscape Contractors $131,734.70 Mainline Sewer & Water 121,745.OO Paving Mix & Constr. 128,866.55 Ald. Dumke moved to approve low bid received from Mainline Sewer & Water. Seconded by Ald. Schneider, motion carried. supt. Loughney discussed with the Committee the drainage concern on Restful Lane. Mr. Tom Wernette has agreed to extend the existing field drain tile and the existing storm sewer pipe eastward to the twin culvert pipe under Bluhm Drive. The field drain tile will be plastic corrugated pipe with smooth interior bore with the same diameter as the existing tile. The storm drain will be plastic pipe, the same diameter and quality as presently installed. These pipes are to outflow OntO a 5" thick reinforced concrete apron along with existing storm pipe which is outflowing from north and south. This apron will be poured upstream of the twin pipe under Bluhm Drive. Mr. Wernette will be required to meet the existing grade and ditch slopes of the present upstream ditch. The City will alS0 require a more defined roadside ditch on the west side of Bluhm Drive in the area that he has filled. The City will require plans for the above mentioned work to be presented to the Public Works Committee for approval before work can commence. The Committee reviewed the following quotes received for Public Works truck: Badger Ford $70,084.76 Lakeside International 70,745.oo supt. Loughney advised that the low quote received from Badger Ford did not meet specifications. Ald. Dumke moved to approve quote from Lakeside International in the amount of $70,745.00. Seconded by Ald. Schneider, motion carried. It was noted that a an amount of $60,250.00 was budgeted, but Supt. Loughney advised that the difference will be made up in the sale of an existing truck. Public Works Committee - Page 3 March 25, 1993 The Committee reviewed a drainage concern on the Gaber Property on Woods Road. supt. Loughney will reseed the drainage ditch which is located, by easement, on the Fischer property (Tax Key 2224.999.006). The Committee reviewed the following quotes received for a mulch chopper: Goodsen - Milwaukee Ford $3,269.00 Pro Chopper 3,640.OO Ald. Dumke moved to recommend approval of low quote from Milwaukee Ford in the amount of $3,269.00. Seconded by Ald. Schneider, motion carried. Mr. & Mrs. Wojnowski (S69 W14724 Cornell Drive) appeared before the Committee to discuss a drainage concern on their property. Ald. Schneider will inspect and report back to the April meeting. Mr. William Hein (Jahnke & Jahnke Assoc.) appeared before the Committee to present revised drainage plans for Lakeview Highlands. Ald. Dumke moved to approve the plan and noted that country Wetlands is working with New Berlin Grading Company on restoration of the wetlands. Seconded by Ald. Schneider, 0 motion carried. The Committee removed the item on acceleration/Deceleration Lane for the Lowe Subdivision as Mr. Lowe did not appear. The Committee reviewed with Mike Campbell and Rich Eberhardt of Ruekert & Mielke the road, grading, and storm sewer plan that were submitted for Plum Creek Addn. #l. Ald. Dumke moved to approve based on proposed changes being made and submitted to the Plan Director, Larry Kirch, the first week of April for verification that the plans have incorporated the City Engineer's recommendations. Seconded by Ald. Schneider, motion carried. The Soil Erosion plans are to be in compliance with the City's Soil Erosion requirements. The Committee established a policy which relieves the City Engineer and the Public Works Committee of reviewing soil erosion plans. The plans will now be reviewed by the Soil Erosion inspectors. The meeting adjourned at 11:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Ald. William H. Schneider Secretary ca .- COI4llITTEE DATE --