Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 12/30/1993PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1993 The meeting was called to order at 7:03 P.M. by Chairman Dumke. Also present were Committee Member Schneider and Misko, Mayor De Angelis, City Engineer Michael Campbell and those per the attached list. The Committee reviewed the minutes of the previous meeting and placed on file. The Committee discussed Urban and Rural Drainage. Mr. Greg Gabor (583 W17323 Woods Road) appeared before the Committee to discuss a drainage easement on his property. Mr. Gabor will send a letter to the City requesting delineation of wetlands and, upon receipt, the City will forward his request to the DNR. The Committee reviewed the status of Terra Development with Bob Patch, Al Will and Kalvin Klimeck, for Lake Forest/Overlook Bay and Plum Creek Subdivisions. Kalvin Klimeck discussed plans for Overlook Bay Apartments and informed the Committee that the ponds are still not approved by the DNR. John Loughney advised that a minimum of 10 feet is required for the path between the ponds and the wetlands. The Committee further reviewed Acceptance of Improvements for Country Brook Estates Phase II and noted that the Public Works Committee accepted improvements for Phase I only at their November 18, 1993 meeting. Ald. Schneider moved to recommend Acceptance of Improvements for Phase II noting that the City Engineers have notified the City that the one remaining item, the installation of the sump pump clean-out grate, has been installed. Seconded by Ald. Misko, motion carried. The Committee further discussed storm sewer and paving plans for Lannon Drive & CTH L and noted that all plans have been submitted to the County and it will be bid out this Spring. Mr. Greg Boehm appeared before the Committee to discuss his request for Acceptance of Improvements for the Meadow Green West/Addn. #l/Addn. #2 Subdivisions. City Engineer Michael Campbell discussed with the Committee the status of the above projects: Meadow Green West The City will cut and reform 30' of concrete curb and concrete invert to improve curb transition at the northwest corner of Haven Drive and Lannon Drive with monies from the Letter of Credit. Mr. Boehm will install landscaping at the following locations: South side of.Haven Drive from Lannon Drive west to existing home lot corner West side Scenic Drive across from HS 57996 Public Works Committee - Page 2 December 30, 1993 West side of HS 17320 Scenic Court North side of Scenic Drive from approximately + 150' east of Joel Drive west to HS W17664 Scenic Drive In front of HS W17461 Haven Drive In front of HS W17426 Haven Drive Meadow Green West Addn. #l The City will replace curb and gutter in front of House addressed W17651 Haven Drive from drive to drive with monies from the Letter of Credit. Mr. Boehm will replace street name sign at Joel and Haven Drive. Mr. Boehm will landscape behind the curb at the following locations: In front of HS W17651 Haven Drive on south side of road. In front of HS W17615 Haven Drive. South side of road. Radius on northeast corner of Joel and Haven Drive. In front of HS 58044 Joel Drive north side of their driveway. On east side of Joel Drive from end of radius to beginning of new Addition No. 3. In front of HS W17553 Haven Drive. Repair a 10' section across street of HS W17557 Haven Drive. In front of HS W17505 Haven Drive. In front of HS W17493 Haven Drive. Northwest radius of Haven Court and Haven Drive. In front of HS 58075 Haven Court. Meadow Green West Addn. #2 Mr. Boehm will landscape behind the curb at the following locations: South side Scenic Drive from HS @ 17901 to HS @ 17753 Scenic Drive. On south side Scenic Drive from east side of lot on HS 17753 to Joel Drive. Mr. Boehm will landscape the terrace area at the follow locations: ,ing South half of end of Scenic Court. N/S Brennan Drive from S.8019 Joel Drive-back of their lot off Brennan Drive all the way around Court on Brennan Drive and end at HS #SE015 Brennan Drive. West side HS SE050 Brennan Drive to HS S8129. East side Brennan Drive HS SE084 to the South HS #on NE corner of Haven and Brennan Drive. Ald. Schneider moved to deny request for Acceptance of Improvements until all of the above have been completed. Seconded by Ald. Misko, motion carried. Public Works Committee - Page 3 December 30, 1993 Ald. Schneider advised the Committee that he still has concerns on drainage problems on Tomar Lane coming from the Lakeview Highlands Subdivision. The Committee requests that a letter be sent to Mr. Jahnke inviting him to the January 21, 1994 meeting. The Committee deferred reviewing City Attorney's report on driveway access on Christopher Lane until the January 27, 1994 meeting. The Committee further discussed drainage requirements for the Lake Ridge Apartments and noted that there was nothing new to report at this time. There was nothing new to report on the proposed amendments to the Floodplain Ordinance. The Committee reviewed drainage concern for property on Woods Road, east of Meadow Green Subdivision. Mr. Rich Andersen (580 W16902 Woods Road) appeared before the Committee to discuss his drainage concern and supplied the Committee with a video, dated April 1993, showing the drainage problem. The Committee reviewed the video which showed that fifty percent of Mr. Andersen's property was under water. Ald. Schneider moved to direct the City Engineers to research the grades for this property in 1986, prior to the development of the Meadow Green Subdivision, and to request a report from the Building Inspection Director as to whether or not homes adjacent to this property are discharging sump pumps through the rear of their properties. Seconded by Ald. Misko, motion carried. This item will be on the January 21, 1994 Public Works Agenda. The Committee reviewed request for Acceptance of Improvements for the Lake Point Estates Subdivision. The Committee reviewed memorandum from Plan Director Matt Sadowski indicating that the City Engineers have recommended denial because of outstanding items listed in their correspondence of November 29, 1993. Ald. Schneider moved to deny Acceptance of Improvements until the outstanding items have been completed. Seconded by Ald. Misko, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at lo:05 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Ald. Brian R. Misko Secretary /cma ,4!!L .--_ -