Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 4/22/1993PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1993 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Dumke. Also present were Committee Member Schneider, Public Works Superintendent John Loughney, Mayor De Angelis, Mike Campbell & Rich Eberhardt (Ruekert & Mielke), Bill Carity (Terra Development), Kalvin Klimeck (Pioneer Engineering) and Tom Wernette (Restful Lane). The Committee discussed Urban/Rural Drainage. A drainage problem with the third house on Durham Drive, north of Woods Road, was discussed and Supt. Loughney will further review and report back to the Committee with his recommendations. A drainage problem on Crowbar Road, north of Hwy. L, was discussed and Supt. Loughney will contact Payne & Dolan to attempt to alleviate concerns. Tom Wernette appeared before the Committee and presented updated grading plans for his property on Restful Lane. Ald. Dumke moved to approve plans as submitted. Seconded by Ald. Schneider, motion carried. supt. Loughney reported on the status of the Public Works Garage and stated that the leak in the roof is still under warranty and must be addressed. Mayor De Angelis updated Committee on the status of the Little Muskego Lake Dam. Midwest Engineering has been contacted and will be submitting to the City an updated agreement as well as updated insurance certificates, as the original certificates expired on April 19, 1993. supt. Loughney advised that the City is waiting for Wisconsin Bell to install the wiring required for the alarm warning system. Mike Campbell, Ruekert & Mielke, advised that they will contact Wisconsin Bell. The Committee discussed status of Big Muskego Lake Dam. A COPY of Resolution #54-93, as Amended, which was adopted by the Common Council on March 9, 1993, was sent to Mr. Bill Sturtevant, DNR, on March 15, 1993. It stated that the City felt there must be a further inspection of the underwater portion of the dam to determine the physical status of that portion of the dam and the adequacy of the same so that the City can determine whether or not the dam is in a condition for its acceptance and, further, that any acceptance be contingent on title being free and clear. The City, to date, has not received a response from the DNR to the City's resolution. The City is awaiting receipt of plans and specifications from R. A. Smith for Parkland Ponds. Public Works Committee - Page 2 April 22, 1993 A discussion was held on drainage concern at 569 W14724 Cornell Drive. supt. Loughney will shoot grades in an attempt to drop pipe and reshape ditch between properties. The Committee reviewed correspondence from Jahnke and Jahnke dated March 19, 1993, in regarding to sediment traps for Lakeview Highlands which were requested to be resubmitted upon revisions being made to trap No. 3. The plans showed that trap No. 3 has been revised in order to use sediment trap No. 2 as a temporary measure. Ald. Dumke moved to approve revised plans. Seconded by Ald. Schneider, motion carried. supt. Loughney discussed with the Committee Road Opening Permit #93-247 for Rodney Knapp, W161 S7929 Bay Lane Place. The Committee determined that a road opening permit was not required. Ald. Schneider moved to approve reimbursement to Mr. Knapp for the $480.00 Road Opening Permit and $40.00 for the Inspection Fee for the Road Opening Permit. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. The Committee reviewed attached Procedures For Plan Review of Erosion Control Measures For Subdivision submitted to the Committee from Building Inspection Director Dykstra for their review and approval. Ald. Dumke moved to approve. Seconded by Ald. Schneider, motion carried. The Committee discussed culvert underneath CTH Y (Racine Avenue), Sunset to Richdorf. The Committee feels that more retention areas are needed in the Lake Forest Subdivision or a revision of existing areas. Mayor De Angelis authorized the City Engineers to meet with the engineer for Terra Development to discuss concerns prior to a special meeting being scheduled. Mike Campbell and Rich Eberhardt discussed the problem with Bill Carity from Terra Development. The Committee discussed the condition of Hillendale Drive, north of Hwy. L and it was noted that two claims for damage to automobiles have been received by the City. It was determined that Attorney Schlieter will be contacted to set up a meeting with the Bonding Company, Mayor, Mike Campbell (Ruekert & Mielke) and Supt. Loughney as soon as possible to resolve. The Committee discussed establishing a deadline policy for submittal of road, storm sewer and master grading plans for Committee review. Ald. Dumke moved to establish a deadline date for submittals of up to ten (10) working days prior to date of meeting. Seconded by Ald. Schneider, motion carried The Committee discussed with Bill Carity, Terra Development, and his engineer, Kalvin Klimeck (Pioneer Engineering) plans for storm sewer, road and grading for Plum Creek East. The Committee deferred action to allow concern with the filling of low or wetlands to be reviewed and report submitted to the Committee from the City Engineers as to their recommendations. Public Works Committee - Page 3 April 22, 1993 supt. Loughney discussed with the Committee the study being done by Waukesha County on reconstruction of CTH ES (Nationa Avenue). The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Ald. William H. Schneider Secretary ca PROCEDURES FOR PLAN REVIEW OF EROSION CONTROL MEASURES FOR SUBDIVISIONS Submittal to be accepted no later than 18 days prior to Public Works meeting (4th Thursday of each month). Subdivider shall deliver two (2) sets of plans and a completed Land Disturbing Permit to the Planning Director, who will forward them to the Erosion Inspector for review. The plan shall be reviewed and comments regarding same shall be made within 5 business days. Copies of comments shall be sent to the following: Director of Planning, Director of Building, Director of Public Works, and the Mayor, with the original addressed and mailed or faxed directly to the Subdivider along with one marked-up copy of plan. The revised plan, including any corrections required by the Erosion Inspector after the original review, shall be submitted directly to the Erosion Inspector, no later than 4:15 p.m. on the Friday prior to the Public Works Committee meeting. Resubmittals received after the specified deadline will not be permitted on that month's Public Works Committee meeting. Revised Plans received within the specified time frame, will be reviewed no later than Wednesday the week of the Public Works Committee meeting. *Plans which are in compliance with the ordinance will be recommended for approval. Copies of the recommendation for approval shall be distributed to Director of Planning, Director of Building, Director of Public Works and the Mayor with original addressed and mailed or faxed to the Subdivider. *Revised Plans which are not in compliance with the ordinance or which do not adequately address the Erosion Inspector's concerns shall be rejected. Copies of the rejection letter shall be distributed to Director of Planning, Director of Building, Director of Public Works and the Mayor with the original addressed and mailed or faxed to the Subdivider. No exhibits will be placed on the Public Works Committee Agenda until an approval letter has been issued by the Erosion Control Inspector. Rejected Plans will not be eligible for resubmittal and subsequent review relative to that month's Public Works Committee meeting. The matter would then be scheduled for the next month's meeting.