Board of Review Minutes - 6/15/2016 Audio kept on file for seven years. CITY OF MUSKEGO BOARD OF REVIEW MINUTES June 15, 2016 5:00 PM Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER Chairman Lynda Guhr called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Board Members Gary Boisits, Lynda Guhr, Steve Roncke and Mara Spring. Board Member Henry Posbrig was absent. Also present: City Attorney Jeff Warchol, Deputy Clerk Jill Blenski and Mark Link and Stewart Hamel from Tyler Technologies. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE The Deputy Clerk stated that the meeting was noticed in accordance with the open meeting law. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - May 18, 2016 Mara Spring made a motion to approve the minutes. Gary Boisits seconded; motion carried. BUSINESS Verify that a Board Member has Met the Mandatory Training Requirement The Deputy Clerk stated that all five of the Board members have attended training; the required affidavit was filed with the Wisconsin Department of Revenue. Receive the 2016 Assessment Roll Stewart Hamel presented the 2016 Assessment Roll with the Assessor's Affidavit to the Board. He stated that there were two updates to personal property accounts not reflected in the roll as the information was received late. The changes were for MSKC M151 and MSKC S118. The Deputy Clerk was directed to make the necessary changes to the roll. Assessor's Report Mr. Hamel distributed the Annual Assessment Report. The report does get filed with the Wisconsin Department of Revenue. The estimated level of assessment is 94%. The total assessed value prior to the two personal property adjustments is $2,533,417,300. Establish Procedures of Operation The Board determined that if time allowed, it would deliberate after hearing each objection. Consider any Motions or Waivers Authorized by Law Mr. Robert Taloff and Mr. Joseph Taloff were present. They purchased a home one year ago. The Taloffs did not submit any documentation to object to their assessment. They stated they Board of Review Minutes 2 June 15, 2016 were not aware of the objection process. Mr. Hamel read the Change of Assessment Notice that was sent to the property owners. The notice does contain appeal information. Mr. Boisits moved to deny granting a waiver of the 48-hour notice because the taxpayers did not show good cause. Ms. Spring seconded. The motion passed 4 in favor. Mr. Stein was present on behalf of the Keinert Family Limited Partnership property. City Attorney Warchol presented information to the Board. On Monday (6/13), an Objection to Real Property Assessment was received via fax, which included a letter of withdrawal. Today, an objection was received along with a revised cover letter. The Deputy Clerk was told verbally that the withdrawal was an error. Attorney Warchol stated this is an issue of not meeting the 48-hour notice requirement unless there is good cause. Another issue is that several years ago, the Board denied hearing an objection for this same property because income and expense information was not submitted as required by state statute. This information has still not been submitted. Mr. Hamel reiterated that the income and expense information was requested in 2013, which was a revaluation year. Board member Boisits stated he would like to hear from the taxpayer's representative. Mr. Stein stated that the objection was timely filed. An incorrect cover letter was attached indicating withdrawal. Upon learning that a hearing was not scheduled because of the withdrawal received on Monday, his office immediately sent the objection form along with a new cover letter today. Attorney Warchol questioned the ability of Mr. Stein to represent the taxpayer as the agent. No written agent authorization was submitted. Mr. Stein stated he is employed by Reinhart, Boerner, Van Deuren, but is not an attorney. The authorization should have been submitted. Attorney Warchol stated this is an unusal case, but there are numerous errors, which the Board should consider. Mr. Stein disputed the issue of the income and expense information. Each year stands on its own. What happened in 2013 should not affect the 2016 assessment; the Assessor's Office did not request that information this year. Mr. Hamel stated the property owner did not request a review of the assessment and did not attend the open book period this year. The Assessor does request the information in a revaluation year; however, it could be requested if the taxpayer asked that the assessment be reviewed. Mr. Boisits moved to deny the motion to waive the 48-hour notice as good cause was not demonstrated. Ms. Spring seconded. She noted that the assessment did not change from the previous year. Motion carried 4 in favor. Review 2016 Assessment Roll and Perform Statutory Duties At 5:59 p.m., the Board went off the record to examine the assessment roll. The Board went back on the record upon the arrival of Mr. Walberts. Board of Review Minutes 3 June 15, 2016 Hear Objections to Property Assessments The Board heard the following objections: Joseph Walberts, Sr. (Tax Key No. 2164.008) S67 W12576 Larkspur Road The Assessor did suggest a 50% reduction to the value of the improvements because there was a fire, which extensively damaged the home. The Board deliberated the objection. Mr. Boisits moved that the Assessor's original valuation is incorrect and that the value of the property is: Land $ 62,900 Improvement $ 59,500 Total $122,400 Motion carried 4 in favor. Philip Conrardy (Tax Key No. 2179.043) W199 S6904 Crabapple Court Ms. Spring moved to sustain the Assessor’s valuation. Mr. Roncke seconded. Motion carried 4 in favor. ADJOURNMENT Gary Boisits made a motion that the Board of Review approves the 2016 Assessment Roll as presented by the Assessor and amended by the Board, and having performed all of its statutory duties and completed all of its work that came before the Board, the Board of Review adjourns sine die subject to the Clerk fulfilling the statutory duties. Steve Roncke seconded; motion carried. The Board adjourned at 9:04 p.m. Minutes taken and transcribed by Jill Blenski, Deputy Clerk.