BMLM19960826"- BIG MUSKEGO LAKE/BASS BAY PROTECTION AND REHABILITATION DISTRICT MINUTES OF ANNUAL MEETING HELD AUGUST 26, 1996 The meeting was called to order at 7:16 PM by Chairman David L. De Angelis. Also present were Commissioners Patterson, Pionek, Rasmussen, Salentine, Sanders and Suhr, Deputy Commissioners Pilak, Kreiser, Schweitzer, Sorenson and Herda, and Mayor's Secretary Cathie Anderson. Commissioner D'Acquisto was absent. The Mayor's Secretary reported this meeting was noticed in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Commissioner Suhr moved for approval of the minutes of the previous annual meeting on August 28, 1995. Commissioner Salentine seconded, motion carried. . Chairman De Angelis advised that vouchers in the amount of $243.45 had been paid for newsletters, labels, post cards and postage. .- Deputy Commissioner Pilak extended thanks to Mr. & Mrs. Repischak, Mr. Dick Bennett, and Mr. & Mrs. Heinrich, land owners that allowed crossing onto their property. Dennis and Lynn Kurer also had approved crossing on their land and even though it was not necessary, the District would like to thank them for their cooperation. Deputy Commissioner Pilak also extended thanks to Deputy Commissioner Schweitzer, Mark Paulat, Mr. Mark Slocomb, Mr. Craig Lawdanski and DNR representative Jim Jackley who were all at the dam a couple of times a day cleaning vegetation off of the carp barrier. Deputy Commissioner Pilak also thanked Mr. Dick Thode for his surveillance to keep the DNR updated, and thanked City Hall employees and Public Works Department employees for all of their assistance. A special thanks to DNR Representative Jim Jackley for all of his tremendous help and support above and beyond. Deputy Commissioner Pilak discussed status of drawdown project. He stated that after the last special Annual meeting, the process of drawing down the lake through the dam gate was started. Power was not supplied until December with active pumping starting in the middle of December. Dredging of the channel from the mouth of the lake to the dam began in February with both pumps actively in use. The lake is down with approximately 85% of the bottom being exposed. They experienced equipment failure, poor weather and lack of communication with a neighboring community. - Deputy Commissioner Pilak discussed status of construction of islands. The original plan was to start construction the first week of August. Ducks Unlimited has advertised for bids which have come in much higher than expected and would result in construction of only about three (3) islands instead of the - - ,- Big Muskego Lake/Bass Bay Protection and Rehabilitation District Minutes of Annual Meeting - August 26, 1996 - PAGE 2 proposed five (5) or six (6). Ducks Unlimited has advised that the successful bidder, if allowed to do the construction in the winter, would be able to adhere to the original plan. It was clarified that these islands are duck breeding grounds and hopefully will assist in wind barrier effect. Deputy Commissioner Pilak noted that Mr. Randy Schumacher will speak shortly to discuss this issue and a vote will be taken. Deputy Commissioner Pilak discussed status of Boat Launch and construction of parking lot. The District has obtained a drop site for spoils on "00" and Durham and grading of the site is scheduled to start this week. The public access, when completed, will be maintained by the Parks & Recreation Department. In answer to a question regarding whether or not there will be a launching fee, Deputy Commissioner Pilak advised that it has been recommended by the DNR that some type of a minimal launching fee should be proposed; possibly a drop-off box system. Mr. Randy Schumacher, DNR, reported on the upcoming carp eradication and installation of a barrier. He explained that it is necessary to have some type of barrier on the outlet dam as for approximately three to five months out of the year carp have the ability to get over the existing dam. The project which includes a mechanical as well as an electrical barrier is an attempt to carp-proof the dam as best as possible. They will install a mechanical barrier, a ramp, to make it near impossible for the carp to jump over the dam. Secondly, they will install very low voltage electrodes; essentially an electric fence which will keep the carp from getting through. Mr. Schumacher also advised that the whole southwest shore of Big Muskego Lake is a man-made dike to keep water from draining from Big Muskego Lake into the field. The DNR have recently found a large hole and several small ones which are now being repaired. Mr. Schumacher discussed that the eradication will begin the first week of October and will consist of one day of treatment of lake and two days of treatment of the outlets and inlets. The DNR will be posting roads in the area noting that the water is being treated and advising not to make contact. Mr. Schumacher did state that in reality, no serious harm would come from human or animal consumption of the water after being treated. Mr. Schumacher verified that the ponds on the golf course and the ditches around surrounding landfills will all be treated. a temporary road will be built at Sobek's access. Mr. Schumacher advised that he will be working with the City for a possible short delay in the drawdown of Little Muskego Lake for a couple of weeks. Mr. Schumacher clarified that the creek from Little Muskego Lake Dam to Big Muskego Lake will be treated. Chairman De Angelis questioned when the Little Muskego Lake Dam should be drawn down. Mr. Schumacher felt that two weeks after the October 7th date would be more than sufficient. Chairman De Angelis also advised that his office - - ,- Big Muskego Lake/Bass Bay Protection and Rehabilitation District Minutes of Annual Meeting - August 26, 1996 - PAGE 3 had received a request for the carp eradication treatment to be postponed for a couple of days because of an upcoming event on October 12th. Mr. Schumacher explained that there was a lot of coordinating projects that have been scheduled based on the October 7th date and that he would further research if postponement would be possible. Deputy Commissioner Pilak discussed with the members present the need for the District to purchase a used boat and motor to be used to clean up the lake. He advised that in the past, a few of the residents have used their own equipment extensively and have sustained costs for minor repairs caused to their personal equipment. Deputy Commissioner Pilak advised that after extensive checking, it seems to be the most advantageous to purchase a "Go Devil" motor which is air cooled and requires little maintenance. It would make it possible to go into the areas that need to be cleaned out which are now impossible to reach. Tom Repischak questioned just what equipment was owned by the District. Deputy Commissioner Pilak advised that the District owns a 600 ft. net, a 14 ft. row boat, PVC piping used for soil sampling, and six (6) pairs of waders. Deputy Commissioner Pilak advised that the 25 hp motor would run approximately $2,700 to $3,000, and a used boat to accommodate the motor would be approximately $1,000 to $1,500.00. When questioned where boat would be stored, Deputy Pilak advised that it could be stored on his property or Ed Herda's property, or municipal garage. He offered to house the boat and motor on his property. A question was raised as to insurance and one of the members, Mr. Michael Plumley, advised that for the proper amount of liability, you are looking at approximately $150.00 yearly insurance premium. A discussion pursued in regard to the size of motor needed and it was decided that this will be researched by the new Deputy Commissioners. Mr. Gary Stewart moved to direct the Deputy Commissioners to secure a boat and motor, not to exceed an amount of $4,500. Seconded by Mr. Jerry Rayner. Ms. Barbara Bing requested that written ballots be used. The motion carried with 48 "yes" votes and 28 "no" votes. Deputy Commissioner Pilak discussed a possible modified draw down explaining that because of the weather, many independent cleaning projects have not been able to be completed. Mr. Jim Jackley explained the benefits in modifying the draw down to extend the period through the winter. This would also benefit the construction of more islands. Mr Craig Bennett moved to continue with the drawdown project and to modify plan to extend through the winter. Seconded by Deputy Commissioner Pilak. Written ballots were used. The motion carried with 59 "yes" votes and 14 "no" votes. Deputy Commissioner Pilak listed future projects: Sandy Beach Tributary, Groveway Lane Tributary, Little Muskego Lake Channel and Wind lake Channel. Big Muskego Lake/Bass Bay Protection and Rehabilitation District Minutes of Annual Meeting - August 26, 1996 - PAGE 4 - Deputy Commissioner Pilak urged members to attend the rezoning public hearing the following evening to voice concern over the proposed business park as to sufficient storm sewer management as it runs along a tributary. Chairman De Angelis advised that the proposed business park is in a siting stage only and when a site has been established, the City will definitely adhere to the stormwater management restrictions as it requires of all developers. Deputy Commissioner Pilak presented the proposed 1997 operating budget explaining that a new line item had been added which was Account #131.5204.1000 - Future Projects - which reallocated some funds from the Contingency. Craig Lawdanski moved to approve the 1997 operating budget as presented. Seconded by Mr. John Wiederhold. Voice vote was taken and all were in favor. Chairman De Angelis asked for clarification from the Deputy Commissioners that the purchase of the boat and motor would be taken from the present available funds in the Contingency account and not from the proposed 1997 Budget. Mr. Gary Stewart moved to clarify that future expenses for purchase of boat and motor will be taken out of existing unappropriated funds. Seconded by Mr. John Wiederhold. Voice vote was taken and all were in favor. - Chairman De Angelis presented the 1995 Audit prepared by Conley, McDonald and noted that there were no irregularities. Mrs. Charlotte Stewart moved to accept the 1995 Audit, as submitted, to approve new engagement letter for 1996 audit, upon receipt. Seconded by Deputy Commissioner Pilak. Voice vote was taken and all were in favor. Chairman De Angelis presented the following 1997 dates for quarterly and annual meetings: Tuesday, January 27, 1997 Tuesday, March 25, 1997 Tuesday, June 23, 1997 Monday, August 25, 1997 Tuesday, October 27, 1997 Quarterly Meeting Quarterly Meeting Quarterly Meeting Annual Meeting Quarterly Meeting Deputy Commissioner Pilak moved to approve above meeting dates for 1997. Seconded by Deputy Commissioner Keiser. Voice vote was taken and all were in favor. The following nominations were made for the 1996-967 Deputy Commissioners: Leonard Pilak nominated SUE SORENSON. Jeff Keiser seconded. - Ed Herda nominated MARK SLOCOMB. Al Bing seconded. Jeff Keiser nominated LARRY SCHWEITZER. Mark Slocomb seconded. Big Muskego Lake/Bass Bay Protection and Rehabilitation District Minutes of Annual Meeting - August 26, 1996 - PAGE 5 Leonard Pilak nominated JEFF KEISER. Craig Lawdanski seconded. Charlotte Stewart nominated LEONARD PlLAK. seconded. Larry Schweitzer Ed Herda's name was put up for nomination but Mr. Herda declined. Mr. Gary Stewart moved to close all nominations. Seconded by Mr. Craig Lawdanski. Voice vote was taken and all were in favor. Mr. Craig Lawdanski moved to approve the five names presented for nomination as the new Deputy Commissioners for 1996-97. Seconded by Mr. Curt Klenz. Voice vote was taken and all were in favor. - Under Communications And Any Other Business As Authorized By LAW, Mr. Jim Jackley, DNR, requested a consensus as to if anyone would be in favor of a drawdown for another full year. The response was "no". He asked if anyone would be in favor of the lake being lowered one foot through the entire Summer. The response was "no". He then asked if anyone would be in favor of a one foot drawdown during late Summer (July to September). The response was "no". His final question was whether anyone was in favor of no summer drawdown. The response was "yes". Mr. Plumley moved to adjourn at 9:35 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Lawdanski. Voice vote was taken and all were in favor. Respectfully submit~d, (i:çdk ;Ø:/tt:~ /Cathie M. Anderson Recording Secretary /ca -