BMLM19920831- BIG MUSKEGO LAKE/BASS BAY PROTECTION & REHABILITATION DISTRICT ANNUAL MEETING - AUGUST 31, 1992 The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Mayor Salentine. Also present were Commissioners Misko, Dumke, Sanders, Schneider, and Taube and Deputy Commissioners Pilak, Proeber, and Flancher. Commissioners Patterson and Simmons and Deputy Commissioners Sorenson and Galten were absent. The Recording Secretary read the minutes of the annual meeting held July 22, 1991. Deputy Commissioner Pilak clarified the third paragraph on Page 3 to read that "the Deputy Commissioners", not the Public Safety Committee will take the responsibility for erecting the signs which address the weight limitations. Mr. Scott Krause moved to approve the minutes of the annual meeting held July 22, 1991 with the above correction. Seconded by John Wiederhold. The motion to adopt the minutes of the annual meeting of July 22, 1991, passed unanimously. - A discussion was held on an inspection report submitted by the City Engineers on June 24, 1992, listing their ongoing concerns regarding the dam. The two affected property owners have agreed to transfer ownership to the State. Deputy Commissioner Pilak voiced concern about taking over the dam prior to everyone feeling confident that the dam is in good condition. It was suggested that a meeting be held with Mr. Bill Sturtevant of the DNR and the City Engineers to discuss all concerns. Mr. Ted Pekel, S94 W14285 Groveway Lane, questioned why does the City have to own the dam? Why can't the State retain ownership? He stated that the DNR controls the water levels and it would make more sense for them to retain ownership of the dam. Deputy Commissioner Proeber stated that eventually all dams will become owned by individual cities or lake districts. Scott Krause questioned liability as to toxins. He wondered if the City would be liable. Commissioner Sanders gave an update on the sewer service areas for the Muskego Lake Country Club development explaining that the Developer is in the process of submitting a preliminary plat for approval. Following approval of the preliminary plat, the City Engineer will be directed to design the main interceptor for submittal to MMSD and State DNR for approval. - It was noted that the last United States Geological Survey reported a high phosphate count in the Groveway area. This problem could become detrimental as far as receiving future grants. The HiView and Groveway areas are the areas the Public Utilities Committee is anticipating to be first for extension of sewers from the Muskego Lake Country Club development. Deputy Commissioners urged the Commissioners to proceed to sewer that area. Commissioner Sanders stated that the Feasibility Plan is designed around two lift stations, but only one of the lift stations is to be installed initially. A question was raised as to what percentage of people wanting sewers had to be received before the City will consider a sewer project. Commissioner Sanders Big Muskego Lake/Bass Bay Protection & Rehabilitation District - Annual Meeting Page 2 - August 31, 1992 - stated that if there is a need and engineering is feasible to serve an area, the City then has an obligation to service that area. Deputy Commissioner Pilak explained the latest United States Geological Survey report which was from testing done on two sites on Big Muskego Lake and one on Bass Bay. The water quality is very poor on both Big Muskego Lake and Bass Bay. There is run-off of pollutants from vacant land. Scott Krause responded to a statement regarding pollutants from golf courses and stated that he had 25 tests done to date and it was found that no contaminates were found on the golf course. A resident stated that nurseries have a lot of run-off and are known to use a lot of pesticides. Commissioner Taube noted that Trees-On-The-Move is working on ways to prevent chemical and dirt run-off from materials that trees and brushes are planted on. It was agreed that the major cause is the individual residence as a result of over-fertilizing their lawns. Deputy Commissioner Proeber updated those present on the Priority Watershed meeting of August 6, 1992. The committee is now in the project planning stage. There are state representatives and county representatives trying to get projects going; such as filtration strips around nurseries. There is another meeting scheduled for sometime in September. - Deputy Commissioner Proeber also stated that there is going to be an inventory taken of Big Muskego Lake and Bass Bay on September 3, 1992, to check for run-offs and pinpoint where they are coming from. Little Muskego Lake and Wind lake completed their inventories. Waukesha County has taken over the inventorying project for Big Muskego Lake. Deputy Commissioner Pilak presented a proposal whereby the Big Muskego Lake/Bass Bay Protection & Rehabilitation District would institute a two-tier assessment procedure; a charge for on-lake properties and a lower charge for off-lake properties. Commissioner Taube stated that the Little Muskego Lake Protection & Rehabilitation District operates this way and he felt it was a very fair way of assessing. Mayor Salentine suggested that a committee be put together and supplied with maps to enable them to begin defining boundaries and specifying on-lake, off-lake properties. When the committee has come up with defined properties, a special meeting can be held and then a determination will be available to vote on at the annual meeting scheduled for September of 1993 to decide whether or not properties will be assessed as on-Iake/off-Iake or stay with the present standard assessment. The Deputy Commissioners presented the following budget for 1992-1993: - CONVENTION COSTS $ 500.00 SALARIES $ 150.00 Big Muskego Lake/Bass Bay Protection & Rehabilitation District - Annual Meeting Page 3 - August 31, 1992 - AUDIT INSURANCE CITY COMPUTER LAKE ASSOCIATION LEGAL FEES POSTAGE WATER TESTING CONTINGENCY FUND MEMBERSHIP 265.00 150.00 175.00 350.00 500.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 4,830.00 TOTAL $10,920.00 REVENUE: $35.00 Assessment x 312 properties $10,920.00 Deputy Commissioner Pilak moved to accept the proposed Budget for 1992-93. Seconded by Scott Krause. A voice vote was taken and the motion to adopt the proposed Budget passed unanimously. The following proposed dates were presented for the quarterly and annual meeting dates for 1993: - Quarterly Dates Tuesday, January 26, 1993 Tuesday, March 23, 1993 Tuesday, June 22, 1993 Tuesday, October 26, 1993 Annual Dates Monday, August 30, 1993 ELECTION OF OFFICERS Jan Reinke nominated Jan Flancher Jan Flancher nominated Leonard Pilak Mary Jones nominated Vern Jones Leonard Pilak nominated Jeff Keiser Les Proeber nominated Scott Krause (Robert Sorenson was nominated but it was advised that he would not accept the nomination. Keith Johns was nominated but declined acceptance of nomination). Deputy Commissioner Pilak moved that nominations be closed. Deputy Commissioner Proeber seconded, motion carried by voice vote. The Deputy Commissioners for 1992-1993 are: Jan Flancher, Leonard Pilak, Vern Jones, Jeff Keiser and Scott Krause. A Chairman will be selected at the next Deputy Commissioners meeting. - Mary Jones requested permission to invite Mr. Tony Struck of Bio Genies to a future meeting to discuss the Districts concerns on pollution. It was indicated that Mrs. Jones should proceed to contact Mr. Struck. Big Muskego Lake/Bass Bay Protection & Rehabilitation District - Annual Meeting Page 4 - August 31, 1992 ,.-- Deputy Commissioner Proeber moved to adjourn at 8:12 P.M. Seconded by newly elected Deputy Commissioner Scott Krause, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, ~..,. ;:: Yn~ J n K. Marenda, CMC "ty Clerk/Comptroller Prepared by Cathie Anderson. - -