BMLM19790905/.. ~. ... .. , BIG MUSKEGO LAKE - BASS BAY PROTECTION & REHABILITATION DISTRICT MINUTES OF ANNUAL MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 5, 1979, 8:00 P.M. IN THE LITTLE THEATER OF MUSKEGO HIGH SCHOOL Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, }1ayor Jerome J. Gottfried, called the meeting to order at 8:05 P.M. Mayor Gottfried introduced the members of the Board of Commissioners that were present, Ralph Tomczyk, Michael Weed, Thomas Van Lanen, Edwin P. Dumke and Wayne_Salentine. City Clerk Bette Bowyer and James Kohl, representing the Department of Natural Resources, James Kohl, were also present. 8 Chairman Gottfried explained to the approximately 170 persons present how and why the district was created and he reviewed for them the items listed on the agenda which were to be discussed. He then asked the Clerk to read Resolution #180-79, entitled, Resolution Establishing the Big Muskego Lake - Bass Bay Protection and Rehabilitation District. He explained to those present how the boundaries of the district were determined and that when notices had been mailed some residents did not want to be included in the district and there were some property owners that wanted to be included into the district. He further indicated that at any future annual meeting the boundaries of the district could be amended through the proper procedure. He advised those present of the reasons and the necessity for applying for a feasib- ility study. . The first order of business at this meeting was to take nominations for persons to serve as deputy commissioners for a one-year period. The following persons were nominated from the floor: Estel Ellery Stan Dombrowski, Jr. Craig Lawdanski Gary Stewart Frank Switala Ron Finco Gilbert Heinrich Al Meinen, Sr. Tony Tobin Roy Henrichs The voting took place by paper ballot and were counted by City Clerk Bowyer and Commissioner Tomczyk. The results were as follows: Estel Ellery 92 votes Al Meinen 74 " Craig Lawdanski 67 11 Tony Tobin 65 11 Gilbert Heinrich 64 11 Gary Stewart 42 11 Ron Finco 38 " Roy Henrichs 37 11 Frank Switala 31 " Stan Dombrowski 26 " , The five persons receiving the most votes are to serve as deputy commissioners of the district. They are Estel Ellery, Al Meinen, Craig Lawdanski, Tony Tobin and Gilbert Heinrich. Resolution #1-79 - The Clerk read same, entitled, Approval of Feasibility Study. Mr. Frank Switala moved for approva~ seconded by Robert Henrichs. At this time Chairman Gottfried asked Mr. James Kohl of the DNR to explain procedures used by his organization in the preparation of such a study. Mr. Kohl advised how such a study analyzes a lake as it relates to oxygen content in summer and winter, permeation, nutrients, nitrogen, if there is an abundance ~ of phosphorus, etc. Also how seasons affect the lake, how weather affects it, how the sewage treatment plant affects it as well as farm runoff. Mr. Kohl, as well as Chairman Gottfried, then answered several questions from the audience. A representative of Poly tech, Inc. who was present in the audience stated it may be possible for his At , e . "~ 8 A Big Muskego-Bass Bay Protection and Rehabilitation District Annual Meeting - 9/5/79 Page two. company to share in some of the cost of the feasibility study. Mayor Gottfried advised that his proposal would be reviewed by the Board of Commissioners. Hr. Kohl stated that perhaps the" proposal could be included in the bidding process and the study would be conducted òy . a private contractor and not the DNR. Resolution #2-79 - The Clerk read same, entitled, Approval of Big Muskego Lake - Bass Bay Protection and Rehabilitation District Budget for 1980 ($6,000.00). Mr. Gary Stewart moved for adoption. Seconded by Mr. Stanley Dombrowski, Jr. The 1980 budget provides for $500.00 for administrative fees and $5,500.00 towards the cost of the feasib- ility study. Mayor Gottfried advised bids would be advertised for the feasibility study and the bid received from the lowest qualified bidder must be accepted. He further stated the State of Wisconsin would pick up 60% of the cost of the study. Also, he said, it has been suggested by some of the deputy commissioners there could be fundraising events to help offset the expenses of the study. The expenses being administrative fees, such as insurance to cover liability, mailing costs, etc. In answer to a question and concern from Mary Shepard, Bay Lane Place, regarding excess traffic, etc., Mayor Gottfried advised the DNR is working with several property owners to obtain an access to Big Muskego Lake and Bass Bay and cooperation would be required by the City of Muskego, such as road construction, etc. He further indicated the DNR is very interested in a site in the Bass Bay area. Upon a standing vote the motion to adopt Resolution #2-79 carried. Resolutîön 113-79 - The Clerk read same, entitled, Establishing the Assessment for the Big Muskego Lake - Bass Bay Protection and Rehab- ilitationDistrict. Craig I.awsanski moved for adoption. Seconded by Jim Verburght. (Assessment to be $20.00 per residential lot). Mayor Gottfried advised billing would probably take place in May of each year. Upon a voice vote the motion to adopt Resolution #3-79 carried. Further discusslon took place regarding the boundaries of the district. Chairman Gottfried advised the commissioners are going to be reviewing the boundaries as to whether or not they should be extended or decreased, however, final action must take place at the annual meeting and all property owners involved must be notified. ADJOURNMENT - Robert Klenz moved to adjourn. Seconded by Gary Stewart. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, B~~~O~Clerk je