BMLM19790828I' 8 1') ", Minutes of the Big Muskego Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District, Board of Commissioners meeting held on August 28, 1979. Meeting was called to order by Cnairman Jerome Gottfried with the following present: Commissioners Tomczyk, Weed, Van Lanen and Salentine. Also present, City Clerk Bowyer and Gary Stewart, .Deputy Commissioner. Absent, Commissioners Dumke and Ford. The purpose of the meeting was to review the following resolutions which shall be presented to the annual of the Big Muskego Lake District on September 5, 1979. Resolution #1-79, Approval of Feasibility Study, Resolution #2-79, Approval of Big Muskego Lake- Bass Bay Protection and Rehabilitation District Budget for 1980 and Resolution #3-79, Establishing the Assessment for the Big Muskego Lake-Bass Bay Protection and Rehabilitation District. Commissioner Van Lanen moved that the Board recommend adoption of said resolutions to the citizens of the district at their annual meeting to be held on September 5, 1979, said motion seconded by Commissioner Tomczyk, and motion carried. The application of the assessment policy was discussed briefly regardins buildings on leased land, such as Kurtze Lane. The chair indicated that Resolution fF3-79 states tl1at "each resident- ial unit or parcel of land" would be assessed, so all those listed under the personal property roll rather than real would be included. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 P.M., upon a motion made by Commissioner Weed and seconded by Commissioner Tomczyk. Res~ectfully submitted, .~~ /~~ Bette J. Bowye~, Acting Secy. ..