BMLM20070827.annual BIG MUSKEGO LAKE/BASS BAY PROTECTION AND REHABILITATION DISTRICT MINUTES OF ANNUAL MEETING HELD AUGUST 27, 2007 Approved: 08/25/2008 Mayor Johnson chaired the meeting and called it to order at 7:05 p.m. Present were: Commissioners Fiedler, Schaefer, Melcher, Werner, Borgman, Pavelko, and Deputy Commissioners Larry Schweitzer, Leonard Pilak, Tom Kies, Gregory Burmeister, and Dennis Paulson. Conservation Coordinator Tom Zagar, Clerk-Treasurer Janice Moyer, and Finance Department Supervisor Sharon Mueller were also present. Absent: Commissioner Snead. Thirteen district residents were present. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The Clerk-Treasurer reported the meeting was noticed in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. PUBLIC HEARING ON 2008 BUDGET - Finance Department Supervisor, Sharon Mueller, reviewed the results of the 2006 Financial Statements provided by Virchow Krause and Company, engagement letter from Virchow Krause and Company for the 2007 Financial Statements, and the 2008 budget.  Net change in the fund balance was $9,029. $5,500 was due to maintenance and professional services actual expenditures less than budgeted and $3,700 less in weed control costs.  Fund balance includes $70,000 designated for land conservancy, and $25,419 for funding the 2007 operating budget and any future obligations of the District.  Proposal for 2007 Financial Statements by Virchow Krause was presented, fee not to exceed $1,050, unless an audit of the special revenue fund is required for grant purposes.  The 2008 budget included revenues of $29,465 and expenditures of $37,355. $12,890 will be appropriated from the unreserved fund balance, $5,000 for land conservancy fund and $7,890 for operating budget.  Ms. Mueller stated that if the unreserved fund balance continues to decrease the annual fees may need to be increased. The public hearing portion of the meeting was closed. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF ANNUAL MEETING HELD AUGUST 28, 2006 – Motion by Tom Kies, second by Leonard Pilak to approve the minutes. Motion carried to approve the minutes. PERSONAL APPEARANCE - USDA Wildlife Biologist, Dan Hirchet was present. He had been asked to attend the meeting to discuss the Canada geese population on Bass Bay and Big Muskego Lake. Residents are searching for ways to discourage geese from nesting and grazing on their properties. Mr. Hirchet gave a PowerPoint presentation that included the history and management of Canada geese.  Non-lethal methods of discouraging the geese are scare devices, pyrotechnics, trained dogs that chase the geese, repellants, habitat alteration, fences, overhead grids.  Population management includes the annual hunting season, egg oiling with a permit, and removal of adult birds with the food given to food pantries, some natural predators.  Mr. Hirchet suggested the enactment of a local no feeding ordinance.  There are urban wildlife damage and abatement and control grants to provide funds for control of geese. NEW BUSINESS 1. Discuss control of nuisance Canada geese on properties adjacent to Bass Bay and Big Muskego Lake – Leonard Pilak stated that he would like to see if the DNR will allow an early hunting season in June or July for Canada geese. Mr. Hirchet stated that the DNR did not feel that a spring season would have a great impact on the geese population. Mr. Pilak thanked Mr. Hirchet for his presentation. DEPUTY COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT/UPDATE – Tom Zagar presented a PowerPoint presentation during the Deputy Commissioners Report/Update. 1. Fish and Wildlife Population – A pair of Bald Eagles have successfully nested on Big Muskego Lake. Ospreys, Forsters Tern, Coots, Yellow-Headed Blackbirds, Sandhill Cranes, Green Herron are present. Fishing has been good. 2. A spring clean-up took place. Old duck blinds were removed from the Lake. 3. Water quality monitoring– the City has been doing the water quality monitoring to track the long term trends and the effectiveness of the management efforts. Water transparency, phosphorous, chlorophyll levels are compared year to year. The water quality has improved overall. 4. Chemical Treatment – Chemical herbicides are used annually to control Eurasian Water Milfoil. Bass Bay did not need chemical treatment this year so far. There were six acres treated on the Big Bay. Phosphorous can be found in lawn fertilizers that run- off into the lakes. The phosphorous increases the plant growth in lakes. Lawn fertilizer can be purchased with a low phosphorous level which helps control plant growth. 5. Canada geese – droppings are a problem. Longer grass and leaving a natural shoreline can help control the geese. 6. Update on Purple Loosestrife Control – The District is continuing to use beetles to control the plants; several areas are under control. 7. Land Acquisition(s) for Big Muskego Wildlife Area – 367 acres are currently owned by the Wisconsin DNR. Land sales for an additional 60 plus acres are almost finalized. UNFINISHED BUSINESS – none. NEW BUSINESS – Cont. 2. Review 2006 Audit and Approve Engagement Letter for 2007 Audit - Motion by Larry Schweitzer, second by Tom Kies to approve the 2006 audit report and 2007 audit engagement letter. Motion carried. 3. Adopt 2008 Budget – Motion by Leonard Pilak, second by Larry Schweitzer to adopt the 2008 budget. Motion carried. 4. Selection of 2008 Quarterly & Annual Meeting Dates – Motion by Leonard Pilak, second by Tom Kies to approve the following dates: 1/22/08, 3/25/08, 6/24/08, 10/28/08 for the quarterly meeting dates, and Monday 8/25/08 for the annual meeting date, motion carried. 5. Election of Deputy Commissioners – Leonard Pilak, Tom Kies, Larry Schweitzer, Greg Burmeister, Dennis Paulson were nominated for the five Deputy Commissioner positions. Motion by Leonard Pilak, second by Larry Schweitzer to close the nominations, motion carried. Motion by Leonard Pilak, second by Larry Schweitzer to accept the nominees as the Deputy Commissioners, motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW – none. ADJOURNMENT – Motion by Leonard Pilak, second by Larry Schweitzer to adjourn, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Janice Moyer, CMC, CMTW Clerk-Treasurer Secretary to the Board