BMLM20060828Annual BIG MUSKEGO LAKE/BASS BAY PROTECTION AND REHABILITATION DISTRICT MINUTES OF ANNUAL MEETING HELD AUGUST 28, 2006 Approved Mayor Damaske chaired the meeting and called it to order at 7:05 p.m. Present were: Commissioners Salentine and Schaefer, Deputy Commissioners Larry Schweitzer, Leonard Pilak, Tom Kies; Conservation Coordinator Tom Zagar, Clerk-Treasurer Janice Moyer, Interim Finance Director Sharon Mueller. Absent were: Commissioners Madden, Melcher, Buckmaster, Snead, Borgman; Deputy Commissioners Curt Klenz and Gregory Burmeister. Twenty-four district residents were present. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The Clerk-Treasurer reported the meeting was noticed in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF ANNUAL MEETING HELD AUGUST 29, 2005 – Motion by Tom Kies, second by Larry Schweitzer to approve the minutes. Motion carried to approve the minutes. PUBLIC HEARING ON 2007 BUDGET - Interim Finance Director, Sharon Mueller, reviewed the proposed 2007 annual budget and 2005 Virchow Krause financial statements. The 2007 budget included revenues of $62,460 and expenditures of $62,460. There were no comments made. The public hearing portion of the meeting was closed. PERSONAL APPEARANCE - DNR REPRESENTATIVE(S) – There were no representatives at the meeting. DEPUTY COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT/UPDATE – Tom Zagar presented a PowerPoint presentation during the Deputy Commissioners Report/Update. 1. Update on Purple Loosestrife Control – The District is continuing to use bugs to control the plants; several areas are under control. 2. Fish and Wildlife Population – White Pelicans, Sandhill Cranes, Yellow-Headed Blackbirds, Forsters Tern, Blanding Turtle, Osprey are present on the Lake. 3. Chemical Treatment – Chemical herbicides are used annually to control Eurasian Water Milfoil. 4. Engel Conservation Area Development – the 150-acre site has been developed into recreational trails, wetlands have been restored, and prairies planted. 5. Land Acquisition by the DNR – this is still being worked on. UNFINISHED BUSINESS – none. NEW BUSINESS 1. Discuss the banning of permanent duck blinds and ask for a consensus from the Big Muskego Lake District membership regarding this issue – The general consensus of the group was that they are against permanent duck blinds. This is a matter that the city cannot regulate through an ordinance. It was suggested that the wishes of the Lake District be communicated to the DNR when they have their spring hearings. 2. Review 2005 Audit and Approve Engagement Letter for 2006 Audit - Motion by Leonard Pilak, second by Tom Kies to approve the 2005 audit report and 2006 audit engagement letter. Motion carried. 3. Adopt 2007 Budget – Motion by Leonard Pilak, second by Tom Kies to adopt the 2007 budget. Motion carried. 4. Selection of 2007 Quarterly & Annual Meeting Dates – Motion by Leonard Pilak, second by Tom Kies to approve the following dates: 1/23/07, 3/27/07, 6/26/07 10/23/07 for the quarterly meeting dates, and Monday 8/27/07 for the annual meeting date, motion carried. 5. Election of Deputy Commissioners – Leonard Pilak, Tom Kies, Larry Schweitzer, Greg Burmeister, Dennis Paulson were nominated for the five Deputy Commissioner positions. Motion by Tom Kies, second by Leonard Pilak to close the nominations and accept nominees as the Deputy Commissioners, motion carried. The new Deputy Commissioners are Leonard Pilak, Tom Kies, Larry Schweitzer, Greg Burmeister, and Dennis Paulson. VOUCHER APPROVAL – There were no vouchers presented for approval. COMMUNICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW – none. ADJOURNMENT – Motion by Tom Kies, second by Leonard Pilak to adjourn, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Janice Moyer, CMC, CMTW Clerk-Treasurer Secretary to the Board S:CityHall:BML:BMLM082806