BMLM082597 1. BIG MUSKEGO LAKE/BASS BAY PROTECTION AND REHABILITATION DISTRICT MINUTES OF ANNUAL MEETING HELD AUGUST 25, 1997 The meeting was called to order by Chairman De Angelis at 7:10 PM. Also present were Commissioners Pionek, Salentine, Sanders, Slocomb and Woodard, Deputy Commissioners Pilak, Schweitzer, Keiser and Slocomb and Clerk-Treasurer Marenda. Commissioners D’Acquisto and Patterson were absent. The Clerk-Treasurer reported the meeting was noticed in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. The Clerk-Treasurer reported that vouchers in the amount of $191.39 had been paid since the last quarterly Board meeting. Drawdown/Restoration Status - Deputy Commissioner Pilak presented an update on the drawdown/restoration status. He advised there was a slow fill up due to the light rains this spring. Water clarity is excellent. Since the last annual meeting, the fish eradication project has taken place. Over 160 tons of carp were hauled away. Tremendous amount of dragon flies and tadpoles are proof of lack of carp as they eat them. Desired aquatic plants are thriving. Cattail encroachment has occurred. 25% should be gone by next spring and more thereafter since they need shallow water to survive. Fish restocking was a tremendous success. The refilling is complete. The DNR has introduced a weevil to eat the eurasion milfoil. Mr. Sam Klauser of Hunter’s Nest expressed concern about the drain tile put in when Schultz Ln. was blacktopped. Heavy growth of a pink weed has occurred in that area. He stated he was told by City Engineers if a problem occurred the City would keep clean so water would flush through. He said the rest of the shoreline looks good and questioned why this drainage from the road is allowed to drain into the lake, and requested it be cleaned out. Mayor De Angelis stated he will check to see what transpired when it was installed and what needs to be done. Island Construction - Deputy Commissioner Pilak stated because of the moderate winter, islands were not constructed the first winter, but three (3) islands were completed the second winter. Two are about one acre in size and the third one is about 5/8 acre. There is about a 25’ deep hole on one side. The DNR has taken old Christmas trees and sunk them into the deep holes with cinder blocks. St. Leonard school kids have seeded and planted and worked on erosion control on the islands. Looking into public use of islands other than duck hunting if approved by Ducks Unlimited. Boat Launch - Deputy Commissioner Pilak reported concrete has been laid for boat access. The channel has been dredged. The top surface needs to be skimmed of floating islands. Would like to see it opened by duck hunting season beginning of October, and maybe goose hunting second week of September. Mayor noted the access wouldn’t be paved until next year. Mr. Pilak noted Mr. Dick Bennett is concerned about getting material from the site after he starts his sewer project. He will only be able to take material at no charge as long as the project is done soon. Mr. Pilak asked that someone from the City contact Mr. Bennett as soon as possible. Big Muskego Lake/Bass Bay Protection and Rehabilitation District Minutes of Annual Meeting - August 25, 1997 Page 2 Carp Barrier - Deputy Commissioner Keiser stated there is an electrical current in the water at the dam to shock the carp. There was an electricity outage early in June. The DNR shocked the channel. There is now a security system if it goes out - people are alerted to handle. Restoration Projects - Deputy Commissioner Pilak reported projects include planting shrubs on islands and re-seeding; restore streambank from old Sandy Beach tributary due to siltation; restore and riprap Groveway Ln. tributary; rip rap and cut trees in channel between Little Muskego lake and Big Muskego lake; give Bass Bay an alum treatment. Commissioner Slocomb also noted milfoil control will be an on-going project. Future Projects - Deputy Commissioner Pilak requested that the overflow parking lot be brushed out this fall for completion in 1998. Commissioner Slocomb explained they are exploring methods of control of the purple loosestrife weed for possible future project. By-Laws - Commissioner Slocomb presented history of start of lake district. These by-laws were put together setting guidelines on how district is to be operated, responsibility of the commissioners, deputies and establishing criteria to comply with state law. Larry Schweitzer moved to approve By-Laws as presented. Jeff Keiser seconded, motion carried unanimously. Budget - Deputy Comm. Pilak and Comm. Slocomb reviewed the proposed budget. Craig Lawdanski moved to approve as presented. Russ Stinebaugh seconded, motion carried unanimously. (On-lake charge to remain at $80.00 and off-lake at $35.00.) Audit/Engagement Ltr. - No comments or questions on 1996 audit. Leonard Pilak moved to engage Conley McDonald to prepare the 1997 audit. Jeff Keiser seconded, motion carried unanimously. Meeting Dates - The 1998 Annual Meeting was scheduled for Monday, August 31, 1998. Mayor recommended specific dates not be set at this time for the quarterly board meetings in order to be flexible with the schedule. No objections. Miscellaneous - Deputy Comm. Pilak reported that 4-5 million game fish have been introduced to the lake by the DNR. Unfortunately someone has been introducing black bullheads. The game warden and DNR have been contacted. This has been a tremendous blow to those who voted for the project. Pilak also stated the Osprey Nesting Platform project is on hold because birds won’t be available until the spring of ’98. To alleviate some concerns heard, it should be noted osprey are strictly fish-eating birds. Election of Deputy Commissioners - The following persons were nominated: Leonard Pilak Larry Schweitzer Mark Slocomb (declined) Jeff Keiser Craig Lawdanski Donald Wieczorek Larry Schweitzer moved to close nominations. Mark Slocomb moved to accept nominations of Pilak, Schweitzer, Keiser, Lawdanski and Wieczorek. Leonard Pilak seconded, motion carried. Big Muskego Lake/Bass Bay Protection and Rehabilitation District Minutes of Annual Meeting - August 25, 1997 Page 3 Linnie Lac Management District - Mayor De Angelis advised he had been approached regarding the possibility of the BML district donating start-up money for the Linnie Lac district. Kathy Martin of the Linnie Lac Management District advised they have 62 members and an initial study of the area will be about $25,000. Larry Schweitzer moved to donate $1,000 from 1997 Contingency funds. Craig Lawdanski seconded, motion carried. Thank You! - Deputy Comm. Pilak thanked all those who have helped the district in the past year. Mayor added his thanks to Pilak for all his efforts. A gentlemen in the audience said the water is clearer than ever in the past 27 years with many fish and more wildlife. Mayor noted people around the state are using Big Muskego Lake as a model of how to do a project. Adjournment - Craig Lawdanski moved to adjourn at 8:27 PM. Mark Slocomb seconded, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Jean K. Marenda, CMC Clerk-Treasurer jm