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PCR2020021 Home Path Financial Condo Plat_CSM_BSO (2)
RESOLUTION #P.C. 021-2020
(TAX KEY NO. 2196.958.004 / S76 W17501 JANESVILLE ROAD)
WHEREAS, A Building, Site and Operation Plan, Condominium Plat, and Certified Survey Map were
submitted for the Cobblestone Meadows development located in the SE ¼ of Section 9 (S76 W17501
Janesville Road / Tax Key No. 2196.958.004), and
WHEREAS, Common Council Ordinance #1396 in 2015 approved a rezoning of this property to PD-48
utilizing the RM-3 – Multiple Family Residence District and B-3 General Business District subject to Plan
Commission approval of a Building, Site and Operation Plan, and
WHEREAS, PD-48 allows 16 total units within 8 duplex buildings on this property and said proposal meets
this allowance, and
WHEREAS, The 2020 Comprehensive Plan will be amended to Medium Density Residential uses (for the
two-family homes/duplexes) and Commercial uses (for the commercial outlot) pursuant to Common Council
Ordinance #1396, subject to Plan Commission approval of this Building, Site and Operation Plan, and
WHEREAS, The Building, Site and Operations approval includes eight (8) two-family side-by-side
residential buildings (16 total residential units) on 6.34 total acres, which breaks down to 2.52 units per
acre, which within the 2.99 units per acre allowed under the Medium Density Residential land use and
allowed under the RM-3 base zoning, and
WHEREAS, A Planned Development Zoning District allows for greater freedom, imagination, and flexibility
in the development of land while insuring substantial compliance to the intent of the normal district
regulations of the City’s ordinances, and
WHEREAS, Access to the site is proposed as a new cul-de-sac off of Janesville Road that will be dedicated
to the City as a public right-of-way, and
WHEREAS, Each of the residential units will have a two-car garage in addition to private driveways, and
WHEREAS, There are two different building types proposed within this development, known as the Juniper
and the Cedar, and
WHEREAS, The two building designs contain a variety of materials, such as lannon stone, horizontal vinyl
siding, split shake vinyl siding and dimensional asphalt shingles, all in a variety of pleasing color palatte
options, and
WHEREAS, This development is part of the Downtown Design Guide and the General Design Guide, which
include the 50% masonry requirement, and
WHEREAS, Preliminary masonry calculations have been provided that break down as follows:
o Front – 54%
o Each Side – 37%
o Rear – 40%
o Total – 42%
o Front – 71%
o Each Side – 35% & 37%
o Rear – 51%
o Total – 47%, and
WHEREAS, Landscape plans for the entire site as well as surrounding individual residential units is
included as part of the submittal and there is a mixture of trees, shrubs and perennials on portions of the
site, and
WHEREAS, The property will be serviced with municipal sewer and municipal water, and
WHEREAS, Water and sewer main extensions are needed as part of this development, and
WHEREAS, Significant Engineering review has already occurred and final engineering sign-off will need to
occur as this project proceeds further and because public utility extensions are required, a developer’s
agreement will be required along with a Letter of Credit or Bond, and
WHEREAS, Stormwater management is proposed on site and continued Engineering review will be needed
to ensure the facilities are sized properly for this full development, and
WHEREAS, The proposed CSM contains two (2) lots ranging in size from 9,252 SF (Lot 2/Outlot 1) to
228,992 SF (Lot 1) and the CSM will dedicate the new public road to service this development, and
WHEREAS, Lot 1 will become Cobblestone Meadows Condo development, and
WHEREAS, Lot 2 (to be changed to Outlot 1) is a remnant outlot that is unbuildable on its own, but there is
a tentative proposal to have this outlot possibly sold to or used for access to/for the adjacent commercial
land owner to the east, and
WHEREAS, The Condo Plat is showing the approximate layout of the condo development, and
WHEREAS, The Condo Plat and Certified Survey Map are in the review process and all technical
corrections must be addressed before recording.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves a Building, Site and Operations
Plan, Condo Plat and Certified Survey Map for Cobblestone Meadows in the SE ¼ of Section 9 (S76
W17501 Janesville Road / Tax Key No. 2196.958.004) subject to resolution of technical discrepancies as
identified by the Planning Division and Engineering Division, and payment of all applicable fees in the Land
Division Ordinance and outstanding assessments if applicable.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The landscape plans are subject to formal review by the City Forester and
Planning staff before building permits can be issued.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Sign permits are required for any/all signage (temporary or permanent).
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, All zoning setback and offsets must be met.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Any building/site lighting will need to be submitted and approved before any
building permits can be issued.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Final colors selections need to be provided before building permits can be
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That each elevation must meet or exceed 50-percent masonry.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, In the case of units with any exposures and/or grade changes, the masonry
band must extend onto exposed foundation walls, providing additional masonry.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That no outdoor storage, other than daily driven vehicles, are allowed on the
condo property (including but not limited to garbage cans, recycle bins, boats, trailers, campers,
junk/wrecked vehicles, etc.).
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, All refuse/recycling bins must be stored within the individual garages, unless
approvals for enclosures are sought.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The final site layout is subject to Fire Department review and approval.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Since BSO approvals are valid for two years, if all of the buildings are not
started by that time, re-approvals will be required.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, If any phasing is going to occur as part of the development of this site,
details of said phasing must be provided before any permits can be issued.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of said plans be kept on file in the City and that all aspects of
this plan shall be maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise authorized by the Plan Commission.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That failure to comply with the approval contained in this resolution shall
result in the imposition of fines for each day that a violation occurs, the initiation of legal action, or both.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, All technical corrections from the City will need to be addressed before the
Certified Survey Map and Condo Plat can be signed and recorded.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a digital file of the CSM and Condo Plat shall be submitted to the City.
Plan Commission
City of Muskego
Introduced: May 5, 2020
ATTEST: Adam Trzebiatowski AICP, Planning Manager