PCR2014050RESOLUTION #P.C. 050-2014 APPROVAL OF A REVIEW OF THE FOX VALLEY RETRIEVER CLUB LOCATED ON THE ADVANCED DISPOSAL EMERALD PARK LANDFILL PROPERTY IN THE NE ¼ & SE ¼ OF SECTION 35 (LOOMIS DRIVE / TAX KEY NO. 2297.997). WHEREAS, The Plan Commission on June 3, 2014, granted a Conditional Use permit for the Fox Valley Retriever Club on the Advanced Disposal Emerald Park Landfill property located on Loomis Drive for the operation of dog training, and WHEREAS, A one-time review of the club’s operations by the Plan Commission was a condition of approval, and WHEREAS, Discussions with the local Alderman (who lives adjacent to the site) and review with the Police Department found no issues over the summer months. THEREFORE BE RESOLVED, That the Planning Commission approves of the review of the site. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Should any warranted complaints arise affecting the approved site and operation plan that the item would come back to Planning Commission for discussion. Plan Department City of Muskego Adopted: October 7, 2014 Defeated: Deferred: Introduced: October 7, 2014 ATTEST: Kellie McMullen, Recording Secretary