CCR2021094-Proposed Redistricting Plan - Map1-11-2 1-32-4 2-5 2-6 3-7 3-8 4-9 4-10 5-11 5-12 6-13 6-14 7-15 7-16 RACINE AVE DURHAM CT LANNON DR M O O R L A N DRD DURHA M PL PIONEER DR S DENOON RD FIEL D DR RYAN DR BOXHORN DR S 124TH ST M C S H A N E DR TA N S D R J A N E S VIL L E RD HENNEBERRY DR TESSCORNERSDR DURHAMDR KELSEY DR NORTH CAPE RD UNION CHURCH DR MUS KEGO DAM D R L O O M I S R D COLLEGE AVE HILLENDALE DR CROW BAR D R W O ODS RD Proposed RedistrictingSM Plan 3 Coordinate System: SPCS Wisconsins South (4803) Projection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: NAD83 National Spatial Reference System 2011Map Units: Foot USMap Revised: 10/5/2021 0 1 20.5 Miles F Disclaimer: The data presented in this map has been arrangedfrom various sources, each of which can cause varying degreesof inaccuracies or inconsistencies. Such discrepancies in dataare inherent and in supplying this product to the public theCity of Muskego assumes no liability for its use or accuracy.For questions or comments regarding oversight, adjustments,or updates please visit CityOfMuskego.org/directoryfor contact information. Ward B oundaries Aldermanic D istricts 123 456 7