CCR2021034-Exhibit 1Statewide Claim Division March 15,2021 Mr. Matt McCarroll S75 W l3 130 Oxford Ct. Muskego. Wl 53150 Regarding:Our Insured: City of MuskegoClaimNo: WM000672510186 Date/Loss: I I l0Bl2O20 I am sorry that we cannot of assistance to you, and please do not hesitate to call me with anyque:!isw>a Douglass A.-Detlie Casualty Claims Special ist Statewide Services, Inc. PO Box 5555 Madisorr, WI 53705-0555 Office: 608-828-5503 E-mai I : dde-tlie@statswidp.svs_s.sop Cc: City of Muskego 1241 John Q. Hammons Dr. P.O. Box 5555 Madison, WI 53705-0555 877-204-9712 Dear Mr. McCarroll: Statewide Services, lrrc. administers the claims for the League of Wisconsin MunicipalitiesMutual Insurance, wlrich provides the insurance coverage ior the city of Muskego. iv. ur" inreceipt of the above-captioned claim involving damage"frorn a back-up of seweiwater into yourhome. we have completed our investigation, and we recommend that the city of Muskego disallow yourclairn. This unfortunate loss occurred on account of a crog within the city,s sewer main Iine;however, City operations did rrot cause the clog. on.e mJre, city staff had rro prior notice that theunforeseen clog existed. thrrs, they were unablJ to take a preventive measure. The city would notbe liable unless city staff krlew' or should have known, atout the clog, and had ua.quut" time tocorrectthe problern prior to the loss. once the City was made aware of the problem, staffresponded tirnely to diagnose the clog and clear it from the line, thus, the city is ,"i ri"ur" for anydelayed response time. Finally, there is no evidence that the City failed to adhere to anyministerial duties- --or msnd2lss-regarding the maintenance oithe sewer main; and absent arninisterial duty, wr Statute gg3.g0 anoras tne city discretionurf ir*rnity. Given thatthecity bears no liability forthis urrfoftunate lossand/orgiven the immunity in placefor tlre citv, Statewide Services, Inc. wiil not be abre to pay for y;.?;,;;;;v.rrrr"ru'!rrf,' Sinceyz{y, Statewide Seruice,fnc. Claim 1241 John Q. Hammons Dr. P.O. Box 5555 Madison, WI 53705-0555 877-204-9712 Dear Ms. Krocker: Statewide Services, Inc. administers the clairns for the League of Wisconsin Municipalities Mutual Insurance, which provides the insurance coverage for the City of Muskego. we a.e inreceipt of the above-captioned clairn involving damage frorn a back-up of seweiwater into your home. We have completed our investigation, and we recommend that the City of Muskego disallow yourclaim. This unfortLtnate loss occurred on account of a clog within the City's seweimain line;however, City operations did not cause the clog. once mJre, City staff had no prior notice that theunforeseen clog existed, thus, they were unable to take u pr"r"ntir" measure. it " city would notbe liable unless City staff kltew, or should have known, atout the clog, and had adequate time tocorrectthe problern priorto the loss. Orrce the City was made aware of the problem, staffresponded tirnely to diagnose the clog and clear it frorn the line, thus, the City is not tiuUl. for anydelayed resporrse tirne. Finally, there is no evidence that the City failed to adirere to anyrninisterial duties---or mandates-regarding the maintenance oithe s.*e. ,ain;-uidtr.n, uministerial duty, wl Statute 893.80 affords the city discretionary immu,ity. Given that the City bears no liability for this unfoftunate loss arrd/or given the immunity in placeforthe city, Statewide Services, rnc. wiil not be able to pay foryorr-durug"s. March 15,2021 Ms. Trish Krocker S75 Wl3l27 Oxford Ct. Muskego, WI 53150 Regarding: Our Insured: City of MuskegoClaimNo: WM0006725101g6 Date/Loss: Il0BlZ020 sorry that wercannot of assistance to you. and please do not hesitate to call me with any Casualty Claims Specialist Statewide Services, Inc. PO Box 5555 Madison, Wl 53705-0555 Office: 608-828-5503 E-mai I : dde-tI ie@slarewidesycs,cop Cc: City of Muskego 'm*m Statewide Claim Division 1241 John Q. Hammons Dr. P.O. Box 5555 Madison, WI 53705-0555 877-204-9712 March 18,2021 Mr. Michael Hallmann S74 W l3 180 Courtland Ln. Muskego, WI 53150 Regarding: Our Insured: City of Muskego Claim No: WM0006725 l0l g6 Dare/Loss: I I l}gl202} Dear Mr. Hallmann: statewide Services, Inc. adrninisters the clairns for the League of wisconsin MunicipalitiesMutual Insurance, which provides the insurance coverage iorthe city of Muskego. we are in ;:::,y"::ij:;,::"J"il:!,,ffi|":i"llinvorving da,nage?om,rback_up of se*ei*ater into your we have cornpleted our,investigation and we recommend thar the city of Muskego disallow yourclaim. This unfortunate loss occurred on account of a clog within the City,s sewer main line;however' city operations did not cause the cJog. once more, city staff had no prior notice that theunforeseen clog existed, thus, they were unablJto take a pr;;;;il". measure. The city would notbe liable unless they knew, or should have known about tle clou, uno had adequate time tocorrect the problern prior to the loss. once the city was *ua" uilu." of the problem, staffresponded timely to diagrrose the clog and clear ir from th" i;;, ;rrs, the city i. ,"i ii"ul. for anydelayed response tirne. Finally, therels no evidence.that the City'failed to adhere to anyrninisterial dLrties---or.rru,rd1T:rlegnrding the maintenanc. .,f th. sewer main; and absent aministeriar duty, wr Statute gg3.g0 arroro, ttr" city discretionary immunity. Given that the city bears no liability forthis unfortunate ross and/or given the immunity in placefor the city, statewide Services, Inc. wiil not be abre to pay for your damages. I am sorry that we cannot of assistance to you, and please do n.t hesitate to call me with any Casualty Claims Specialist Statewide Services, Irrc. PO Box 5555 Madison, Wt 53705-0555 Office: 608-828-5503 E-mai I : ddelf ie@s1a19widesvcg,9o4 Cc: City of Muskego K'Wruglass A. Detlie €@tewide Seruice fnc. 1241 John Q. Hammons Dr. P.O. Box 5555 Madison, WI 53705-0555 877-204-97t2 March 15,2021 Mr. Richard Randa W l3 I S7576 Cheviot Rd. Muskego, Wl 53150 Regarding:Our Insured: City of MuskegoClaimNo: WM00067251bt86Date/Loss: I I l0gl2}20 Iam sorry that we cannot of assistance to you, and please do not hesitate to call me with any Dear Mr. Randa: Statewide Services, lnc. adrninisters tlre clairns for the League of wisconsin MunicipalitiesMutual Insurance, whiclr provides the insurance coverage for the city of Muskego. we are in ;t"T'jt of the above-captio,ed clairn involving damageTro,, u uu"t -rp of sewer water into your we have completed our investigation, and we recommend that the_city of Muskego disallow yourclairn' This unfortunate loss ocJurred on account of a crog within the city,s sewer main Iine;however' city operations did not cause the clog once more, city staff had no prior notice that theunforeseen clog existed, thus, they were unablJto take a p."u.,,ir. measure. The city would notbe liable unless city staff kn"*, o. shoulJ l.,uu" k,.,o*,r, atout the clog, and had adequate time tocorrect the problem prior to the loss. once the city was -ua" u*ur" of the problem, staffresponded timely to diagnose the clog and clear it from ttre line, thu.s, the city i, "ri iiuut. ro. unydelayed response time. Finally, therels no evidence that the city failed to adhere to anvministerial duties--or rnandates--regarding the maintenar"" "iil;';;;; il'u,ir',"uffir"n, urninisterial duty, wr Stature gg3.g0 iffords"the city discretionary immunity. Giverr that the city bears no liability for this unfoftunate loss and/or given the irnmunity in placefor the city, Statewide Services, Ini. wiI not be abre to pay for your damages. : Sinc Casualty Claims Specialist Statewide Services, Inc. PO Box 5555 Madison, WI 53705-0555 Office: 608-828-5503 E-m ai I : ddetf i9@s1a19wides-vcs.9op Cc: City of MLrskego €tatewide Seruice.Inc, March 15,2021 Mr. Michael Hauke W l3 I S7558Cheviot Rd. Muskego, WI 53150 1241 John Q. Hammons Dr. P.O, Box 5555 Madison, WI 53705-0555 877-204-9712 Regarding: Our Insured: City of MuskegoCtaimNo: WM000672510t86 Date/Loss: I I l}gl2)20 Dear Mr. Hauke: Statewide Services, Inc. adrninit;ters the claims for the League of wisconsin MunicipalitiesMutual Insurance, which provides the insurance coverage for the city of Muskego. we are in ;"ffIt of the above-captioned claim involving damage ?rom a back-up of sewer water into your we have cornpleted our investigation, and we recommend that the.city of Muskego disallow yourclaim. This unfortunate loss ocJurred on account of a clog within the City,s sewer main line;however' city operations did not cause the cJog. once more, city staff had no prior notice thattheunforeseen clog existed,-tlrus, they were unablJto take a pr*",-,iir" measure. The city would notbe liable unless city staff knew, or should have known, ufor,ihl clog, and had adequate time tocorrect the problern prior to the loss. once the City was -ua" u*u." of the problem, staffresponded timely to diagnose the clog and clear it from the line. thus, the city is ""i ii"ul" for anydelayed response time. Finally, therels no evidence;M,;;. c;y failed to adhere to anyrninisterial duties-or mandates--regarding the maintenur".-oirtr.-r.*"ril'u]", uriJjr.r, urninisterial duty, wr Statute gg3.ig0 irro.arin" city discretionary irmunity. civen that the city bears no liability for this unfoftunate loss and/or given the immunity in placefor the city, Statewide Services, tnc. wiil not be abre ro pay for y";r?;;"i."""''""' I am sorry that welcannot of assistance to you, and prease do not hesitate to cail me with any Casualty Claims Special ist Statewide Services, Inc. PO Box 5555 Madison, WI 53705-0555 Office: 608-828-5503 E-rna i I : dd91l ie@pta[ewi-desvc9, go-m Cc: City of Muskego Sinc /'l+l Statewide Seruices, fnc, Claim Division 1241 John Q. Hammons Dr. P.0. Box 5555 Madison, WI 53705-0555 877-204-97t2 March 15,2021 Mr. Michael Reitz W 132 57547 Cheviot Rd. Muskego, WI 53150 Regarding:Our Insured: City of Muskego Claim No: WM0006725 l0l 86 Date/Loss: I I10812020 Dear Mr. Reitz: Statewide Services, Inc. adrninisters the claims for the League of Wisconsin Municipalities Mutual Insurance, which provides the insurance coverage for the City of Muskego. We are in receipt of the above-captioned claim involving damage from :r back-up of sewer water into your home. We lrave conrpleted our investigation, and we recorlmend that the City of Muskego disallow your clairn. This unfortunate loss occurred on account of a clog within the City's re*"imain line; however, City operations did not cause the clog. Once more, City staff had no prior notice thatthe unforeseen clog existed, thus, they were unable to take a prevr3ntive measure. The Cify would not be liable unless City staff kne\ /, or should have known, about the clog, and had adequate time to correct the problem prior to the loss. Once the City was made aware of the problem, staff responded timely to diagnose tJire clog and clear it from the lirre, tlrus, the City is not liable for any delayed response time. Finally, there is no evidence that the City failed to adhere to any ministerial duties- --or mandates-regarding the maintenance ,rf the sewer main; and absent a rninisterial duty, wl Statute 893.80 affords the city discretionary imrrunity. Given that the City bears no Iiability for this unfoftunate loss ilnd/or given the immunity in place for the city, Statewide Servicer;, Inc. will not be abre to pay fcrr your durug"r. I am sorry that we cannot of as:;istance to you, and please do not hesitate to call rne with any Casualty Clairns Special ist Statewide Services, Inc. PO Box 5555 Madison, WI 53705-0555 Office: 608-828-5503 E- rn ai I : ddel I ie@ gtatew ides-vcs, c-o1n Cc: City of Muskego