CCR2021117-Attachment (Sponsorship Policy)
Sponsorship of the City of Muskego and its activities, events, and programs can, when conducted in an
appropriate manner, be beneficial to both the City and the community. However, it is important to
recognize that the City is a public entity and that its reputation and image must be protected. With these
considerations in mind, it is the policy of the Common Council to approve and allow sponsorships where
appropriate under this policy.
Applicable Definitions
"Sponsorship" is the provision by a person, company, business, corporation, or other entity of money,
goods, and/or services in support of the City, or one (1) or more of its activities, events, or programs. In
return, the sponsor may be provided an Acknowledgment of the Sponsorship, as defined below.
"City Sponsorship" is the provision by a person, company, business, corporation, or other
entity of money, goods, and/or services in support of the City or one (1) of its activities,
events, or programs.
City Sponsorship will be acknowledged by the City. The acknowledgment may be in the form of
recognizing the sponsor through an announcement at a City event; placement of a sponsor's logo and
certain information about the sponsor in a City program, publication, or news release, and/or on the City's
website; or notwithstanding other Board policies, granting the sponsor the right to name a City building,
facility, or areas within City owned properties.
"Acknowledgment" is a term used to signify the recognition of the support provided to the City by the
sponsor. A typical Acknowledgment is the placement of a sponsor's logo and certain information about
the sponsor, such as the sponsor's name, address, and website, in a school-sponsored publication such
as a website, a yearbook, a newsletter, or an event. Acknowledgment does not include endorsement,
price information, or an indication of savings or value and/or quality of the sponsor's product or services.
Sponsorship Approval
The City does not have any obligation to accept sponsorship support from a person, company, business,
corporation, or other entity. The City reserves the right to deny sponsorship and acknowledgment to any
person, company, corporation, or other entity that does not serve the best interests of the City or whose
mission or image is incompatible with the City's programs, policies, image, or mission.
All sponsorship requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration the following
A. Whether the sponsorship would be in conflict with or inconsistent with the City policies, priorities,
and goals;
B. Whether the sponsorship would be in conflict with the City's policies, programming, public use,
mission, and/or vision;
C. Whether the sponsorship would adversely affect the City's reputation or image;
D. The benefit and/or effect the sponsorship will provide to the City, its programs and activities,
employees, and/or the community;
E. The fiscal condition of the City and any financial limitations of the City.
The City has the right to and will refuse sponsorship that:
A. Promotes or contains references to illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia.
B. Promotes or contains references to:
1. Illegal materials or activities;
2. Violence, hatred, sexual conduct or sexually explicit materials;
3. Lewd, vulgar, obscene, or pornographic materials; and/or
4. TV-MA programs or X- or NC-17 rated movies.
C. Appears to create an endorsement of a politician or candidate for a political office, political
activity, or political position.
D. Appears to ridicule, exploit, or demean a person on the basis of a protected status, including but
not limited to age, color, creed, disability, national origin, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation.
Requests for City Sponsorship will be reviewed, and if appropriate under this policy, accepted by the
Mayor or his/her designee. Single sponsorships of more than $20,000 must be forwarded to the Common
Council for approval. If the Common Council approves the sponsorship, the City shall enter into a written
agreement with the sponsor, which shall require, among other things, that the goods, services, or money
are given to the City prior to the City acknowledging the sponsorship.
The City reserves the right to refuse any sponsorship that does not comply with this policy. The City may
also set forth other reasonable requirements or conditions for acceptance of any sponsorship to protect or
promote the interests of the City. No sponsorship shall be construed as or constitute an endorsement by
the Common Council or the City of any product, service, activity, or program in the community.
Requesting Sponsorship
To request a City Sponsorship, a prospective sponsor must notify the Mayor or his/her designee of its
interest in being a City sponsor.
The request for sponsorship will be reviewed by the Mayor or his/her designee. Provided the sponsorship
meets the above criteria, the City may accept the sponsorship.
Sponsors who seek to make a City sponsorship contribution valued $1,000 or more must complete and
sign a sponsorship agreement. Sponsorship agreements will be reviewed by the Mayor or his/her