CCR2019031-Establishing Committee for Reveiw of Senior Taxi Program COMMON COUNCIL – CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #031-2019 ESTABLISHING AN AD HOC COMMITTEE TO REVIEW AND REPORT TO COUNCIL PROGRAM SERVICES, RIDERSHIP, GRANTS AND OTHER FUNDING SOURCES FOR SENIORS AND AMBULATORY ADULTS WITH DISABILITIES TAXI SERVICE WHEREAS, In January of 2008, the Muskego Senior Taxi was licensed in the City; and in April of 2008, the Muskego Senior Taxi began providing taxi service for the community’s senior citizens and ambulatory disabled adults; and WHEREAS, to better understand the program services and funding sources, and provide transparency and accountability, the Council wishes to establish a Committee to review and to report to the Common Council the specifics of the service and funding sources within Waukesha County; and WHEREAS, the Muskego Senior Taxi is to submit to the Committee its Form 990 and relevant financial statements for calendar year ending 2017, Financial Ledger for 2018 detailing all expenditures and revenues, and supply 2019 quarterly financial status report no later than two (2) months following such quarter end. WHEREAS, the Mayor will appoint two Aldermen, a County representative, and an elected member of the Muskego Senior Taxi Board to the Committee and the Mayor shall serve as the Chairperson. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Committee shall be charged with making a written report to the Common Council by August 23, 2019 and specifically the written report to include the following:  Specific terms and conditions of operating a taxi service for senior citizens and ambulatory adults with disabilities program in Waukesha County.  Statistics and funding sources for the current program.  Affiliated support services offered through Waukesha County (ERAS, FARN, etc.)  Best practices of Waukesha County seniors and ambulatory adults with disabilities programs. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, said Review Committee shall upon submission of the written report to the Common Council and thus completion of the work for which said Committee is charged shall dissolve. rd Adopted this 23 day of April, 2019. SPONSORED BY: COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #031-2019 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. ______________________________ Deputy Clerk