CCR2016078-AttachmentOne Honey Creek Corporate Center
125 South 84th Street, Suite 401
Milwaukee, WI 53214-1470
414 / 259 1500
414 / 259 0037 fax
September 14, 2016
Mr. David Simpson, P.E.
City Engineer
City of Muskego
W182 S8200 Racine Avenue
P.O. Box 749
Muskego, WI 53150-0749
SUBJECT: Proposal for Janesville Road Recreational Trail Project
Dear Mr. Simpson:
GRAEF is pleased to provide this proposal for professional consulting services to the City of
Muskego (Client) for the design of Janesville Road Recreational Trail in Muskego, Wisconsin.
The City of Muskego is requesting engineering services for the design and preparation of plans
and construction specifications for the construction of an 8-foot wide paved recreational trail along
Janesville Road from College Avenue to Emerson Drive. GRAEF has established a team to
address the unique needs of this project. Our understanding and technical approach to the
project is based upon the Request for Proposal, research, discussions with city staff, field visits,
and our familiarity with the project area.
Our design team will work with the City of Muskego to achieve the current and future objectives
required by the City while minimizing the impacts to the environment and the community as a
whole. To complete the requirements addressed in the RFP, we have outlined a specific
sequence of operations for the design process, including design challenges and possible
Approach and Basic Scope of Services
GRAEF’s approach and schedule is based on the City’s Request for Professional Services dated
August 18, 2016, and GRAEF’s proposal submitted on September 14, 2016 .
Following is a detailed description of our proposed scope of services for the project:
Administration & Coordination
Monthly Invoices
Survey from the centerline of Janesville road to 20 feet beyond the south right of way.
Survey shall pick up all existing utilities, property corners, fence lines and wetland
Mr. David Simpson, P.E. -2- September 14, 2016
Hydraulic Analysis
Design of ditch to handle existing flow for one alternative
Develop storm sewer for one alternative
Environmental Resources
Office Review
Field Investigation
Wetland Report
Preliminary Trail Design
Title Sheet
Typical Sections
Storm Sewer/Erosion Control Plan
Geometric Layout
Cross Sections
R/W / Utility Analysis
Construction Details
Preliminary Estimate of Probable Construction Costs
Meeting with City of Muskego (2 included)
Public Works Committee Meeting (1)
Meeting Agenda, Preparation & Minutes for Meetings Summarized Above
Public Involvement
Public Information Meetings (1)
Prepare Materials (Sign-in Sheets/Handouts)
Public Information Meeting Minutes/Summary
Address Resident Comments
GRAEF will work with the City to establish a detailed schedule around the following key dates:
October 3, 2016: Executed contract, GRAEF’s Notice to Proceed
Week of January 9, 2017: Preliminary Drawings for City Review
Week of January 16, 2017: Public Involvement Meeting
Mr. David Simpson, P.E. -3- September 14, 2016
Information and Items Provided by the City of Muskego
It is our understanding that the City of Muskego will provide the following:
Right-of-way, plats, easements along Janesville Road
Invite property owners to the public information meeting
Secure public information meeting venue
Record drawings of existing utilities
Basic Fee
We propose to provide the above scope of basic services for the lump sum fee of $20,000, plus
reimbursable expenses such as mileage, printing, titles and permit fees.
Additional Services
The following is a list of services and fees we have not included in our proposa l, and may result in
additional fee if required. We can submit a budget upon request by the City of Muskego.
Stormwater Management Plan and design. A stormwater management plan is not
anticipated for this project due the exception from DNR Chapter NR 151 for recreational
Cost or fee for land acquisition or easements.
GRAEF’s fee for additional services shall be based on an hourly rate of personnel assi gned plus
reimbursable expenses such as mileage, permitting fees and printing.
Please call me at 414-266-9086 if you have any questions.
Graef-USA Inc.
Michael N. Paulos, P.E.
Project Manager/Principal
G:\Mil\Mkt\Proposals\Proposals\MUN\Muskego, City of_Janesville Rd Recreational Trail_10_0916\2016-0914_JanesvilleRoad_Proposal-2.docx
One Honey Creek Corporate Center
125 South 84th Street, Suite 401
Milwaukee, WI 53214-1470
414 / 259 1500
414 / 259 0037 fax
September 14, 2016
Mr. David Simpson, P.E.
City Engineer
City of Muskego
W182 S8200 Racine Avenue
P.O. Box 749
Muskego, WI 53150-0749
SUBJECT: Proposal for Racine Avenue Recreational Trail Project
Dear Mr. Simpson:
GRAEF is pleased to provide this proposal for professional consulting services to the City of
Muskego (Client) for the design of Racine Avenue Recreational Trail in Muskego, Wisconsin.
The City of Muskego is requesting engineering services for the design and preparation of plans
and construction specifications for the construction of an eight-foot wide paved recreational trail
along Racine Avenue from Woods Road to an existing pathway approximately 800 feet north of
Cardinal Drive. GRAEF has established a team to address the unique needs of this project. Our
understanding and technical approach to the project is based upon the Request for Proposal,
research, discussions with city staff, field visits, and our familiarity with the project area.
Our design team will work with the City of Muskego to achieve the current and future objectives
required by the City while minimizing the impacts to the environment and the community as a
whole. To complete the requirements addressed in the RFP, we have outlined a specific
sequence of operations for the design process, including design challenges and possible
Approach and Basic Scope of Services
GRAEF’s approach and schedule is based on the City’s Request for Professional Services dated
August 18, 2016, and GRAEF’s proposal submitted on September 14, 2016 .
Following is a detailed description of our proposed scope of services for the project:
Administration & Coordination
Monthly Invoices
Survey from the centerline of Racine Avenue to 20 feet beyond the west right of way.
Survey shall pick up all existing utilities, property corners, and wetland boundaries
Mr. David Simpson, P.E. -2- September 14, 2016
Hydraulic Analysis
Develop storm sewer in front of four houses
Extend existing culverts under Racine Avenue using HY-8
Environmental Resources
Office Review
Field Investigation
Wetland Report
Preliminary Recreational Trail Design
Title Sheet
Typical Sections
Storm Sewer/Erosion Control Plan
Geometric Layout
Guardrail Analysis
Cross Sections
R/W / Utility Analysis
Traffic Control
Construction Details
Preliminary Estimate of Probable Construction Costs
Meeting with City of Muskego (3 included)
Public Works Committee Meeting (1)
Meeting Agenda, Preparation & Minutes for Meetings Summarized Above
Public Involvement
Public Informational Meetings (1)
Prepare Materials (Sign-in Sheets/Handouts/Displays)
Public Informational Minutes/Summary
Addressing Resident Comments
Agency Coordination & Permitting
Chapter 30 Permitting
Apply WRAPP Permit
Wetland permits
Waukesha County Permit
Agency coordination/Meetings
Utility Coordination
Utility Coordination – Initial Coordination Mailing
Utility Coordination – Review of Facility Maps
Mr. David Simpson, P.E. -3- September 14, 2016
Final PS&E
Finalize Drawings and Details
Quantities – Miscellaneous Quantity Calculations
Prepare Technical Specifications
Prepare project manual, advertise, bid form
Final Estimate of Probable Construction Costs
GRAEF will work with the City to establish a detailed schedule around the following key dates:
October 3, 2016: Executed contract, GRAEF’s Notice to Proceed
Week of January 9, 2017: Preliminary Drawings for City Review
Week of January 16, 2017: Public Involvement Meeting
Week of January 23, 2017: Complete DNR permitting
February 16, 2017: First Advertisement for Documents Available to Bidders
March 9, 2017: Bid opening
June 12, 2017: Start Construction
Information and Items Provided by the City of Muskego
It is our understanding that the City of Muskego will provide the following:
Right-of-way, plats, easements along Racine Avenue
Printing of plans/specifications for bidding
Secure public informational meeting venue
Invite property owners to public informational meeting
Record drawings of existing utilities
Permit fees
Front End Contract Documents
Basic Fee
We propose to provide the above scope of basic services for the lump sum fee of $33,000 plus
reimbursable expenses such as mileage, printing, title and permit fees.
Mr. David Simpson, P.E. -4- September 14, 2016
Additional Services
The following is a list of services and fees we have not included in our proposal, and may result in
additional fee if required. We can submit a budget upon request by the City of Muskego.
Stormwater Management Plan and design. A stormwater management plan is not
anticipated for this project due the exception from DNR Chapter NR 151 for recreational
Cost or fee for land acquisition or easements.
Construction staking
Engineering services during bidding and construction, including
o Respond to Contractor inquiries during the bidding process and prepare addenda.
o Respond to Contractor requests for information (RFI) during construction.
o Review specified shop-drawing submittals.
o Provide site visits during construction.
o Provide or review punch lists.
o Provide construction record drawings.
o Review pay requests/change orders.
GRAEF’s fee for additional services shall be based on an hourly rate of personnel assigned plus
reimbursable expenses such as mileage, permitting fees and printing.
We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and looks forward to working with you on
this project. An executed copy of this proposal will become our Agreement. This proposal is
subject to our Standard Terms and Conditions, a copy of which is attached and incorporated by
reference. We will commence work upon receipt of an executed copy.
Please call me at 414-266-9086 if you have any questions.
Graef-USA Inc.
Michael N. Paulos, P.E.
Project Manager/Principal
G:\Mil\Mkt\Proposals\Proposals\MUN\Muskego, City of_Racine Ave Recreational Trail_10_0916\2016-0912_RacineAvenue_Proposal-2.docx
Michael N. Paulos PE, LEED AP, CDT
Project Manager | Principal
Professional Registration
Professional Engineer – WI
Professional Certifications
LEED Accredited Professional
Construction Documents
Technologist - The Construction
Specifications Institute
B.S., Civil Engineering, 1993, cum
laude, Michigan Technological
University, Houghton, MI
Continuing Education
Corrosion Control and Failure
Analysis in the Water Utilities, 2004
Water Storage Tanks Course,
University of Wisconsin, 2003
Risk Assessment Methodology for
Water Utilities (RAM-WSM) Training
Workshop, June 2003
Professional Affiliations
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Public Works Association
Wisconsin Rural Water Association
Wisconsin Water Association
Mike is a principal and the Municipal Market Leader at GRAEF with experience
on a variety of public works projects. For over 23 years, he has managed projects
involving water distribution system modeling and design, sanitary sewer and
storm sewer design, roadway design, and site development.
Woods Road Trail, City of Muskego, WI – Project Manager: Design and preparation
of plans and construction specifications for the construction of an 8-foot wide paved
recreational trail along Woods Road from Quietwood Drive to Racine Avenue.
Project included public involvement, wetland delineation, construction staking and
administration, and a floodplain analysis.
Brookdale Area Street Reconstruction Project, City of Greenfield, WI – Project
Manager: A 2.0-mile rural-to-urban roadway reconstruction project with full urban
roadway reconstruction, the addition of a storm sewer system, driveway improvements,
site grading, and landscaping between Root River Parkway, West Layton Avenue, and
South 92nd Street.
Oakwood Road & 27th Street, City of Franklin, WI – Project Manager: Complete
reconstruction to widen existing two-lane rural roadway to a four-lane urban divided
roadway. The new roadway included utilities, storm water detention and storm water
management, lighting, landscaping and signal design.
South Chapel Hill Drive, City of Franklin, WI – Project Manager: Design of 1,200
feet of paving plans.
West Woods Road, City of Franklin, WI – Project Manager: Design of 2,100 feet of
paving plans.
Skamra Estates Subdivision, City of Franklin, WI – Project Manager: Design of
10,000 feet of paving plans.
Thorn Crest Subdivision, City of Franklin, WI – Project Manager: Design of 4,100
feet of paving plans.
South 68th Street, City of Franklin, WI – Project Manager: Design of 1,900 feet of
paving plans.
South 31st Street, City of Franklin, WI – Project Manager: Design of 2,700 feet of
paving plans.
Douglas J. Rogahn PE
Project Engineer
Professional Registration
Professional Engineer – WI
B.S., Civil Engineering, 1992,
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee,
Milwaukee, WI
Continuing Education
University of Wisconsin Extension
Using HEC 2 and WSPRO to
Compute Water Surface Profiles for
Floodplains and Bridge Hydraulics
Maintaining Asphalt Pavements
Evaluation and Rehabilitation of
Doug has more than 24 years of experience working on a variety of
transportation engineering projects. Among his responsibilities are design
of roadways and site engineering. He is well-versed in computer modeling
programs for bridge hydraulics, drainage design, pavement rehabilitation,
and utility design along roadways. Clients for whom he has provided these
services include the WisDOT, municipalities, counties, and developers.
Bluemound Road Pedestrian Walk, Town of Brookfield, WI – Project Engineer:
Design of a 5-foot wide, 1-mile long sidewalk along the south side of Bluemound Road,
from Barker Road to Brookfield Road with the assistance of an 80/20 grant fund under
the State Transportation Enhancement Program – Pilot Retrofit Sidewalk Program.
The Town of Brookfield will connect to local and state bikeways and sidewalks in
neighboring municipalities with its ultimate bikeway/sidewalk plan.
West National Avenue, West Allis, WI – Project Engineer: Urban reconstruction
of two sections of West National Avenue, totaling 0.75 miles in length. The projects
include the full replacement of the roadway and adjacent sidewalk within this highly
developed urban corridor.
East Capitol Drive (WIS 190) Village of Shorewood, WI – Drainage Engineer:
Reconstruction of East Capitol Drive from Estabrook Drive to Lake Drive. Improvements
included the reconstruction of 1.2 miles of urban roadway, replacement of storm sewer,
streetscaping, traffic signals, and the replacement of the Oak Leaf trail structure over
Capitol Drive.
Brookdale Area Street Reconstruction Project, City of Greenfield, WI – Project
Engineer: A 2.0-mile rural-to-urban roadway reconstruction project with full urban
roadway reconstruction, the addition of a storm sewer system, driveway improvements,
site grading, and landscaping between Root River Parkway, West Layton Avenue, and
South 92nd Street. Responsibilities included development of roadway geometrics,
drainage design, cross sections, cost estimates, agency coordination, and public
Hamilton Street/Douglas Avenue, City of Racine, WI – Project Engineer:
Reconstruction of approximately 1.2 miles of roadway. The project involves the removal
and replacement of all pavement, curb and gutter, and some sidewalk within the right-
of-way. Replacement will include new crosswalk ramps, curb & gutter, pavement, street
lighting and improved drainage. Intersections will be evaluated for geometric changes,
traffic signals or roundabout alternatives.
Washington County Fair Grounds, West Bend, WI – Project Engineer: Provided
design for alignment, profile, and grading for new fairgrounds.
Hubbard Park, Village of Shorewood, WI – Project Engineer: Designed parking lots
for park that included curb and gutter and storm sewer.
Bridget S. Henk PE, ENV SP, LEED AP
Civil Engineer
Professional Registration
Professional Engineer – WI, IL
LEED Accredited Professional
Envision Sustainability Professional
B.S., Civil Engineering, 2006,
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee,
Professional Affiliations
American Society of Civil Engineers
Wisconsin Green Building Alliance
Women in Science and Engineering
Wisconsin Commercial Real Estate
Association of State Flood Plain
Bridget has 10 years of experience in civil engineering with an emphasis
on storm water management. Bridget is a professional engineer licensed in
Wisconsin and Illinois, a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
Accredited Professional (LEED AP) in Building Design and Construction, and
an Envision Sustainability Professional (ENV SP). Bridget is an instrumental
part of the storm water and commercial development teams, leading the way to
more sustainable design and construction.
West Bend Pedestrian Bridge, West Bend, WI – QA/QC Reviewer: Reviewed the
HEC RAS model for the West Bend Pedestrian Bridge and coordinated revisions with
the Wisconsin DNR.
Lakefront Gateway, Milwaukee, WI – Project Engineer, Drainage Design: Prepared
storm water drainage analysis for the Lakefront Gateway which included portions of
Harbor Drive, Clybourn Street, IH-794 on and off ramps, and Michigan Avenue. Work
included analysis and design storm water quality features, including bio-filtration
basins, pervious pavements in the terrace and roadway, and dry detention.
Milwaukee Avenue Reconstruction, Wauwatosa, WI – Project Engineer: Analyzed
the inlet capacity and the storm sewer pipe network for the reconstruction of Milwaukee
Avenue and prepared the construction plans based on the analysis. The project
included sewers with diameters between 12-inch and 96-inch as well as custom turning
structures for the large diameter pipe and special tee manholes. SWMM software was
utilized to determine the bypass flows for inlet capacity.
STH 165, Pleasant Prairie, WI – Project Engineer, Drainage Design: Prepared storm
water drainage analysis for the STH 165 reconstruction and expansion to four lanes.
The project includes 1.34 miles of roadway and an increase of 6 acres of impervious
area. Project analysis included storm water quantity and quality calculations for
roadway swales, bio-filtration, and a dry detention basin.
UWM Innovation Campus, Echelon Development, Wauwatosa, WI – Project
Engineer: Prepared preliminary grading, roadway, utility and storm water management
plans for potential residential development of the Eschweiler site within the UWM
Innovation campus.
STH 69, Verona to Belleville, WI – Project Engineer: Evaluated 55 existing drainage
structures along 8.2 miles of existing roadway. The structures included 52 culverts
and 3 bridges which were analyzed with HydroCAD, HY-8 or HEC RAS based on
the complexity of the crossing. The project limits include 85 ditch sections and 41
driveway culverts which were analyzed using Bentley FlowMaster and CulvertMaster
Respectively. Water quality analysis was also performed using WinSLAMM based
Mr. Meyer has held both technical and administrative positions in wetland and water
resources specialties with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Mr. Meyer is recognized by the Wisconsin
DNR as an Assured Delineator. He has satisfactorily completed the following training:
• Reg IV Wetland Delineation training offered by the USACE
• Advanced Wetland Delineation training conducted by the University of
Wisconsin-LaCrosse in 2002 and 2007
• USACE/WDNR 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual Midwest Region Supplement
Training in 2009
• USACE/WDNR 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual Northcentral/Northeast Region
Supplement Training in 2010
• Basic Hydric Soil ID training conducted by the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
in 2011
• Wetland Training Institute’s Advanced Hydrology for Jurisdictional Determinations
in 2016
• SEWRPC Environmental Corridor Delineation Workshops in 2004 and 2015
Professional Experience
Wetland & Waterway Consulting – 04/02 to Present
Principal Environmental Scientist. Provides all aspects of permitting services related to
WDNR Chapter 30 and 216 permits. Provides all necessary services to obtain Section
404 permits from the USACE. Performed wetland delineations and site assessment
activities required for permit applications. Coordinates all permitting functions between
local, state, and federal regulatory authorities.
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources – 03/01 to 04/02
Water Regulation and Zoning Specialist. Assisted the public in obtaining Chapter 30 and
216 permits for navigable waterways and wetlands. Performed wetland delineations,
ordinary high water mark, and navigable waterway determinations. Coordinated permit
issuance with USACE and municipal regulatory authorities.
Titus Logistics and Freight Management – 03/99 to 03/01
Chief Information Officer.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – 01/93 to 03/99
Chief Ranger, Beaver Lake Reservoir. Managed a 30,000-acre federal reservoir.
Supervised wetland permit program. Administered purchase order contracts between
U.S. government and private contractors. Coordinated and supervised all water- and
land-based recreational activities.
Environmental Protection Specialist, Regulatory Branch. Assisted the public with
obtaining federal permits for wetland and waterway development. Performed wetland
delineations. Coordinated federal, state (Chapter 30 and 216), and local wetland
waterway permit applications. Wrote environmental assessment and land use plans.
Negotiated and resolved permit violations.
William David Meyer
Principal Environmental Scientist
Wetland & Waterway Consulting
Wetland & Waterway Consulting,
LLC (WWC) is an environmental
consulting firm that provides
environmental permitting services,
site assessments, wetland
delineations, and planning advice.
WWC was established in 2002 by
its principal environmental scientist,
David Meyer.
M.S., Natural Resources
Management/Planning, Department
of Forestery, Southern Illinois
Undergraduate Coursework
in Soils, Botany, Entomology,
Surveying, Mensuration,
Silviculture, and Business Methods,
Southeastern Illinois College
B.S., Psychology (Minor in
Sociology and Anthropology),
Western Illinois University