Janesville Road &
Racine Avenue
Recreational Trails
September 2016
September 14, 2016
Mr. David Simpson, P.E., City Engineer
Engineering Division
City of Muskego
W182 S8200 Racine Avenue, PO Box 749
Muskego, WI 53150-0749
RE: Request for Proposals
Janesville Road & Racine Avenue Recreational Trails
Dear Dave,
Thank you for the opportunity to provide our proposal for engineering services for the Janesville
Road and Racine Avenue Recreational Trail Projects for the City of Muskego. Based on our review
of the projects and our past experience with similar projects in the City, we are confident we have
a unique understanding of your needs. Our team’s experience working on roadside trail projects
allows Foth to provide a tailored, site-specific approach that balances trail design guidelines with
recreational needs and resident concerns.
Our experienced staff have been providing high-value municipal engineering services to the City
of Muskego for many years. We look forward to continuing our personalized, client-centered ser-
vice on this important project.
Proposed Fee Summary
For the Janesville Road Project, we propose a lump sum fee of $21,600. For the Racine Avenue
Project, we propose a fee of $36,000. If both projects are awarded to Foth, we will reduce the cost
by $4,600 to a total of $53,000.
Please find attached further summary of our team, experience and proposed approach to the proj-
ect. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Foth Infrastructure & Environment, LLC
Thomas J. Ludwig, P.E. Andy M. Schultz, P.E.
State Operations Director Project Manager
2737 South Ridge Road, Suite 600 • P.O. Box 12326
Green Bay, WI 54307-2326
(920) 497-2500 • Fax: (920) 497-8516
Janesville Rd & Racine Ave Recreational Trails
City of Muskego—September 2016
Table of Contents
SECTION 1 Foth Overview & Project Experience ....................1-1
SECTION 2 Project Team ..........................................................2-1
SECTION 3 Project Approach & Scope ....................................3-1
SECTION 4 Schedule & Budget ................................................4-1
Janesville Rd & Racine Ave Recreational Trails
City of Muskego—September 2016
1 Foth Overview & Project Experience
Founded in 1938 in Green Bay, Wisconsin, Foth offers a tradition of
personalized service and smart solutions to government, industrial
and commercial clients. Our firm provides expertise in environmental,
industrial and infrastructure consulting and engineering. Multiple office
locations allow us to serve clients throughout the United States in a
timely and cost-effective manner. Professional publications consistently
rank Foth among the nation’s top engineering consulting firms. Clients
also rank Foth at the top: each year more than 85% of our business
comes from repeat clients.
Foth Companies is organized as a series of Limited Liability
Corporations under the corporate parent of Foth & Van Dyke and
Associates. Foth has over 600 employees in offices in the midwest.
Foth’s Milwaukee office provides transportation and municipal engi-
neering services to clients in Southeast, WI, including WisDOT,
South Milwaukee, Vernon, Pewaukee, Bayside, Walworth, Waukesha,
Caledonia, Muskego, Oak Creek, and Racine County.
Key Project Experience
Durham Drive - Muskego, Wisconsin
Design and construction management of the reconstruction of a
1.5-mile segment of Durham Drive, a major arterial for the City of
Muskego. The project included alignment improvements, a recreation-
al trail, storm sewer and culvert design, water quality stormwater man-
agement, and right-of-way plat preparation. Coordination with utilities
and reviewing agencies, including Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage
District, to meet their requirements for stormwater quality and design.
There was significant public involvement in the plan development due
to widespread interest of local businesses and residents.
Tess Corners Drive - Muskego, Wisconsin
Design and construction management of the reconstruction of a 1.0-
mile segment of Tess Corners Drive from Janesville Road South to
Woods Road; a key arterial road for the City of Muskego. The project
included alignment improvements, a recreational trail, an enhanced
25-year storm event storm sewer, ditch and culvert conveyance design,
water quality stormwater management, and right-of-way plat prepara-
tion. Coordination with utilities and reviewing agencies, including
Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District, to meet their requirements
for stormwater quality and design, and the WDNR due to the extension
Janesville Rd & Racine Ave Recreational Trails
City of Muskego—September 2016
of a 4-barrel crossing culvert. There was significant public involve-
ment in the plan development and careful coordination with the Fire
Department and School Bus Company due to the need for constant
John Nolen Bike Path Rehabilitation - Madison,
This project involves the rehabilitation of a 1,000 ft. segment of the
John Nolen Bike Trail, a heavily traveled urban bike path on the shores
of Lake Monona, minutes from the Monona Terrace. This high visibil-
ity trail project, on the gateway to the City, includes pavement replace-
ment and construction of fills to restore the path to ADA and AASHTO
compliance. The path is constructed on a causeway that has settled
four feet over the years and requires a major improvement. The path
runs along John Nolen Drive, a major corridor used by both vehicles
and bicycles to access the City’s downtown. Future settlement of the
causeway was built into the design so the City will be able to perform
future repairs without affecting the lake. The path was realigned at the
approaches to two bridges to improve visibility for pedestrians and
bikes on the multi-use path. The project is complete and Chapter 30
Permit for fills in Lake Monona were approved without comment.
Fontana Bike Path - Walworth/Fontana,
Design of a multi-use path adjacent to STH 67 along a steep side slope
to connect the villages of Fontana and Walworth. The design used a
combination of paved path and a wooden boardwalk to address the
grade issue and minimize tree damage. The project was completed on
Veterans Memorial Riverwalk - Delafield,
Development of a riverwalk with pedestrian bridge and boardwalks
along two sides of the Bark River through uplands, floodplain and
wetland environments for approximately .75 miles. An 88-foot-long
bowstring truss pedestrian bridge spans the Bark River. The abutments
are supported on concrete-filled steel pipe piles. At one end of the
bridge the expanded abutment also supports a plaza with seating and an
entrance sign.
Janesville Rd & Racine Ave Recreational Trails
City of Muskego—September 2016
2 Project Team
Project Manager
Andy Schultz, P.E. CPESC
Environmental Specialist
Stacey Tushaus, P.E.
Registered Land Surveyor
John Brey, P.L.S.
David Simpson, P.E.
City of Muskego
Director of Public Works / City Engineer
Civil Design/
Plan Preparation
Mike Hein
Project Engineer
Travis Seehawer, E.I.T.
Janesville Rd & Racine Ave Recreational Trails
City of Muskego—September 2016
Project Manager
Andy M. Schultz, PE, CPESC
Mr. Schultz is a project manager and civil engineer specializing in
municipal design, construction, and business development. He has
extensive project experience in water distribution, sewage conveyance,
municipal development, roadway design, and construction manage-
ment. He has managed projects from inception through budgeting,
design, and construction management.
Andy has experience in the public works and construction service area
which includes design and construction management of municipal
street rehabilitation and reconstruction, and municipal utility projects.
Having also served as a municipal engineer, Andy is aware of the
budgetary challenges facing municipalities and utilities and works dili-
gently to complete all projects efficiently and accurately.
Relevant Experience
Durham Drive Design & Reconstruction, City of Muskego, WI.
Construction Manager of the reconstruction of a 1.8-mile segment
of Durham Drive, a major arterial, for the City of Muskego. Project
highlights include converting 900 feet of an existing rural roadway
to an urban cross section and installation of off-road multi-use trail,
which provides key looping for the City of Muskego’s trail system.
The project also included alignment improvements, storm sewer,
drainage improvements, utilities and regulatory agency coordination,
There was significant public involvement in the plan development
which carried through in to construction and included weekly
maintenance of a construction website to update the public.
Tess Corners Reconstruction, City of Muskego, WI. Construction
Manager of the reconstruction of a 1.0-mile segment of Tess Corners
Drive, a major collector, for the City of Muskego. Project includes
the reconstruction of the roadway through a residential corridor
and adding a multi-use trail. Extensive preconstruction utility
coordination and facilitation of a fast track schedule allowed the
entire project to be completed in ten weeks.
Muskego Gateway, City of Muskego, WI. Construction Manager
for the conversion of Moorland Road (Waukesha CTH O) from
College Avenue to Janesville Road to a four lane divided roadway.
Project included approximately of 0.6 miles of concrete pavement,
intersection signalization, coordination with adjacent development
activities, decorative lighting, and landscaping.
B.S. Civil Engineering, University of
Wisconsin-Platteville – 2000
B.S. Environmental Engineering,
University of Wisconsin-Platteville -
Wisconsin Professional Engineer
Certified Professional in Erosion and
Sediment Control (CPESC), 5143,
WisDOT Highway Technician
Certification Program: AGGTEC-1,
PCCTEC-1, and HMA-IPT, 2010
Pipeline Assessment and
Certification Program / Manhole
Assessment and Certification
Program, 2008
National Society of Professional
Wisconsin Society of Professional
Waukesha Engineering Scholarship
Fund, Inc.
American Public Works Association
Janesville Rd & Racine Ave Recreational Trails
City of Muskego—September 2016
B.S., Civil and Environmental
Engineering, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, 1991
Professional Engineer No. 32200,
Wisconsin, 1992
American Society of Civil
Engineering (ASCE)
Stacey Tushaus, P.E.
Stacey is a civil and environmental engineer with diverse engineering,
permitting and management experience. Stacey has served as a proj-
ect engineer for stormwater, sanitary sewer, water main, and landfill
projects. Her stormwater management experience includes site drain-
age, erosion control, floodplain studies, MS4 permitting and grants
for Phase II communities, and stormwater utilities. She has proven
expertise in navigating the fluid complexities of regulatory permitting,
understanding the importance of timing and how it affects the project
schedule. Stacey brings excellent communication skills to all proj-
ects she undertakes, and she enjoys helping build strong relationships
between communities and local and state regulators.
Relevant Experience
Woods Road Bridge Replacement, City of Muskego, Wisconsin.
A failing bridge required quick design and permitting action with
WDNR and USACE. This emergency bridge replacement evolved
into a stream realignment and road intersection redesign involving a
sensitive watercourse between two lakes. Solid communication and
persistence with regulators resulted in a better design for the city and
agencies, and earned compliments from both agencies.
Tess Corners Drive Reconstruction, City of Muskego, Wisconsin.
Coordinated with WDNR and County representatives to obtain
necessary stormwater, construction, and navigable waterway
permitting for roadway reconstruction project.
Durham Drive Road Reconstruction, City of Muskego,
Wisconsin. Obtained necessary WDNR stormwater, construction
and wetland permits.
Caledonia Utility District TID4 Project Management and
Permitting, Village of Caledonia, Wisconsin. This 3-phased
project involved extending the Utility’s sewer and water services to
the I-94 Corridor to spur development. It involved construction of a
sanitary lift station, force main and water main in an area containing
wetlands. Stormwater, construction, sewer/water extension and
wetland permitting was required on tight timeframes.
Cat Island Chain – 2012 Wave Barrier Construction , Brown
County Port & Solid Waste Department, City of Green Bay,
Wisconsin. Coordinated with WDNR to obtain necessary
stormwater, construction and waterway permits for this unique
project led by the USACE to restore these eroding islands.
Janesville Rd & Racine Ave Recreational Trails
City of Muskego—September 2016
Autodesk Certified Professional
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2014
Civil Design/Plan
Michael L. Hein
Mike is a civil designer specializing in plan development and design
of private and public infrastructure projects. He has worked in govern-
mental, municipal, and residential markets. Mike coordinates technical
design and survey while overseeing the computer-aided design and
plan production of municipal roadway, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and
water main projects. Mike also has survey experience consisting of
property boundary staking and preparation of plats, staking of under-
ground utilities and roadways, and existing topographic survey.
Relevant Experience
Tess Corners Reconstruction, City of Muskego, WI. Responsible
for roadway design of the reconstruction of a 0.9-mile segment of
Tess Corners Drive, a major collector, for the City of Muskego.
Project includes the reconstruction of the roadway through a
residential corridor and adding a multi-use trail.
Bayside Municipal Water Project 1 – North Phase, Mequon
Water Utility, Village of Bayside. Responsible for plan preparation,
CAD standards and vertical design for 24,000 lf of 8” water main,
3900 lf of which was directionally drilled.
Bayside Municipal Water Project 1 – South Phase, Mequon
Water Utility, Village of Bayside. Responsible for plan preparation,
CAD standards and vertical design for 26,000 lf of 8” water main,
9100 lf of which was directionally drilled.
TID #4 Utility Extensions, Caledonia Utility District, Village
of Caledonia. Responsible for plan preparation, CAD standards
and vertical design for an 8.8 MGD lift station and over 6 miles
of sanitary sewer and water mains to serve the I-94 corridor in the
Village of Caledonia.
Bayside Water Main Project, Mequon Water Utility, Village of
Bayside. Responsible for plan preparation, CAD standards and
vertical design for 13,300 lf of 8” water main, 1900 lf of which was
directionally drilled.
Rolling Ridge South Addition 7, City of Waukesha, Waukesha
County, Wisconsin. Responsible for design of the sanitary sewer,
water main and roadway. Duties also included responsibilities with
the grading and erosion control planning, the preparation of the
Preliminary and Final Plats.
Janesville Rd & Racine Ave Recreational Trails
City of Muskego—September 2016
Travis Seehawer, E.I.T
Travis has performed construction services for various municipal proj-
ects including observation and construction staking. Travis is a certified
WisDOT AGGTEC-I and PCCTEC-I. He also has civil design experi-
ence involving roadway, water main, and sanitary sewer design along
with grading and erosion control.
Relevant Experience
Aster Hills Estates, Muskego, Wisconsin. Preformed project
observation for a 53 lot residential development. Responsibilities
included construction inspection and documentation of underground
utilities, curb and gutter, and HMA pavement.
Belle Chasse Subdivision Phase 3, Muskego, Wisconsin. This
56-lot subdivision extension included extending the local road,
storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and water main. Project responsibilities
included construction inspection and documentation of underground
utilities. Also responsible for producing accurate record drawings for
the client.
Tess Corners Drive, City of Muskego, Wisconsin. Assisted with
construction staking for the reconstruction of a 0.9-mile segment
of Tess Corners Drive, a major collector, for the City of Muskego.
Project included the reconstruction of the roadway through
residential corridor and adding a multi-use trail.
Kremer Addition Reconstruction, Caledonia, Wisconsin.
Construction technician for the 1.5 mile road and utility
reconstruction project. Project included reconstructing existing
rural cross section to an urban cross section with new storm
sewer, storm tile, sanitary sewer, water main, and 25,000 lineal
feet of sewer lining in the adjacent subdivision. Responsible for
maintaining project records, quantity calculations, and assisting with
Whitnall Park Drive Bridge Construction, Milwaukee,
Wisconsin. Assisted project engineer for the construction of two
local street bridge replacements in Milwaukee County for WisDOT.
Performed project observation, logging all materials, quantities and
observations in daily inspection reports.
Project Engineer
B.S. – Civil Engineering, University
of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2015
Engineer in Training, Wisconsin,
WisDOT Highway Technician
Certification Program: AGGTEC-1,
Janesville Rd & Racine Ave Recreational Trails
City of Muskego—September 2016
Registered Land Surveyor,
Wisconsin, 1976
Registered Land Surveyor, Iowa,
Registered Land
John L. Brey, P.L.S.
John L. Brey serves as a Lead Surveyor for WisDOT projects. John’s
responsibilities include project management and coordination of field
and office activities for surveying projects, including project coordina-
tion, data collection, computer-assisted drafting/computations, right-of-
way platting, mapping, and field survey operations. His transportation
experience includes cross section and topographic surveys, right-of-
way plats, construction staking, easement surveys, and section corner
monumentation. John’s WisDOT experience includes survey projects
for the SW, NC, and NW regions (Previously Districts 1, 4, 5, and 6.)
Relevant Experience
Woods Road Bridge Replacement, City of Muskego, Wisconsin.
A failing bridge required quick design and permitting action with
WDNR and USACE. This emergency bridge replacement evolved
into a stream realignment and road intersection redesign involving
a sensitive watercourse between two lakes. John’s responsibilities
included staking construction and monumenting the right-of-way
TID #4 Sewer and Water Projects, Caledonia Utility District,
Wisconsin. Responsible for acquisition of topographic survey data
to support design and provided construction staking for over 6 miles
of sewer and water main and associated lift station. Responsibilities
included providing coordination for Diggers Hotline, establishing
horizontal and vertical control, providing field survey for acquisition
of topographic data utilizing electronic data collection, topographic
data reduction and input to AutoCAD Civil 3D design software,
design of water main facilities utilizing AutoCAD Civil 3D design
software, and providing line and grade staking for construction.
Bayside Water Main Projects, Mequon Water Utility, Wisconsin.
Responsible for acquisition of topographic survey data to support
design and provided construction staking for 50,000 lf of water main
for the Village of Bayside. Responsibilities included providing
coordination for Diggers Hotline, establishing horizontal and vertical
control, providing field survey for acquisition of topographic data
utilizing electronic data collection, topographic data reduction and
input to AutoCAD Civil 3D design software, design of water main
facilities utilizing AutoCAD Civil 3D design software, and providing
line and grade staking for construction.
Janesville Rd & Racine Ave Recreational Trails
City of Muskego—September 2016
3 Project Approach & Scope
The Janesville Road and Racine Avenue recreational trail projects have
the potential to be very popular with the local residents, or very polar-
izing due to the impacts on properties where the trail is physically
located. Many Muskego residents are very active and utilize existing
trails or roads where trails do not exist. It is imperative that these trails
be connected for the safety of recreational and vehicular users within
the City. While the need for trails is evident to many in the community,
the “not in my backyard” sentiment can overwhelm “the good of the
whole” and result in no action. Foth’s team is experienced in dealing
with difficult issues and appealing to the greater good for completion
of a project. Elements for a successful project include:
Consensus-building public involvement and relations communicated
by an experienced Foth team led by the Project Manager.
Installing the proposed trails within the existing right-of-way where
possible. The team has experience designing meandering trails to
minimize impacts to trees, structures, utilities, and drainage ways.
Detailed drainage analysis to ensure existing driveway culverts are
sized appropriately and altered ditch sections can continue to safely
convey a standard design storm.
Skilled permitting; Foth’s team has extensive and similar permitting
experience with the WDNR staff within Waukesha County, having
successfully worked with the staff on the Durham Drive and Tess
Corners Road projects and the Woods Road Bridge replacement
project. A local assured wetland delineator will perform the wetland
delineation within the project areas, allowing the design team to
avoid or minimize wetland impacts where possible.
Janesville Rd & Racine Ave Recreational Trails
City of Muskego—September 2016
Wetland Delineation
Wetland delineation of both project limits by a local assured wetland
delineator. Foth has been guaranteed that assured delineations will be
performed this season (by October 31st per DNR) if direction is given
in the next two weeks.
Survey limits include at a minimum:
Western half of Racine Ave ROW and 20 feet of all adjacent private
property along the project extent.
Southern half of Janesville Ave ROW and 20 feet of all adjacent
private property along the project extent.
Information to include all data necessary to complete 100% plan
sets including edge of pavement/curbs, rights-of-way, property lines,
topography, environmental features/wetlands, utilities, guard rails,
fences and other private structures, stormwater structures, and all
other pertinent features.
Racine Avenue - 100% Design:
Creation of all plans and specifications.
Storm sewer design across the existing four, single-family home
Culvert extension design (including guardrail modifications) and all
applicable State and Federal permitting for the large culverts under
Racine Avenue.
Coordination and permitting with Waukesha County.
All plans and data shall be provided to the City in AutoCAD format
and shall not be protected against use.
Janesville Road - 30% Design:
Two (2) alignments: with and without storm sewer, assuming right-
of-way will need to be acquired, so that impacts to the environment
and private property can be analyzed including cost implications.
Foth also proposes to review the north side of Janesville Road from
College Avenue to S. Conservancy Drive. We believe there is an
opportunity to simplify the project by putting the path on the north
Janesville Rd & Racine Ave Recreational Trails
City of Muskego—September 2016
side of the road in that area because it is considerably more open, the
road shoulder does not drop off like the south side, and likely less
private property issues.
All plans and data shall be provided to the City in AutoCAD format
and shall not be protected against use.
Project Cost Estimates
Racine Avenue:
Complete an Engineer’s Estimate of probable construction costs with
the 30%, 60%, and 100% plans.
Janesville Road:
Complete an Engineer’s Estimate of probable construction costs with
the 30% plans.
City Staff Meetings
Meet with City Staff as needed to complete the projects. Four meet-
ings are anticipated for Racine Avenue and three for Janesville Road.
Public Information Meetings
Attend and provide exhibits for one public informational meeting for
each project. The Racine Avenue PIM will be held after the 30% plans
are approved. The Janesville Road PIM will be held after the two
alternatives are complete and the City has had time to approve the 30%
plan alternatives, no later than April 28, 2017.
Public Works Committee Meeting
Foth will attend one Public Works Committee meeting for each project
Bidding Assistance
Bidding assistance including recommendation of award will be pro-
vided for the Racine Avenue Project.
Project Map
Identified Issues:
Janesville Road Recreational Trail Proposal
City of Muskego
September 2016
W Janesvill
C ollege Ave (CTH H
Windsor Rd
Path Design
The route includes power lines, storm-
water culverts, drainage swales, wet-
lands, fences, extensive filling and likely
property acquisitions. The path will
meander to avoid conflicts where pos-
sible and generally follow the existing
ground, maintaining drainage and mini-
mizing the impacts to the surrounding
Intersection Designs
Intersections with Kipling Drive and
private drives present unique challenges
with regard to intersecting paths with
curb lines, topography, and drainage.
Foth’s team is experienced in resolving
these design details.
Regulatory Impacts
Given area soils, there are potentially
numerous wetlands within the drainage
swales along Janesville Road. In addi-
tion, a preliminary endangered resources
review indicates that endangered
resources are present and the species
present are legally protected. Foth’s
team has extensive experience with
WDNR, USACE and Waukesha County
Staff and has successfully completed
similar permitting within very tight
Alternative Path Analysis
Due to anticipated extensive impacts to
wetlands, properties, and drainage, Foth
is proposing to include a potentially less
costly segment for the path along a short
portion of the north side of Janesville
2 31
Project Map
Identified Issues:
Racine Avenue Recreational Trail Proposal
City of Muskego
September 2016
Intersection Designs
Intersections with Muskego High School
with intersecting paths, topography, and
driveways can be easily modified to
accommodate the new path.
Path Design
The majority of the route is anticipated
to stay on the west side of the road and
slope towards the roadside ditch. The
goal is to stay within the right-of-way,
or if not possible, obtain license agree-
ments with the school district.
Storm Sewer Design
In order to minimize impact to the
single-family homes along the route, the
existing open swale/culvert along Racine
Avenue will be converted to storm sewer
across the frontage of the four homes to
accommodate the new path.
Regulatory Impacts
The design will include extending the
existing culverts under Racine Avenue,
requiring USACE and WDNR Chapter
30 permits. In addition, given area soils
there are potentially numerous wetlands
within the drainage swales along Racine
Avenue, requiring USACE and WDNR
wetland permits. Lastly, a preliminary
endangered resources review indicates
that endangered resources are pres-
ent and the species present are legally
protected. Foth’s team has extensive
experience with WDNR, USACE and
Waukesha County Staff and has suc-
cessfully completed similar permitting
within very tight timeframes.
High School
Janesville Rd & Racine Ave Recreational Trails
City of Muskego—September 2016
4 Schedule & Budget
Janesville Road Schedule
Foth will provide the 30% plan alternatives and Engineer’s Esti-
mate of probable construction costs on schedule with ample time
for City Staff review prior to the public information meeting to
held no later than April 28, 2017.
Racine Avenue Schedule
Foth will provide the 30%, 60%, & 100% plans and Engineer’s
Estimate of probable construction costs on schedule in accordance
with the bid opening held no later than March 9, 2017.
Estimated Budget
For the Janesville Road Project, we propose a lump sum fee of
$21,600. For the Racine Avenue Project, we propose a fee of $36,000.
If both projects are awarded to Foth, we will reduce the cost by $4,600
to a total of $53,000.