Fireside Orchard Roadway Improvements Assessment Boundary Legal
All that part of the Southwest ¼ of the Northeast ¼ and the Northwest ¼ of the Southeast
¼ of Section 18, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, Waukesha County Wisconsin bounded
and described as follows;
Commencing at the Northwest corner of Lot 4, Fireside Orchard Subdivision, said point
also being the point of beginning; thence S 87°32’43” W 877.21 feet, to the Northeast
corner of Lot 1, said Fireside Orchard Subdivision; thence S 01°02’49” E along the East
line of said Lot 1 a distance of 158.26 feet, to the North right-of-way line of Fireside
Drive; thence N 87°32’43” E along said North line 225.25 feet, to a point on a curve;
thence Northeasterly 23.19 feet along the arc of a curve whose center is to the West,
having a radius of 15.00 feet and chord bearing of N 43°14’57” E and a Chord distance of
20.95 feet, to the West right-of way of Hillendale Drive; thence S 01°02’49” E along said
West line 90.02 feet to the South right-of-way line of said Fireside Drive also being a
point on a curve; thence Northwesterly 23.93 feet along said South line and along the arc
of a curve whose center is to the West, having a radius of 15.00 feet and a chord bearing
of N 46°45’03” W and a chord distance of 21.47 feet; thence continuing along said South
line S 87°32’43” W 194.50 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 13 of said Fireside
Orchard Subdivision; thence S 01°02’49” E 260.11 feet, to the South line of said Lot 13;
thence continuing along said South line and along the South line of Lots 11 and 12, in
said Fireside Orchard Subdivision S 87°32’43” W 355.91 feet, to West line of said Lot
11; thence N 02°27’17” W along said West line 260.04 feet to said South Fireside Drive
right-of-way; thence S 87°32’43” W along said South line 30.00 feet, to the East line of
Lot 10 of said Fireside Orchard Subdivision; Thence S 02°27’17” E along said East line
233.16 feet, to the South line of said Lot 10; thence S 87°32’43” W 50.55 feet, to the East
line of Lot 8 in said Fireside Orchard Subdivision; thence S 02°27’17” E, along said East
line 141.98 feet, to the North line of Lot 17 , of Fireside Orchard Addition No. 1; thence
N 87°32’43” E 77.02 feet, to the East line of said Lot 17; thence S 01°08’32” E along the
said East line and along the East line of Lot 16, of said Subdivision 240.00 feet, to the
South line of said Subdivision; thence S 87°32’43” W along said South line 549.99 feet
to the West line of said Subdivision; thence N 01°07’05” W along said West line and
along said West line of Fireside Orchard Subdivision 457.00 feet to the South line of the
Northeast ¼ of said Section 18; thence continuing along the West line of said Fireside
Orchard Subdivision N 01°06’54” W 376.51 feet to the point of beginning