CCR2013005-JanesvilleGrantLoanProgram-Drefahl COMMON COUNCIL – CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #005-2013 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A GRANT FROM THE APPROVED JANESVILLE ROAD BUILDING AND GRANT PROGRAM (ANDREW DREFAHL/WFA ECONOMETRICS S77 W18512 JANESVILLE ROAD) WHEREAS, The Common Council approved the Janesville Road Building and Site Grant Program per Resolution #105-2009 to help foster the development and redevelopment of the properties affected by the upcoming Janesville Road reconstruction, and WHEREAS, The Common Council has designated the Community Development Authority (CDA) as the recommending approval body for the grant program, and WHEREAS, A submittal from S77 W18512 Janesville Road (Andrew Drefahl/WFA Econometrics) has been received, which requests matching grant monies to assist with revitalizing some of the main portions of the front building facade; and WHEREAS, The CDA has recommended approval of the grant request of $3,000 subject to the restrictions outlined below at its January 15, 2013 meeting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby allow a grant of $3,000 to S77 W18512 Janesville Road subject to the following restrictions: A. Projects must be completed within 12 months of Common Council approval or the grant shall become void. B. Changes in the approved work, that affect the monetary value of the grant issued, must be approved by the CDA and possibly other City boards (The City’s Planning Commission if change is deemed substantial to what was originally approved). C. Approved changes in work verifications will be attached to the original applications dated and signed by the City’s Community Development Department. D. The applicant and Community Development Department staff will review proof of payment and completed work before the grant payment will be made to the applicant. Payment will only be issued when it is verified that the work completed matches the work approved by the CDA and Common Council. E. Deviations from an approved plan may disqualify the applicant from this program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the grant may be issued by the Department of Finance and Administration once the above restrictions are satisfied per the discretion of the Community Development Director. Reso. #005-2013 Page 2 ND DATED THIS 22 DAY OF ____JANUARY__ ___, 2013. SPONSORED BY: Ald. Rob Glazier Ald. Rob Wolfe This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #005-2013 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. ____________________________ Clerk-Treasurer