Pioneer Drive Water Assessment Area
All that part of the Southeast 1/4 and Southwest 1/4 of Section 9, Town 5 North, Range
20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin bounded and described as
Commencing at the intersection of the extended North line of Parcel A Certified Survey
Map No. 1136 and the centerline of Pioneer Drive, said point also being the point of
beginning; thence Northwesterly along said North line 198 feet more or less to the
Westerly line of said Parcel A; thence Northerly 143 feet more or less along the Westerly
lines of properties identified by Tax-Key No. Mskc 2195-957 and Mskc 2195-958, to the
Southwest corner of a property identified by Tax-Key No. Mskc 2195-960; thence
Northwesterly along said property line 153 feet more or less to the Northerly line of said
property; thence Easterly 318 feet more or less along said Northerly line and the
Northerly line of a property identified by Tax-Key No. Mskc 2195-961, to the centerline
of Pioneer Drive; thence Northerly along said centerline 119 feet more or less; thence
Southeasterly 190 feet to the Easterly line of a property identified by Tax-Key No. Mskc
2196-996-001; thence Southerly along said Easterly line 66 feet to the Southerly line of
said property; thence Westerly along said Southerly line 40 feet; thence Southerly 404
feet more or less along the Easterly lines of properties identified by Tax-Key No. Mskc
2196-996-001, 2196-994, 2196-993, 2196-992, 2196-991, 2196-990, 2196-989, and
2196-988, to the Southerly line of said property identified by Tax-Key No. Mskc 2196-
988; thence Westerly 150 feet along said Southerly line, to the centerline of Pioneer
Drive; thence Southerly 29 feet more or less along said centerline, to the point of