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Staff Report to Public Works Committee
To: Public Works Committee
From: David Simpson, P.E., Director of Public Works/City Engineer
Subject: Review Funding Agreement MU04 between the City and MMSD for
Private Property Infiltration & Inflow Reduction Program
Date: March 16, 2012
The attached agreement will provide for grant funding from the MMSD to the City
to complete the necessary repair work to defects that were discovered during the
first phase of the City’s Private Property Infiltration & Inflow Reduction project.
The first phase of investigation detected five homes with lateral defects and six
homes that will benefit from the installation of a groundwater migration barrier
(trench dam).
The attached agreement will provide for the funding of the work by the MMSD. No
contributions will be required of the homeowners. At this point, participation will
be voluntary.
Recommend approval of Funding Agreement MU04 between the City and MMSD.
Funding Agreement MU04
Private Property Infiltration and Inflow Reduction Agreement
This Agreement is made between the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District
(District) with its principal place of business at 260 West Seeboth Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
53204-1446 and the City of Muskego (Municipality), with its municipal offices at W182S8200
Racine Ave, Muskego, Wisconsin 53150.
WHEREAS, Wisconsin law, through Section 66.30 Stats., authorizes any municipality to
enter into an intergovernmental cooperation agreement with another municipality for the
furnishing of services; and
WHEREAS, the District is responsible for collecting and treating wastewater from the
Municipality’s locally owned collection system; and
WHEREAS, the Municipality’s sewers collect wastewater from lateral sewers located on
private property and owned by private property owners; and
WHEREAS, during wet weather events stormwater enters lateral sewers through
defective pipes and leaky joints and connections (“infiltration) and stormwater also enters lateral
sewers from foundation drains, improper connections and other sources (“inflow”); infiltration
and inflow increases the amount of wastewater that the District must collect and treat; and
WHEREAS, during wet weather events infiltration and inflow (“I/I”) into privately
owned sewers contributes to the risk of sewer overflows and basement backups; and
WHEREAS, the District wishes to fund measures to reduce I/I from private property.
Now, therefore, for the consideration of the mutual promises made by the parties to this
Agreement, the parties agree as follows:
1. Date of Agreement
This Agreement becomes effective immediately upon signature by both parties and shall
end when the Work has been completed; or when this Agreement is otherwise terminated as set
forth herein.
2. District Funding
The District shall fund the cost of the private property I/I control work described in
Attachment A (“the Work”) up to a cost of $42,000, plus unspent authorized money from
previous Funding Agreements. Design work will be done by a consultant (Brown & Caldwell)
currently under contract with the District. The District shall pay the consultant invoices directly,
after review and concurrence by the Municipality. Construction work will be done by a
Contractor to be determined through public bidding. The District will reimburse Municipality
for Contractor costs. Beyond the financial support for the Work, the District shall have no
involvement in ownership, construction, maintenance or operation of the Work. The
Municipality shall identify the District as a funder in informational literature and signage.
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3. Procedure for Payment
The District shall pay consultant invoices directly. Upon receipt of invoices the District
shall transmit copies of the invoices to the Municipality. The Municipality shall review the
invoices within 5 working days, and will indicate if it identifies any discrepancies or problems.
The invoice amount(s) paid directly by the District shall be deducted from City of Muskego
remaining allocation balance.
For Contractor costs, the Municipality shall submit an invoice to the District for the
amount to be reimbursed. The invoice should include a documentation of all costs to be
reimbursed. Invoices from consultants shall provide the hourly billing rates, if applicable, the
hours worked by individuals, and a summary of the tasks accomplished.
Reports and invoices shall be submitted to:
Jerome Flogel, P.E.
Senior Project Manager
Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District
260 West Seeboth Street
Milwaukee, WI 53204 – 1446
No final reimbursement will be provided until the project is complete and the
Deliverables have been received.
4. Deliverables
Municipality shall provide the Deliverables listed in Attachment A to the District to the
attention of:
Jerome Flogel, P.E.
Senior Project Manager
Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District
260 West Seeboth Street
Milwaukee, WI 53204 – 1446
5. Changes in Work and Modifications to the Agreement
Any changes to the Work must be approved by the District, in writing, in advance. The
District may not reimburse for work that is not included in Attachment A unless prior written
approval from the District is obtained.
This Agreement may be modified only by a writing signed by both parties.
6. Ongoing Reporting Obligation
For a period of five years following the completion of the Work, the Municipality agrees
to report to the District any problems which may arise with the completed Work. This
information may be used by the District in planning future I/I reduction efforts.
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7. Permits, Certificates and Licenses
The Municipality is solely responsible for ensuring compliance with all federal, state and
local laws requiring permits, certificates and licenses required to implement the Work.
8. Public Bidding
In addition to the statutory requirements applicable to the Municipality, any work done
and any purchases of materials and supplies involving an expenditure of greater than $25,000
shall be subject to public bidding, with a contract awarded to the lowest responsible bidder
complying with the invitation to bid.
9. Responsibility for Work, Insurance and Indemnification
The Municipality is solely responsible for planning, design, construction and maintenance
of the Work, including the selection and payment of consultants, contractors, and materials. The
Municipality is solely responsible for ensuring compliance with Wisconsin prevailing wage law.
The District shall not provide any insurance coverage of any kind for the Work or the
The Municipality shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the District and its
Commissioners, employees, and agents against any and all damages, costs, liability and expense
whatsoever (including attorneys fees and related disbursements) arising from or connected with
the planning, design, construction, operation or maintenance of the Work.
10. Terminating the Agreement
The District may terminate this Agreement at any time prior to commencement of the
Work. After the Work has commenced, the District may terminate the Agreement only for good
cause, such as, but not limited to, breach of agreement by the Municipality. The Municipality
may terminate the Agreement at any time, but will not receive any payment from the District if
the Work is not completed.
11. Exclusive Agreement
This is the entire Agreement between the Municipality and the District regarding
reimbursement for Work.
12. Severability
If any part of this Agreement is held unenforceable, the rest of the Agreement will
continue in effect.
13. Applicable Law
This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Wisconsin.
14. Resolving Disputes
If a dispute arises under this Agreement, the parties agree to first try to resolve the dispute
with the help of a mutually agreed-upon mediator in Milwaukee County. Any costs and fees
other than attorney fees associated with the mediation shall be shared equally by the parties. If
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the dispute is not resolved within 30 days after it is referred to the mediator, either party may take
the matter to court.
15. Notices
All notices and other communications in connection with this Agreement shall be in
writing and shall be considered given as follows:
● when delivered personally to the recipient's address as stated on this Agreement;
● three days after being deposited in the United States mail, with postage prepaid to
the recipient's address as stated on this Agreement.
16. No Partnership
This Agreement does not create a partnership relationship nor give the Municipality the
apparent authority to make promises binding upon the District. The Municipality does not have
authority to enter into contracts on the District's behalf.
17. Assignment
The Municipality may not assign any rights or obligations under this Agreement without
the District's prior written approval.
18. Public Records
The Municipality agrees to cooperate and assist the District in the production of any
records in the possession of the Municipality that are subject to disclosure by the District
pursuant to the State of Wisconsin’s Open Records Law, §§19.31-19.39, Wis. Stats. The
Municipality agrees to indemnify the District against any and all claims, demands, and causes of
action resulting from the Municipality’s failure to comply with this requirement.
By: By:
Kevin L. Shafer, P.E. Kathy Chiaverotti
Executive Director Mayor
Date: Date:
Approved as to form: ______
Attorney for the District
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Attachment A
Municipality: City of Muskego
Type of Work: Design and Construction
Title: Private Property Inflow and Infiltration (PPII) Reduction Work Plan #4 – Design and Construction
of PPII Related Mitigation Measures
An internal and external building inspection and lateral inspection of properties that participated in Work
Plan #2 (70 properties) identified approximately 5 homes with lateral defects that require spot repairs and 6
homes with dye transfer from the sanitary sewer lateral trench into the sump pump crock, thereby requiring
a groundwater migration barrier.
Groundwater migration barriers are required for laterals, where during our dye testing, dye transfer was
noted from the lateral into the sump pump crock of the home. This indicates a strong, direct connection
between the lateral trench and the sump crock which, under significant rainfall events, can cause excessive
contribution of flow to the sump pump; which if unable to keep up with flow, would overflow to the floor
drain and therefore into the sanitary sewer system.
In the past, the City conducted pilot projects to mitigate/correct inflow problems where it was believed that
groundwater / wet weather flows were traveling along the sanitary lateral trenches and entering the house
foundation. The City has had some success with removing a portion of the stone bed/trench material from
an area near the foundation and then filling the trench with impermeable material to block the flow path
(groundwater migration barrier).
Collectively, repairing the lateral defects and installing groundwater migration barriers will directly and
indirectly reduce private property I/I flow contributions to the City’s sanitary sewer system.
The City would like to engage the District’s selected consultant team of Brown and Caldwell/AECOM for
this effort. In general, the scope of work described in the following section will identify the effort to
design, bid, construct, and provide construction oversight for lateral spot repairs and the installation of
impermeable barriers to block groundwater migration from the sanitary sewer lateral trench into the
foundation drain/sump pump system. The City will explore the potential to collaborate with homeowners
to bid the work as a single municipal construction contract with the expectation that a higher volume of
work will lead to more competitive construction pricing. The construction elements will be awarded to the
winning bidder(s).
Scope of Work
The following Scope of Work describes efforts related to the design of recommended rehabilitation
measures for the above described 11 defects on properties currently contributing significant I/I into the
sanitary sewer system. The following basic steps for the Work Plan include:
1. Provide general project management and coordination activities.
2. Develop plans and specifications (assumes a single set of plan and specification documents) for
sanitary sewer lateral repairs and installation of impermeable trench barriers suitable for bidding,
as applicable for each property, depending upon the findings from Work Plan #2:
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3. As the cost of the work and the number of properties are limited, the Scope includes
drawings and limited specifications required to obtain bids from prospective contractors.
4. A Prevailing Wage Rate from the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development
would be required if the value of the work completed for all 11 defects following design is
believed to be greater than the minimum threshold of $48,000.
Present a draft set of documents to the City at 60% completion for review and
comment. Review comments will then be incorporated into a final set of bidding
documents, which will be produced and delivered to the City of Muskego for
distribution to prospective bidders (If requested, Brown and Caldwell/AECOM can
provide the added service of plan distribution). The Contract Documents will consist
of the “front end” documents, instructions to bidders, bid form and technical
specifications. It is assumed that Brown and Caldwell/AECOM will develop technical
specifications and an initial set of “front end” documents will be provided by the City
(If requested, Brown and Caldwell/AECOM can develop the “front end” documents
as an additional service.) Drawings will be produced at an 11” x 17” size for
electronic distribution with 15 copies also provided to the City for hard copy
distribution if needed.
5. Bid related services including development and issuance of any required addendum(a). Brown
and Caldwell/AECOM will publically advertise the project in a local paper, identified by the City
of Muskego. We have included a $100 allowance for the cost of the advertisement. Brown and
Caldwell/AECOM will attend the bid opening, review the bid proposals received and prepare a
letter of recommendation of award. Brown and Caldwell/AECOM will prepare formal contracts
for signature by Contractor and the City of Muskego.
6. Construction management and inspection services (part time). Brown and Caldwell/AECOM will
manage the contractor’s effort including scheduling work with property owners (as required),
coordinate inspection services during excavation and lateral rehabilitation / groundwater migration
barrier installation and confirm quantities of work completed for payment. We will confirm that
the restoration is completed and established to the requirements of the specifications.
7. Reimbursement of construction costs to residents or the City for PPII related improvements.
8. Preparation and attendance at one public/municipal meeting.
Schedule and Estimated Timeline for Expenses
The City desires to begin the design immediately upon acceptance of approval from the District.
Since the City will be utilizing the District’s PPII Consulting Team (Brown and Caldwell/AECOM), it is
anticipated that the District will see expenses related to this Work Plan starting approximately 30 days after
initiation of the work plan (first invoice assumed to be early April based on an March start) and final
expenses approximately 30 days after completion of the construction and final acceptance of contractor
work. Assuming that project construction begins June 7th, with a 3-week construction period, the
construction would be complete about June 28th with a final payment request coming in early July
depending on the final acceptance and payment approval process. The actual timeline may vary depending
on the final design components selected, contactor schedule, and approvals processes.
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The budget estimate includes $17,056 allocated to the District’s Consultant Team (Brown and
Caldwell/AECOM) and up to $57,200 for construction (implementation), a total of $74,256. Breakdown
for this scope of work is as follows:
1. Develop and Manage Work Plan - $960
2. Planning - $0
3. Inspection - $6,624
4. Design - $8,992
5. Implementation - $57,200
6. GIS - $0
7. Technical Assistance (survey/permitting) - $0
8. Public Involvement (M03063E03) - $480
It is estimated that following all ongoing engineering work and leaving a small contingency, there will be
approximately $26,000 remaining under the current Work Plan #2 budget. Therefore, assuming that the
remaining funds anticipated from Work Plan #2 can be accessed under this Work Plan, the additional
funding required by the City to complete this Work Plan, is $48,256 ($74,256 -$26,000).
Data Collection
No data collection or survey is currently identified under this Work Plan. It is anticipated that the previous
investigation work completed under Work Plan #2, in coordination with the City’s GIS system, will be
sufficient to locate and describe the work required of the construction contract.
Goals and Anticipated Outcomes
It is the City’s goal to repair the defects associated with the more problematic items identified under Work
Plan #2. It is anticipated that success would be proven by the lack of infiltration entering the sanitary
sewer laterals and/or migrating into the sump pumps once the defects are corrected.
The City will provide a copy of the design plans, completed by Brown and Caldwell/AECOM to the City
and District.
The City, through Brown and Caldwell/AECOM, will also provide records of the parcel improvements in a
brief a summary report to the District consisting of the number of homes, the type and nature of the
previous defects and those corrected, including a qualitative basis for the I/I removal achieved, as well as
any properties that chose not to take part in this effort.
1. 60% plans and spec for review
2. Final contract documents.
3. Bid results
4. Notification of project and public meetings.
5. Samples of public involvement documents and resident correspondence documents.
6. Inspection reports from the field engineer or municipal inspectors for work completedon a monthly
basis or with expense reimbursement request, whichever occurs more frequently.
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7. Quality control and quality assurance reports by the contractor and/or municipal inspector
submitted on a regular basis as work progresses.
8. Summary report of quantifiable results of the work that should include pre-work baseline data if
9. Strategy for extended monitoring of results.
10. Data base format of participant information including property tax i.d., address, and colunms for
type of work performed by property.
11. Photo documentation of project work in jpeg format on disc, jump drive or other format agreeable
to both parties.